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Found 4 results

  1. Hey folks, Per the #1997 ticket , starting a thread for the gharial. ---------------------------------------------- Model The crocodile as in source blend as a comparaison. Triangle count of 507. Waiting approval. ---------------------------------------------- Texturing: Not being able for now to procedural texture the animals given the need for high detail on low poly, I decal photo texture into the lp model. So I prefer to wait for model approval to have as little as possible deformation in the texture. Question: I found some nice images on a website called pixabay.com . Create an account and the texture are said to be under their #pixabay licence which looks like a creative commons, sort of. Link to their terms: pixabay licence I guess that allows us to use them to texture cc0 models? Anyway, here is my list of textures that I will use, probably not all but well. I have a list for me, but I figure that if someone wants to take the mantle for whatever reason, better documents and threads are good to have. Pixabay or wikimedia commons for the deposit source. ---------------------------------------------- Rigging done by reusing the crocodile .blend in the source ---------------------------------------------- Animation Crocodile animation do not cleanly translate to the new model. I need to some clean up of the swim animation. For the walking, I learned that the gharial doesn't have the musculature to walk. He gliddes by dragging is body on the ground. Animation should reflect that, but then is it possible to code the behavior for it to not go to far from shores. I mean, it would be great to see a giant reptile glidding through the map but well not really realistic. XD
  2. Hi people. Is it possible to add two upgrades for a building (tower in this case)? I tried the following: <Upgrade> <Tower> <Entity>structures/{civ}_stone_tower</Entity> <Tooltip></Tooltip> <Cost> <wood>50</wood> <stone>50</stone> </Cost> <Time>10</Time> </Tower> </Upgrade> <Upgrade> <Tower> <Entity>structures/{civ}_wooden_tower</Entity> <Tooltip></Tooltip> <Cost> <wood>50</wood> <stone>50</stone> </Cost> <Time>10</Time> </Tower> </Upgrade> I didn't work, only one appears. Am I doing something wrong?
  3. I was looking for a simple method to query all templates and found jsawk quite capable. It is a command line tool and works on JSON files. I've exported the templates (6MB) and made a smaller file (10kB) to test it. Jsawk needs SpiderMonkey's jsshell, you'll get it here at Mozilla, or may have it somewhere in the build folder after compiling. For simplicity I've put jsshell, jsawk and the templates JSON in the same folder. > ./jsawk -j ./js -i templates.A18.json.small -a 'return this.length'10-j tells jsawk where jsshell is and -i the input file, the command returns the number of templates in the small file. Each template has an attribute 'name' which is the name of the template. > ./jsawk -j ./js -i templates.A18.json.small 'return this.name' -a 'return this.join("\n")'structures/athen_fortressskirmish/structures/iber_wall_longunits/mace_mechanical_siege_lithobolos_packedunits/gaul_support_female_citizenunits/pers_ship_biremestructures/iber_wall_shortunits/ptol_ship_quinqueremeunits/gaul_cavalry_swordsman_eunits/athen_hero_periclesunits/sele_ship_biremeIn 'return this.name' this refers to the template, which is a JS object. In the command -a, this refers to the full result set. One can run any JS expression in these commands and use the shell for sorting. Of course you can pipe a result like this into a csv file and continue with Excel or Calc. > ./jsawk -j ./js -i templates.A18.json.small 'return [this.Identity.Civ, this.name, this.Armour.Crush]' -a 'return this.join("\n")' | sortathen,structures/athen_fortress,2athen,units/athen_hero_pericles,25gaul,units/gaul_cavalry_swordsman_e,6gaul,units/gaul_support_female_citizen,15iber,structures/iber_wall_short,3.0mace,units/mace_mechanical_siege_lithobolos_packed,1pers,units/pers_ship_bireme,5ptol,units/ptol_ship_quinquereme,5sele,units/sele_ship_bireme,5skirm,skirmish/structures/iber_wall_long,3.0Jsawk supports JSONquery to filter results: > ./jsawk -j ./js -i templates.A18.json.small -q '.*[?Armour.Crush > 10]' 'return this.name'["units/gaul_support_female_citizen","units/athen_hero_pericles"]At first the syntax appears a bit, well, awkward, but it supports full automation. All the other tools I've checked are somewhat limited. Have fun!
  4. Currently, unit template files have a translatable field called Tooltip. This field, as far as I’ve seen, may contain the following information: • Unit classes (recently prefixed by ‘Classes:’). • Units that this unit counters (prefixed by ‘Counters:’). • Units that counter this unit (prefixed by ‘Countered by:’). • Unit description. In the XML, these are differenciated by line breaks. What would you think about providing separated fields for each one of these? • DisplayClasses (as opposed to the class names used in the game logic) • Counters • CounteredBy • Description Pros would be: • Easier to keep consistency between tooltips. • Ability to use a different font or text style on different elements. • Ability to reorder the elements in the interface easily, without changing all XML files, nor affecting translations. • Ability to show a different combination of these bits of information in different contexts. • Easier for translator, as they would only need to translate the "Prefix: <data>" strings once, and the rest of the strings will have a decreased size. And I honestly cannot think of cons here. Also, if you agree, should I let you do this yourselves in master, or should I do this myself in my i18n branch? Or should I maybe write a patch against master only for this?
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