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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. So my vote goes toward requiring 100% health to complete a building.

    If a building is so heavily under attack that you don't make any progress building it, you should consider attacking the attackers.

    They will stop attacking it soon or they die. :)

    I also favour the 100% health needed. If someone cannot build fast enough because the structure is taking damage then it shouldn't get completed.

    This is what I agree with. I do not wish to see the health disconnected from percentage complete. To me they should be the same.

    Looks like this is the most popular option. Lets go with it.

  2. Enrique what should we do about the lack of visible player colour on the Mauryan buildings? I mentioned it here after noticing it on the house models.

    Could we add player colour to the canvas/cloth texture? (Probably not because we've stretched it on a few models.)

    How about adding some additional player colour layers to the stone on the first maur_struct texture?

    I'm happy to make the texture edits, but want to hear what you think :)

  3. Are there people who agree with me? Or have a different opinion?

    I agree the unit shouldn't be around for 8 minutes after it's death. However I'm not sure how much of an impact this has on the slowdown. AI and pathfinding are known to be the main causes of it, neither of which are affected by the dead unit I believe. A dev will probably say I'm wrong though ;)

  4. Great.

    Any particular reason you don't go open source like 0 A.D. has? Surely, you would be able to get many programmers if you did...

    I also agree about the lack of openness possibly putting off programmers. Also it is pretty hard to tell if you will use pyrogenesis (are you planning to?). Also in the summary you mention "C++\C# coder" when pyrogenesis uses a mix of C++ and javascript. I would personally be looking for quite a lot more technical information before contacting you.

    Any responses to these questions guys?

  5. Ok ,i have been trying to get a model ingame myself but the transparency dosent seem to work :(


    the skin has the alpha channel set up right i think .


    What might be the problem ?

    Are you exporting a DDS or a PNG texture? With PNG you may need to use the SuperPNG plugin so that the alpha is correctly exported, if saving as DDS make sure you're using DXT5 and not DXT1.

    In the actor that calls the texture file make sure the material is <material>basic_trans.xml</material> This uses the texture's alpha channel to show transparency, rather than player colour etc.

  6. The links don't work for me either.

    Something got to my mind: We'd be able to use a "turret" in 0 A.D. for horse archers/javalineers. Making them able to shoot as they walk.

    That's the plan. Especially useful for carriot and elephant tower archers that are completely independant of the driver, and so can in theory turn 360 degrees.

  7. Hey TheMista, good to see you here! (I think you are who you say you are based on the email address you used to register here)

    I've watched quite a few of your multiplayer games on Youtube, so I know you're very good at AoE games ;)

    0 A.D. isn't really at a stage where detailed balancing is needed, many features are still missing, but multiplayer is already a lot of fun and balance suggestions are always useful.

    Do you use IRC? Staff often join multiplayer matches on weekends and IRC is where we hang out. #0ad and #0ad-dev on QuakeNet

    Have you tried 0 A.D. yet?

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