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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. 1. What do you think, if not desided, the POP limit will be?

    2. Will the grapich engine include zoom, and rotate? If so, will it be able to zoom out much, you know, if big army.. :)

    3. Im sure you dont know, but about how many units will each civ contain, like 2 cavalery units, 3 foot units, 2 siege units and so on...

    4. If you have ever played Empires in Medieval, and as England, you have seen a really cool feature, the traps. Will TLA include stuff like that, if so, what kind of stuff like that?

    5. I know that the beta are set to August 2004, is that still the date. Will it be an open beta with MP? How far have you really gotten since first day i sat my foot on WFG? Was summer 2003 or something.. ;)

    6. What kind of Campains will there be?

    7. How big will the maps be? ca....

    8. In sieges, will there be ladders? ( I love Ladders in Praetorians)

    9. How much, or will known caracters as Aragorn, Faramir, Legolas and so on, have effect on battles?

    10. My final question, Will archers kill with one, 2, 3 (or more) arrows if they hit, lets say a normal foot soldier ? ;)

    I guess you dont like these kind of questions, but i still wanted to know....

    Have a nice day, hope you might answer, love (Wich mean i care, and hope you guys are allright, not that i wanna marry you) ZeZar!

  2. Never heard of this.


    King Arthur

    Gladiator 2 - just a title to tie it in, same characters/world but no Russel Crowe or gladiators

    Joan of Arc movie - Derek Jacobi is in it

    Hannibal - with Vin Deisel

    Alexander the Great -

    City of Heaven - Russel Crowe sword flick it seems

    Possible Thermopolyae movie - Mythos told me about it, Bruce Willis as Leonidas maybe

    Of this ones, ive only heard of this: Joan of Arc movie - Derek Jacobi is in it---- seen it

    what are the other ?

  3. "Noldor - great leaders, great techs, great units, perfect counter to FoD, and I like how they look

    I'm rather sorry that we don't have more on the website from which to base your votes, but I just want to say that there will be content there eventually, it's just that we're really backed up with things right now.

    For now just remember we're going to make the civs as close to how they are in the books as possible, so you can base your votes on that."

    This is very good, thats why im Noldor i guess. Hate FoD so i need a civ that can take FoD easier than the others... :)

  4. Well, lets see. I didnt have any resolution last year, but i guess i have to have some this year...

    1. Try to be more outside, are spending to much time with my computer...

    2. More active at WFGs forums....

    3. Learn Maya 5.0 and get, and learn 3D studio max...

    4. Make better pages, and develop myself as a Webmaster....

    5. Work out more often, at least 3 times a week.

    6. Keep up my good stuff about no alcohol, smoke or drugs

    7. Try to be a nice guy...

    I wish everyone here a happy new year, and i really wish and pray that you guys will forfill (ive heard that word, cant spell it though...) your resolutionss ;);)

    From Øyvind, or ZeZar if you want B)

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