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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. HI Black Op. I voted Rohirrim, but i have no idea what Realms in Exile, Noldor and Galadhrim is .... ;)

    The reason for votingRohirrim is vbecause its so cool in the movie. Not very cool in the books, but i really respect Theoden for helping Gondor.

  2. Well hi guys, how are you today? I also have a few things i`d like in the game, ofcourse more than this, but ill take on step at the time B)

    1. Units can walk ON walls (They can, i remember now B) )

    2. A high popup, like 500 and a lot more for FoD.

    3. FoDs Orcs should be cheap, but have low attack, and very low hit points.

    4. FoD should be designet for use of orcs, im very afraid that when developing stuff like Balrogs, ?Uruk Hai? and more, people will go for this, but if they do... Not so much fun...

    Hope you understand my question... :(


  3. @Adam: A new question: Will units have positions, like forexsample spearman can get in a position that make them very dangures! (how do you write that word right?). Its pretty hard to explain actually. Ill try. Normally the spears stand up, if you know what i meen. Will units be able to do a command that makes the spears stand forward, or peeking (is that a word) forward, you know, killing a lot more...

    Played Praetorians? I really think you should Adam, there are a lot of stuff there that i really think a RTS should have, and if TLA had it, i guess it would be awsome ;)

    Download the MP demo... well, just search for Praetorians MP demo ... B)

    Hope you will, love you all, ZeZar B)

  4. Try different summer jobs, or get a job that you can have during the weekends.

    Well, that was a really great idea. Thanks Tonto.

    @Cheezy: I loev USA. I really do... So not everyone think they are *the things you said*. But yes, I do believe that most Americans are Rich :D

    Well, i guess I am going to a *whats that word in English*.. hm, lets say, normal college or something, *Almenn for those of you who speak Norwegian*.

    Well, love you guys :( And you Akya :P

    Thanks for every help btw :(

  5. Hey. This may be seen as SPAM, but i really need some help, figuring out what to become. I think of 3D modeling (Some School in Norway have this) but what to do then? What job can i get? And we have football, but 1 in 1000000 become a football player with some real income :D Man i wish i was born in the USA! I dont know why, but people there seems to have such an easy way to get rid of problems :(

    What do you think i should become?

    How did you deside what to become?

    And then a English Q: How to tell a guy, or a group that you care about them? I love you guys, forexaple?

  6. That would be GREAT!! Please tell me when you do get it. ;)

    Its a REALLY fun game I play it everyday! :ph34r:

    I just got it yesterday :P Still checking out the campaign, etc. It's a great game :D

    The SP suck big time. And the game are not that good either... Thats my opinion... Its just not as good as i hoped for guess. But i do play it on LANs, but i play CS, or DoD before i play BF. But Sweden made it, i guess thats a reason too .... ;):P

    BUT BF Vietnam is beeing made by the Canadian DI i have heard.. :P

  7. In Norway, a few years ago. I guy very far North took some water. Put in hot fire, untill it very hot... (We maybe not have the same stuff to check heat, and cold) 100 degrees, the bubbles came up you know ...

    Then he went outside and before it hit the ground (the water) it was frozen. In Norwegian news it said that this was sent all over the world :ph34r: Here we have 1 metre snow, kind of cool. But not anymore, im sick of snow. GIVE ME SUN !!!

    *This was very hard to explain, sorry if my Eng is bad...*

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