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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. It was a Q. I Personally dont think you should add Jesus, at least not on a "bad" way. I am religious, not very, but i believe in God, and Jesus. I would not be mad if you added him, but i might think that people wich are "very" religious might will :) I dont know, but he was not killable, sort of. He could be killed, but he would come down to earth if he wanted. Or something. I actually have no idea, so i guess ill stop writing now :)

  2. Yep, i think its really great. I also think you guys, espessially you Adam, deserve every post anyone posts here. And every little prayer, and money you might get. Its so deserved. I really admire your work and tells people about you, when i feel that it is right. I hope I can hear more of you after TLA is done, and that you might continue making games, maybe sell it and get some money too, but anyway you guys are THE BEST. Congrats folks, and hope to see and play TLA sometime in near future :unsure: !

  3. I guess i would have played AoK alot, if it wasnt for that BAD Online thing. And when i started playing online, i played Emire Earth. Wich i like alot better than AoK. I have to say that AoK was quiet dissapointing, thinking of AoE 1. THAT was a game for me ... But thats a long time ago, AoK is a great game, dont misunderstand, but i like EE better :brow:

  4. Hey :) Wijit :) and the rest of 0.A.Ds team. How are you guys today?

    I have some Q (Questions) for you, some same, some unlike the Q i made in my topic at TLA forums. I really hope you could answer me as great as thet did, and that im not bathering (annoing) you ...

    I have to say, im looking more forward to TLA, only because im a Tolkien fan .. :(

    But RTS is my favourite, and i like every kind of RTS, so this is really something i am looking forward to play. It contains stuff the "big" games like AoK and stuff are NOT including :P

    Here is the Q:

    1. What do you think, if not desided, the POP limit will be?

    2. Will the grapich engine include zoom, and rotate? If so, will it be able to zoom out much, you know, if big army..

    3. Im sure you dont know, but about how many units will each civ contain, like 2 cavalery units, 3 foot units, 2 siege units and so on...

    4. If you have ever played Empires in Medieval, and as England, you have seen a really cool feature, the traps. Will 0.A.D include stuff like that, if so, what kind of stuff like that?

    5. I know that the beta are set to August 2004, is that still the date. Will it be an open beta with MP? How far have you really gotten since first day i sat my foot on WFG? Was summer 2003 or something..

    6. What kind of Campains will there be?

    7. How big will the maps be?

    8. In sieges, will there be ladders? ( I love Ladders in Praetorians)

    9. I guess you have allready answered this, but still i dint know for sure: Can units walk ON the walls, like they did in those ages? How will we be able to see units behind the wall?

    10. My final question, Will archers kill with one, 2, 3 (or more) arrows if they hit, lets say a normal foot soldier ?

    11. You are making a game in an age were Jesus were born. Will Jesus (im asking as a believer, not an Antichrist) be included in any way? (Like hero, skin, snc editor, campain...

    12. Will there be "Special units" for each and every civ have the same units, or will every civ have all units different? Or just other special abilities for civs?

    13. Have a nice day, and thank you for answering :P

    I guess you dont like these kind of questions, but i still wanted to know....

    love you, in a not gay, just hope you are allright, and all that ...

    btw: checked out the King Arthur trailer, it looks good :):(

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