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Posts posted by I_Would_Say

  1. I think I disagree with basically everyone here - I like 2D graphics!!! They lag less and, while they may not look as good, they are fine IMHO. I think games shouldn't concentrate too much on graphics and looks because that concentration could be better spent elsewhere - historical accuracy, playability, balance, significance, variety, and erm... historical accuracy! :S 2D games can look nice too. Oh well - just opinions.

  2. Ah. I see. It makes sense. I guess the only advantage of the Meso civs are the historically accurate time periods, but that isn't too important (well, actually I think it is quite important, but I think basically everyone except me cares about the playability and balance - not on the historical accuracy :S ) I must admit I do like Romans far more than American civs.

  3. Hmm... good idea... Kindof like AOK had some civs have cheaper stuff (eg. I think Goths had cheaper infantry... or maybe it was cheaper barrackses.... no I'm pretty sure it was infantry....) You could also "steal" the one tech from AOK called Shipwright, which makes ships cheaper (ie, make a tech make units cheaper).

    EDIT: Oh yeah! The huns are great civs and they don't have siege onagers (or onagers for that matter)

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