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Everything posted by goldenratiophi

  1. Now what if we went to the list of users online and it said: " Googlebot...................................Posting in forum.... "
  2. I went to rubiks.com and read the official solution.
  3. It took me all afternoon, but I finally solved my Rubik's Cube!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I run a Mac OS 10.3.5 computer, a Windows XP SP2 computer, and soon, after I finish building my computer, Fedora Core 2 Linux. I mainly use the Mac, though.
  5. I haven't gone trick-or-treating for 2 or 3 years, but I'm going this year because I have absolutely NOTHING to do on Sunday night. I'm being... something.
  6. 1. Will you release the source code for 0AD? 2. Are you using GLUT, GLAUX, or OTHER?
  7. Bring it back! Reason: All of the above and BTW: I have 3 positive reps if you don't have backup.
  8. A suggestion that I make on every message board I go to: ADD TeX/LaTeX!!!!!!! For the Hall of Intellectuals, Homework Discussion, and any other board that uses math, it is really helpful because ASCII math isn't exactly the easiest thing to read...
  9. On the Wildfire Games main page, the "Community Forums" link needs to be changed from forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg to wildfiregames.com/forums.
  10. I'm confused! Is it... Cool, I have 003-Neutral rep points?
  11. But the part when... *SPOILER- SCROLL DOWN TO SEE* they find Magrathea is pretty important
  12. But why can't there just be some cross-platform standard? (Like using stdio.h for console input/output.) Can't GNU step in and develop something that is a. Fast. b. Easy to use/understand. c. Cross-platform If only I lived in a universe called "Perfect"...
  13. Yep. I tell everyone in all of my classes to say to everyone else that the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42. BUT THEY KEEP SAYING "The answer to the world is 42." 42 IS NOT THE ANSWE TO THE WORLD! THE WORLD BLOWS UP IN H2G2!!!!!!!!
  14. OK. Real Name: Carlos Lastnamenotgiveneventhoughifyouweretosearchmeongoogleyouwouldgetabunchofpeople@#$%entme Interests: Programming (mostly C/C++), annoying people at school by saying that the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42, reading Douglas Adams books, math (favorite: calculus, geometry, and advanced algebra. I HATE NUMBER THORY!!!!) Age: 12(.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...)
  15. That's because they set all the properties of the windows and things in the code instead of in the properties window. If they did it in the properties window, there would be little to no code.
  16. Yes, I was thinking GUI. There is QT3, but I tried using Fink to install it, and I was really impatient, so after 3 hours of installing, I just aborted the process I think it's possible to get the X11 libraries to work on Windoze, though...
  17. Actually, I saw a C tutorial that said #include int main() { printf("Howdy, world!"); return 0; } Quite different. But I like that suggestion.
  18. Hello world in every programming language you ever wanted (and/or didn't want) to know
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