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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. No idea, you want it? ;)

    Sure ;) I think that shipping internationally may prove to be a problem, however... ;)

    EDIT: How do you know? Anyway, I will order tomorrow, can't be bothered right now :P

    I assume you mean "how do you know that it'll all work"? Well, the memory is a DDR DIMM module, which is the type of module the motherboard has slot(s) for. And, the FSB of the Sempron CPU is 333MHz, which is the max. supported FSB of the mobo, so no problems there.

  2. Yep, that RAM will work fine. Corsair is a good choice :)

    The components look like overall good choices to me. I'm not familiar with the Asus motherboard lines, but it looks like a good board :P

    Just curious, what are you doing with the old CPU and RAM? :P

  3. Why don't you use tables instead :P? Have two cells, one for the logo and one for the other thing, and you're all set...


    I tried that, but then the text did not inherit the style rules from #header. :) I suppose I could manually set those styles inside the table, but would like to see if I can get it working this way first.

  4. Need some CSS help on a website I'm working on for a friend :)

    Site => http://www.naturalsolutions4life.net

    IE complete messes up the top header bar. :P Firefox displays it more correctly, but I can't figure out how to get exactly what I want.

    I want the "logo" text ("Natural Solutions") to be left-aligned, and the URL text ("naturalsolutions4life.net" - it's in there somewhere) to be right-aligned. I have this in the code:

    #header {
    margin: 0 auto;

    #header p {
    font-weight: normal;
    padding: 30px 0px 10px 30px;
    p.left {text-align: left}
    p.right {text-align: right}

    <div id="header">
    <p class="left"><span style="font-size: 32px; font-family: 'Monotype Corsiva', 'Lucida Handwriting', cursive, sans-serif">Natural Solutions</span></p>
    <p class="right"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: sans-serif">naturalsolutions4life.net</span></p>

    I must be doing something wrong, because neither browser is displaying it correctly. Is this a problem with inheritance - specifically, the padding property?

  5. Re-Seeding everything :)

    EDIT: I uploaded my own torrent, it's one of the scenes from Ash Black :P The music is Moby @#$% and is not going to be in the final thing. Also the quality is lower than the finial version will be

    Thanks :P

    I'll check out your video in a minute.

  6. Some soundcards support a "Mic Boost" option. Try this: open the Volume Control screen, choose Options - Properties, click Recording, click OK; then choose Options - Advanced Controls, and see if an "Advanced" button appears under the Microphone slider. If so, see if you can activate the "Mic Boost" option on the associated dialog.

  7. This is April Fools as only Google can do it :)

    11. When will you take Google Gulp out of beta?

    Man, if you pressure us, you just drive us away. We'll commit when we're ready, okay? Besides, what's so great about taking things out of beta? It ruins all the romance, the challenge, the possibilities, the right to explore. Carpe diem, ya know? Maybe we're jaded, but we've seen all these other companies leap headlong into 1.0, thinking their product is exactly what they've been dreaming of all their lives, that everything is perfect and hunky-dory – and the next thing you know some vanilla copycat release from Redmond is kicking their butt, the Board is holding emergency meetings and the CEO is on CNBC blathering sweatily about "a new direction" and "getting back to basics." No thanks, man. We like our freedom.


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