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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Now whenever watching Flash content on the web, expect a splash banner and the loading of fifteen hundred APIs that nobody ever uses.

    Well put. :) It seems to me (from a programmer's perspective) that the loading routine for Acrobat Reader could be vastly improved by implementing a "load as you need it" approach. Does anyone actually USE the editable form functionality in Reader? Why not only load those APIs, then, in the rare case that someone opens a PDF that includes that feature?

    Anyhow, "Adobe Dreamweaver" sounds very odd to me. :) We'll see how this plays out...

  2. ethernet.

    RJ-45 to be more precise :)

    Actually, you both are right. :) Ethernet is the network technology, while RJ-45 (10/100Base-T(X)) is the physical layer. Ethernet can run over many different forms of physical connections besides RJ-45 -- coax, powerlines, air (802.11), even chicken-wire fence as I've heard.

  3. I'll vote for the Xenon (Xbox2) for the moment. Anyone see this? Three 3GHz PPC cores! :) That blows the roof off of anything currently on the desktop.

    However, if Sony can pull off what they have been claiming with regards to the Cell processor, Microsoft will get a run for their money. 'Till be interesting. :)

    Of course, the REAL fun begins when either of these platforms is inevitably hacked to allow installation of an "alternate" OS (i.e. MechAssault vulnerability on the current Xbox) - if these boxes are priced anywhere near the current console prices -- which seems to be nearly impossible, unfortunately, seeing the uber-advanced specs -- you could grab one of these as your next desktop workstation. :P

  4. Wait: is it Windows 98 or XP or something else?

    It's got to be XP - on a Win9x-based system, you can just press "Cancel" :)

    @Tim: I take it this is probably WinXP Pro? Do you have the original install CDs and license? As mentioned by the guys above, the best course of action is to do a reinstall.

    What it sounds like is that this machine was previously in a corporate enviroment (workgroup/domain), and the administrators put various restriction policies on it (possibly via a Windows 2000/2003 Server system).

    Is it possible to boot into Safe Mode and access the Administrator account? There *may* be a way to remove the restrictions if you can get in that way, though I'm not that familiar with the process.

  5. You have 300 kbps upload??? I have, like, 30!!!

    And yes, I am being serious. I got up to about 150 once but I think I was just lucky (i.e. no one in the same town was uploading anything but me :)). Or maybe I just can't read...

    And supposedly I have 6 MBps download but I never get above 300 kbps even on good servers (500 once but that was probably luck too).


    You sure you aren't confusing kiloBytes and kilobits? (KB = Kb / 8)

    I get about 40KBps upload, so my upload is probably actually around 350kbps. I average ~300KBps download from decent servers, and around 350-375KBps from really good ones.

  6. Howdy! Welcome to the community ;)

    >> i first heard of this game from http://ron.heavengames.com

    From the forums, I presume?

    1. how large will this game be (file size)?

    2. what will the system requirements be?

    3. You'll be able to rotate and zoom, right?

    4. can you implement a cheat system where i can get an Apache Helicpoter with vulcan guns and just mow everyone down?

    5. will there be a population limit? and if there is, what will it be?

    1. That's unsure at this point. We're hoping it will fit on a standard data CD (~700MB) - we'll see ;)

    2. That's also unsure. We are shooting for both compatibility with older hardware as well as extended functionality (read: pretty graphical effects) on newer hardware.

    3. To the best of my knowledge, yes.

    4. We'll see :P

    5. Someone else will have to answer this one as I'm not quite sure myself.

    PS, you guys rock! this game's gunna totally pwn!!!!!

    Thanks for the encouragement. ;)

  7. On another note, I can't see any viable (legal) use for this for the average person.

    Perhaps not. If given the chance, however, I'd give it my best shot ;) I'm not an 'average person', though.

    I think an internet that is 2-3 times faster than cable is plenty fast enough, even for us developers.

    I agree, though some people may need more (and some less) than others. I've heard of consumer connections in places like Japan that top 100Mbps and priced relatively closely to the 2-6Mbps broadband connections we have in the USA - now that's the type of bandwidth that I could make use of ;)

  8. even Microsoft's own Virtual PC won't work in Windows XP anymore.

    Odd, I use Virtual PC 2004 (latest version, and the only MS-branded version I believe) under SP2 without any difficulties.

    , standard,

    IE :P


    Did I mention that there isn't much that's cheaper than $0 ;)?


    I wouldn't call a bunch of M$ programmers smart. Some of their security bugs are simply shamefull.

    Well, they may be smart, but the monopoly has made them lazy.

    I agree. A good many of the bugs and security holes in past Windows versions have been simply unacceptable, especially for a product that costs upwards of $200.

    Their UI designers aren't that great either.

    http://www.winsupersite.com/images/showcase/4074_ui_08.gif (Windows Longhorn)

    Aesthetically pleasing or not (it's an opinion, but I personally think it's a bit on the ugly side) eye-candy shouldn't get in the way of functionality. That is way to much space wasted.

    I agree, though that's not likely to be the final revision of the Longhorn UI. I'm sure it will change before the (constantly-retreating) release date :P

    I would hardly say those are 'killer tips...'

    Exactly my thoughts. :P My idea of a killer tip is not adding the utterly useless "Links" toolbar to the My Computer window.

    My idea of a real killer tip is more along the lines of typing "control ncpa.cpl" at the Run "pseudo-shell" to open the Network Connections control panel. (In all, this takes me three seconds to do, as opposed to ~4 seconds with the mouse, or ~5 seconds with the mouse and the noobish Category view turned on in the control panel) ;)

    Ha, that one article above is so funny about computer slang. :P

    LOL - it's funny and sad at the same time. What's really sad is if some parent reads that and then reprimands their kid on account of saying "pwn" in a text conversation. :P

  9. I would think you could find it if you type in "about:config" in the adress bar. try searching for tab and see if something comes up ;)

    There a couple nifty hacks you can do through the about:config page ;) One such hack is changing which address clicking the "throbber" (top-right corner) will take you to. At one point, I had the throbber pointing to wildfiregames.com ;)

  10. Its actually Gonvicks, the ranchers across the road from us. And yes it is pretty nasty resolution ;)

    Huh? *is confused* :P

    @ Nate - Yep, my dad is a pilot and rebuilt a Stinson 108-2 Voyager about 3 years ago. Actually the very reason we bought this land was so he'd have a place to fly it off of.

    Awesome ;) If I ever get a pilot's license and a plane, I'll have to pay you a visit! ;)

  11. Interesting, they say my cable line "has a maximum download speed of 6.0 MBps". Now that's scary, $50 cable is faster than $200 T1...


    Yes, consumer cable/DSL connections can easily outpace a T1 on download bandwidth. (My connection tops 3Mbps) However, in most cases, the upload speed of consumer connections is generally pathetic (mine is 10% of the download - 300Kbps), while a T1 line is synchronous - the same speed up and down.

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