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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Now I'll have an easier time recognizing your posts. (I generally look at the avatar first.) :)

    Same here, it's annoying when someone changed their avatar :P

    Ah - I knew I wasn't the only one around here that did that. :) A while back I made a poll regarding this, but most people said they recognize people by their nickname. Personally, I glance at the avatar first, out of habit, and unconciously memorize everyone's avatars. Then, when people insist on changing them, my brain revolts ;)

    What type of fractal is that?

  2. or maybe it's just that your hard drive is faulty and every time Outlook tries to access so many e-mails (so much disk usage of course :)), it crashes.

    I assume you mean that Outlook crashes, not the hard drive itself? A hard drive only 'crashes' once - then it's toast :)

    Any chance some of those e-mail messages could be archived to a seperate file and only loaded 'on demand'?

  3. About RAM: I had to temporarily downgrade to a mere 512MB (:)) recently, and it's surprising how unpleasant it makes things - with two or three large programs open (Firefox, Thunderbird, Visual Studio, etc), it usually took whole seconds to switch between them. With more RAM, it's instantaneous, making me much happier :)

    Certainly - I did the 512MB-to-1024MB upgrade recently, and won't be going back (ever). I do a lot of heavy multitasking as well (Firefox, various editors, various communication apps, Outlook, and others) and can easily tell the difference. Before, I would frequently run out of physical memory, causing Windows to hit the swap file, but now I even go so far as to switch out of a large game (such as Rome: TW) to check something and still have a nice cusion of physical RAM unallocated.

  4. Second, upgrading from Windows 98 (SE) to Windows ME has no practical benefits...as both are equally buggy and unuseable.

    I disagree - ME is much more buggy than Win98 :)

    While I don't believe it would solve your problem, installing that extra RAM would REALLY help the computer.

    Oh - and my best suggestion yet - get a new one :P.

    Not such a bad idea :) Budget computers can be had for $300-400 nowadays.

  5. Try the steps outlined here to do some basic stress tests on your hardware. Frequently, the type of problem you are experiencing turns out to be a hardware issue (bad power supply, faulty RAM, and so on). Let us know how the testing goes.

    Hope you can get this fixed up, David :)

  6. A physics engine is more than just graphical pleasure and an annoyance.

    In regards to physics engines - I agree, there is *some* benefit other than visuals or annoyance. Unfortunately, the advanced nature of such programming challenges outweigh the benefits, as has already been stated. :)

    One thing that did impress me with regards to AOE3 is the implementation of ragdoll physics. Though that could be categorized as a "graphical pleasure", it certainly may end up looking better than "static" animations. We'll see if it ends up being a plus or minus in terms of gameplay :)

  7. Do F&G posts not count towards the displayed total? 2123 ('total', excluding F&G) + 938 (F&G) = 3063, and 938/3063=31%, so that seems reasonable.

    Ah - that's it. I forgot about that little fact when I posted earlier :) Now that you've jogged my memory, I think Tim said at one point that he was going to try to change the code so that it won't count the F&G forum in the "Most active" display and post averages.

  8. unplug the system drop cable

    Hmm? :)

    Good point - SP2 is a must. The firewall in SP2 is much nicer than having none at all, but doesn't control outgoing connections (only incoming ones). ZoneAlarm is nicer in some cases, although it may confuse a "computer illiterate" person.

    You can also order SP2 on CD (free CD + free shipping, last I checked), which is extremely handy when work on other peoples' systems, and even moreso when working on systems without a broadband Internet connection. :)

  9. Here's some very very detailed information about the Cell processor over at Anandtech: http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2379

    Another interesting website is here: http://www.blachford.info/computer/Cells/Cell0.html This explains the cell processor in more "laymen's" terms, though it also seems overly optimistic in some areas. :)

    Anyhow, the Cell is either going to be really good - or a big flop. Time will tell :)

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