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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Lol. Comic Sans is installed on almost every computer so it's okay for web dev in my opinion.

    It may be installed on a large percentage of Windows machines, but that doesn't make it okay for webdev as far as I am concerned B) I usually think "Ugh!" when I see a website that uses Comic Sans as a font - or anything that isn't one of the 'standard' web fonts (Times, Verdana, Arial, mono, serif, sans-serif...).

    I probably use Arial and Verdana most. I don't hate Times New Roman, but would hesitate to use it on a professional document.

  2. That's all I know about IPv6 as well, so you are correct. B) (Basically extending the IP address space from around four billion addresses to... many, many more :P)

    You're up!

    I think the quote was that "640kb is all anyone would ever need". (bonus cookie for anyone (besides Frank) who knows who said that now-infamous line)

  3. >> UDP is actually guaranteed to be error-free

    Ah, I didn't know that. Something new to remember B)

    Here's another networking-related question: What is the address space limitation of IPv4? (bonus if you know how IPv6 fixes it!)

  4. Laptop manuals may not tell you how to open them, but they do give you a nice notice that says "DO NOT OPEN OR ELSE YOU WILL VOID THE WARRENTY" which I'm pretty sure has expired by now B)

    Adding RAM doesn't always void the warranty, as you *usually* don't have to open the entire laptop (just a small panel) to access the RAM slots.

  5. Yes, laptops RAM is different from desktop RAM. Most modern desktops use 184-pin DDR DRAM, while laptops use 144-pin SODIMM DRAM. If you have the manual for the laptop (or the product ID/serial number; look up a manual on the manufacturer's website), you should be able to figure out how to get the bottom panel open.

  6. LOL! Quite a creative use of Flash :P

    It reminds me slightly of various screensavers from a bygone era that would destroy your screen by various methods B)

  7. Word 2.0?! LOL! The oldest version of Word I've used is Word 4.0, on my Dad's 10-year-old Macintosh.

    This *might* help. If not, maybe a previous version of the Word Viewer app (v97?) would still have support for that format.

    Tell your track coach (nicely) to get with the times :) Why doesn't she use something like RTF format? At least that's a format that can still be read by a modern app.

  8. Tom Cruise plays in it too. :)

    So does Miranda Otto :)

    Speaking of people who look like Dakota Fanning, my little sister's friend looks uncannily like her. Both my brother and I noticed this after watching the War of the Worlds trailer ;)

  9. I saw the teasers/trailers a little while back; it looks good :) I've read the "abridged" version of War of the Worlds, and liked it a lot.

    Uppy - I was wondering when you'd find out about this movie, as Dakota Fanning stars in it (one of your most favorite actresses, judging by your sig :)).

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