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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Quacker

  1. Heya Darkmaster DA, really? Gj, keep it up!
  2. I've played Melee and the original at friends houses, i didn't like Melee as much. But for the original, no one can beat me when i've got Fox or Yoshi
  3. Maybe a time period, such as you can't build a wonder until you've played for 45 mins-2 hrs, whatever. That would prevent those people that amass defences around their wonder early on and just wait it out.
  4. Its still in production. I'm not really concerned about the upcoming things (except Return of the King ).
  5. Heh, always good... How's Cat? Shes messaged me a couple of times, but i've always been gone when she does.
  6. Wow, a 1 cm wide disk...(not that i'm complaining). Pretty cool, i'm guessing the catch is that 10 TB disks won't become availible for a while, tho. Good find DA
  7. Its going good, how's DGDN without me Yeah, check either DA's or my sig for information on currency and reputation.
  8. Rofl CheeZy, an oldschooler Raven shield is pretty cool, with its flashbang and tear gas grenade effects if you don't wear a gas mask
  9. Hint hint... I guess most people like those (RTS, FPS) best, but they still play the other genres.
  10. YES. Heh, imo, the current one is kinda annoying. I've no avatar, maybe i'll make one later. I vote for Bobby's HL2 av.
  11. Lol Swellick, Lords of the Realm 2? I loved that game, but i can't find it anywhere. Eh, I've never really mastered a game. Fact is, i suck in a lot of them But I'm getting pretty good at Madden 2004. Medal of Honor Allied Assault would prob be my best mastering.
  12. I loved my Cataphract/Cavalier charges in AoK:TC, thus, i voted Cavalry
  13. Lol, down with the Yankee domination! It sucks that the Braves lost the Play-offs.
  14. Uh oh...*fakes a tutorial pic* For a looky at my previous tutorializing (what i call work from following a tutorial), check here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/pcquack/drawers.txt - Image, 183k http://www.angelfire.com/empire/pcquack/drawers.rar - .rar, AVI of the above image, 3.49MB
  15. Hey, thats what we want, people to act more mature.
  16. The evil G-MAN! A HL show would be cool. As for a replacement, i hardly watch any TV (i don't get TechTV ), so i really don't care
  17. I'm with Tim/Bobby on this one, its too much of an EE clone...reminds me, i still haven't deleted it.
  18. Seriously? Man... 16 as of July 27th, and proud of my 3ds Max skills (which i'll be showing off when i finish my current WIP.
  19. Man DA, with double posts like that its no wonder you're at 650+ posts (btw, combined your posts). Eh, my bosses would be Jason (who's good, we're both Christians so thats an encouragement), and my dad (who's good, we're both Christians so thats a big encouragement).
  20. Yeah, who said we have to be like the other RTS'es? Some other things to add too it, other units with a higher morale can try to encourage those with lower morale, and if theres a large group with a bunch of 1 morale guys, they can lower the morale of someone with up to 3.
  21. How about a little twist, the heads (Jason, Tim, etc.) can't be nominated? Just an idea...maybe so moddies can't either...?
  22. Note, if you abuse this (i.e., sware, etc) you will get a temporary ban.
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