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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Quacker

  1. Maybe your food count slowly decreases to reflect the raising of the child?
  2. Exactly why i think we need a system where you only gain currency if you have so many words in a post. Also, if a moderator/admin deems a post a "spamoney" post, he can fine that person. I think right next to the "Donate" link should be a "Fine" link, leading to a form of how much to fine and a box to place the reason in. Of course, this form would only be visible by authoritative people.
  3. (you're supposed to donate to me, if you think its a good idea ) What does everyone else think?
  4. Maybe things like the plague and such would be implemented and the birthrate stops (babies die at birth and such), and people die too...some ideas. Very good Swellick, i like it.
  5. (side note: yes, we could have had this discussion in MSN, but its better for all too see it and give feed back) Alright about the #-word idea...anyone else? The problems with percents, no one offense is really worth 100%. Thus, its impossible to get to 0%. I.E., if you have 100 0ads, lose 50%, then another 50%, you don't lose 100%, you're losing 75% (50%, then 50% of that is 25%, 25% + 50% is 75%). I have the right formula for under 1,000 coins. Instead of having it times 5, multiply times 1/2, and instead of 1 per 1,000 coins, make it 1 per 100. Thus, 2 (50 rounded up is 100) x 100 (for the offense) x 1/2 = 100. That means you lose all yer coins until you get a substantial amount. That way, its the more mature members that get up to 1,000 posts, and they have more of a chance of surviving. Of course, we can always fine by even more than the formula grants if its deemed such a serious offense. Of course the formula needs fine tuning, if its chosen to be used.
  6. Well, 20 words is just a starting figure, its tenative. It could only be applicable for the "General Forums", not forums such as "Computer Desk" where such conversations would take place...i dunno, it's an idea that needs finessing. As for people with mass coinage, we could multiply the offense's fine by whatever # thousand you're on, rounded up, and again by 5. For example, say you had 3,519 0ads. Rounded up, it'd be 4,000, so 4 times the offense. If the offense was worth 100 coins, that'd be 400, times 5 again = 2,000 coins as the total fine. Ex. 2, to see how it works with higher numbers. Current 0ad's = 12,385, and same fine worth. Thus, 12 x 100 x 5 = 6,000 for the fine. Ex. 3, with lower numbers. Current 0ad's = 50, same offense worth. Thus, 1 (first 1,000) x 100 x 5 = 500...we'd have to have another formula for 0ad levels under 1000.
  7. Some ideas i thought about while talking with Tim: 1. Everyone starts with 20 currency. 2. If you perform an offense, you get fined. 3. Depending on the nature of the offense, more money gets fined. I.E., a racial slur might be offendable by 50 coins, whereas using foul language only 10. 4. When you get to 0, you get banned. 5. You only get "paid" for a post if it has 20 or more words (to prevent spam money).
  8. 1 step is about 2 feet, so 2/3 of a meter. Depends on the steps two, when i'm sleepy there's more steps
  9. Not too big (we're moving because its small), just long, and my bedroom's on one side with the basement on the other...
  10. It's about 100 steps, maybe 150, to get from my bedroom to the basement
  11. Yeah, if you just zoomed the camera to that persons viewpoint, it wouldn't work, as right-click movement (or however 0ad will do it) just doesn't work out (pitch/zoom AoM to a units' viewpoint, it doesn't quite work out. It would only work like a normal FPS.
  12. So we all notice DA has 50+ Fill me in, what is/was karma?
  13. Sounds good...maybe for minor offences on the site we can "fine" someone?
  14. No doubt of that *cracks knuckles and waits for something to delete * Good points about 301 CheeZy, so true they are.
  15. Well, I'm not going to get on another discussion about guns, i've had too many of those with closed-minded people at pAOM. If we talk sex, it needs to be kept clean. We do have younger visitors. Yes, they need to know about it, but we shouldn't be the ones to inform them. Thus, in my judgement (since I'm now the general moderator), that kind of discussion should be left to less public means, such as IM'ing and private forums. I don't want to put a damper on your guys fun, but when i took this job i said I would moderate with my beliefs. No, that doesn't mean i'll be deleting every "mature" topic, but with things like "How often do you have sex?", that's just not going to work. If everyone's reply was along the lines of "maybe once a week" etc, i wouldn't have a problem with it, but going into detail about what you do and such should be a no-no on WFG's public forums.
  16. Ok then, the topics need to have a non-spam point and kept clean. Image, my friend, image (that means that "[title]" topic and the "How often do you have sex?" wouldn't be there)
  17. ME is the suxors...XP is running here
  18. What would be sweet is to be able to click on any unit, and play that unit in FPS style. Fight his battles, etc. Just have a button on that unit to FP view him, then a hot key to go back (a non-changeable hotkey, so the player doesn't get stuck in that view). What if the soldier/person dies? Just zoom back to "god" view. Just a thought...
  19. Thats a need. One problem i had with AoM is the units/embellishments/etc. weren't organized very well, imo. AoK had that prob too. Maybe a tree structure, and/or the user can customize it so its ordered by civ or by type (building, unit, object, etc.) or by a whole list, and more. As for eyecandy (since that is the topic at hand), scroll through all the main games (AoK/M, EE, RoN, WC3, etc) and find the best eyecandy of them all. And please, if you make a bridge, make it walkable unlike the AoM one
  20. Agreed Aviv, its just a means to spam and provide otherwise meaningless threads. I personally wouldn't mind seeing "The Saloon" dissapear from WFG.
  21. I'm saying A. I don't know who invented the abacus (sp), but that was the first "computer".
  22. Actually, you aren't far off from that Ryan, talking to Jason ATM...(oh no, maybe i won't get the job because i said all this?)
  23. Hip hip...! Yeah, its an awesome game, I wanna play Pacific Assault/Rising Sun when they come out. BTW, don't forget the "c" in Quacker
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