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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. If your going to have people saying things in their native languages, could you post up their translations somewhere. for curiosities sake. after all we want to kiil the cats (they really masacared australias native wildlife and can get very feral and more dangerous than wolves (aus doesnt have them but just using them as comparison) dingos, and many of ouur other native creatures.

  2. I have an end of term maths test which decides If I stay in my class or go down.

    Beacuase I like being in my class I would like some help on the following subjects

    • Co-ordinate geometry -

    Y-intercept, general form, gradients, gradients of perpendicular lines etc I would really like some help on this topic

    [*]Surds -

    Binomial expresions, dividing surds, all that stuff

    [*]Consumer Arithmatic -

    calculating interest rates, simple and complex interest. total calculations of the money spent etc.

    • So if you could get me some really good references or places to review my skills please post and let me know.
  3. I never really thought about controlling the past but that is more or less correct I suppose, well the genereal knowledge of the past.

    Someone suggested earlier that maybe America purposely did this earlier I think.

    Well recently I read a very fascinating book by Tom Cancey called Red Storm Rising and it had a similar situation. It was in about 1985 and terrorists attacked their main oil refinery/producing place. This in the end because of the lack of trust between the USA and USSR at that time the politiburo decided its only option was to capture the middle eastern oil fields.

    So to encourage thier people, they played many heroic movies, and framed germany for attacking the poitburo's main office which killed about 20 young russian children. (The bombs were planted by the Spetznaz (spelling?) to fake it).

    They did this to confuse and break up the NATO alliance.

    after a few weeks of Mirashkakov (spelling again?) or diplomatic trickery, they attacked germany in "defense".

    IT was very interesting but it is possible for the USA to do a similar thing.

    We've all heard of the conspiracy of them going for the oil but if it's true they could have easily enough of done there own marishkakov (Again spelling) or trickery of the american public which is really evil of the government if they did IMO or maybe Bush just wants to be a "war president" were he gets fame from war against the evil cultures. like Churchil against the NAZI's etc

    But I highly doubt any of this and that is all speculation anyway so I say, what they say is probably at least 45% true. Besides, what does it matter, the past is past and nothing can change it.

  4. I would Like to thank all people involved with the 0ad shield avatars for allowimg me to use some of shield avatars in the 0ad pack for my latest AoM Texture mod, The Historicaly Accurate, Spartan warrior. Which looks very very close to the concept art for the elite hoplite made by Mythos_Ruler

  5. Your sailors better know how to swim

    wipe them out....al of them



    Here comes the cavalry

    Watch your flanks

    lets see you stop me know

    If you think you have a big town you should see mine!

    Are you trying that strategy again.

    a few towers are useless against seige.



    The king is dead

    I think your'e going to lose



    your welcome

    what's up?

    can I get some ore here?

    anyone have some extra wood?

    Build a wonder

    go to the right

    go to the left


    you monster (gingerbread man from shrek)

    Please dont hurt me

    Im your ally

    quit stealing my Town Centres (or this ame's equivelent)

    I warned you


  6. Okay let me explain some geography. Australia is in the southern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere has opposite seasons.

    Now let me explain Australia's holiday system.

    We get a 4 week holiday from about 20th december to23rd of januarry (we get some public holidays making it a little longer)

    Then we get one from about 4 days before easter to 10 days after it (2 week)

    then we get another one in mid september for another 2 weeks.

    then we're back to where we started.

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