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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. Okay coming from australia I can probably give a bit more info on the situation.

    Cronulla (the place where it started) has a gang I believe possibly called the sharks.

    another nearby place also has a gang which, due to where it is from is largely made up of Arabs.

    These gangs have been at eachother for decades, my mum remembers it in the 80's when she lived in the area. It was just never so big before.

    Apparently this gang consisting largely of arabs has been 'raiding' the beaches of cronulla and hassling locals, obviously this annoys the sharks.

    Anyway from what I've heard they did it again except this time it started a huge riot and both gangs started fighting each other and spread through out sydney. Now once they began acting as a mob, racial violence was to be expected in such a situation.

    The problem is all these immigrants are coming into the nation and normally gather into communities, they bring all their previous beliefs with them. Whilst this isn't bad as such, they tend to become a bit isolated and view other areas, especially ones with a cultural prodigious with a certain disdain. it started) has a gang I belive possibly called the sharks.

    another nearby place also has a gang which, due to where it is from is largely made up of arabs.

    The problem is all these immigrants are coming into the nation and normally gather into communities, they bring all their previous beliefs with them. Whilst this isn't bad as such, they tend to become a bit isolated and view other areas, especially ones with a cultural prodigious with a certain disdain.

    I certainly do not approve of it but its been going for decades just sort of erupted recently.

    Now I will admit there probably is a bit of racism here, most of it in this town seems to largely be directed at the dutch. I can't seem to figure out why since I moved here. There are some neo-nazis here as well.

  2. Welcome, I am also a 16 year old Australian. The Greco-Persian wars is definantly an interesting time and one of my favourites.

    Age of mythology is a pretty good game, I used to play it extensively and I modded it just as much.

    if a spare character concept artist is needed, I'll gladly be of service.

    Never hurts to fill out an application form, even if we don't need any at the time we'll keep it around for later incase we do need it. At least I'm pretty sure it works that way.

    Also its good to not be the only Australian (that I'm aware of anyway) here anymore.

  3. That seems very useful.

    Thanks and I understand that it is likely difficult to learn as many languages are and that is something I like about learning languages.

    And having I have had some experience with latin so hopefully that should help if as you say the grammar is similar.

    rep up for the quick help and very useful link.

  4. So my holidays started and I have plenty of spare time. I figured it is the perfect time to start learning a language. For a while I debated with myself as to which one I should take up, until I was reading through my lotr book and came accross the poem Namárië also known as Galadriel's Lament.

    It struck me that wouldn't it be interesting to learn Quenya and it isnt going to matter much if I learn parts of it a bit wrong because the chances of me actualy conversing with someone in real life with it are virtually nill; and it has been documented enough to be worth learning.

    So I finally found a language to learn which also ties in with something else I really enjoy (that ofcourse is reading books by Tokien in the Arda mythos).

    Unfortunantly books like "teach yourself Quenya" etc are not likely to be found in the library or even to exist at all (or if they do are not liekly to be widely stocked). so basicaly I am limited to the web and I don't really know of many sites that could help in any way as I have not previously looked and the searches I have done so far have turned up less than desireable results.

    So this is where you guys come in. If any of you happen to have links to anything I could find useful then I would appreciate it greatly.


    Hi from the people at 0AD.

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