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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. Ah, I see thanks for telling me. Well I reached my goal of 150 in one month.
  2. I would think seeing Christopher Columbus would be very cool.
  3. I will be going to do school work tomorrow.
  4. Hello, what is your favorite store? I think mine is the mall
  5. So welcome to well....... My thread Hope you are all having a great day. Well My parents have a really junky car(s). What do you have?
  6. I am from America. My mom was from France,Paris so now I have a French citisenship.
  7. Hi good afternoon or maybe goodnight or maybe even good morning Anyways I played in the Spokane Music and art fest. I played the paino and I was so nurves. I got a 96% witch if I had been in a coppetiteve room then I woud have gotten a Gold!
  8. Welcom to the forums. Have a blast.
  9. Actually Chichi your not the greatest God is. But other then that yeah you pretty cool.
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