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Everything posted by Apomonomenos

  1. How about in the sequil is called : 0 A.D.: The fall of the Roman Empire (That could be the sequil's campaign if you put one in) EDIT: I just found out the Roman Empire officially fell at around 476 A.D., so that could be put in the game (and possibly the Western Roman Empire)
  2. Will there by Spanish Lynxes (there still are today, but not as many) or were they not from the area at the time?
  3. Ones that give you a Laser bear or Purple Hippo like in AoM well, how about ones that give you food and/or coin so you can get a big army and pwn the enemies
  4. And my (hopefully) final question, will the archers gain a range advantage when on a hill (i'm guessing:no)
  5. Yea, i get Babylonians and Anatolians mixed up alot don't get why i do. Another question; will there be chariots for romans because they did have it, but I'm not sure if they were used in battle or not.
  6. I was wondering; will there be cheats like in all Microsoft Civ Games, or will this game be won by pure skill?
  7. I just read about there being two parts of the game and was wondering will it be like an expansion pack (were one's made after the other) or just two downloads (made at the same time)?
  8. I was wondering what will the resources be? will it only be wood, food, gold and stone like in AoK or will there be more/less to it like in AoKDS and AoE III?
  9. Or if there are ruins, you can build new buildings over it or repair it for less (if the players a different faction, just rebuild the player's version of the building as it) then rebuilding it completly.
  10. I like Purple People Eater's idea, but scraps could fall off for rams, but only on the bottom. I think u got the idea from AoE III, didn't you?
  11. Ok, to put this question in a simpler form: What will happen to the bodies of the soldiers when they die? And a new question, What will happen to the debris of the buildings when they are destroyed? I like AoK's way to put bodies the best decompose but not sinking into the ground like in AoM. Also, this hit me; will there be a special death to the people who die from catapaults and other things like it like in Warcraft III?
  12. I like Mr.Black's idea but maybe walls and other buildings (other then houses) near animals wouldn't be a good idea and have the animals walk slowly away from the object.
  13. No Stronghold Legends turned out to be a great game not to mention units that are mounted on a wall get knocked off when hit my a catapault rock.
  14. Well, maybe not women but defenetly children.
  15. Maybe you could set an option tool that'll allow the training of 1-5 units per bunch, but the catch is the more units the slower the training (a constant stream of soldiers is like sending 1 soldier at a time against an army burning your town)
  16. I was wondering, what'll happen to the bodies of a dead soldier? Will it disapere like in AoE III, or will it sink to the ground making an impression of the body like in AoM, or will it stay for a while and slowly decompose or something? Because I'd really like a body to stay there for a while, or you could just make an options setting on how long the bodies should stay.
  17. Well in the game Glory of the Roman Empire (highly suggest you to try it out http://www.download.com/Glory-of-the-Roman...-10549203.html) you would build a house and two people would come and choose their job. They would work for a little, get their daily needs and go to bed. Maybe if it was similar to this, you could put taxes in.
  18. I was wondering are the buildings going to change as they get damaged like in AoM and AoEIII? And will the units do the same (such as scratches etc.)
  19. I like the idea, and maybe we could also have them as mercenaries like in AoEIII
  20. I remember viewing a documentary about the Roman empire during it's fall. Also, there was one part in Briton, were it showed King Arther as a Roman Centurion (named for one Centurion every century per state) and his soldiers as Praetorians and Merlin as a Germanic Druid. The Saxons were an allied tribe that turned to blood lust of the Romans. So if this turns out to be true (because if you think about it, King Arther lived around 400A.D. and plate was invented at around 1000 A.D., and there was no sword in the stone but the lady in the lake that gave it to him.) you can use it as a campaign mode. It would be fun to play as King Arther. One more thing, the Anglo-Saxons in that area spoke a Germanic-Romantic language mix, which was very different from today's English (William of Orange or William the Conquerer helped form the English Language (being from France), and he lived a long time after, about the time when England invaded Scotland).
  21. I'd help, but over E-mail I still have school I'm ok @ drawing, I have an over-whelming knowledge of Greece (especially of Mythology) and some knowledge of Norse (Vikings & Germanic Tribes) & Egypt. I can translate Greek & ancient Greek languages, so that can be a help. Plus, my brother & one of my friends know Spanish (but who doesn't (me)) so I can "persuade " them to help translate for the Iberians. Plus the same friend also draws better than me so I can "persuade " him to get a sketch of an idea. I'm sure he will help. One way or another.
  22. Ok but 1 question to ask: Will you have the map style similar to AoM & AoK, with visible, explored & unexplored areas?
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