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Everything posted by myliverhatesme

  1. It's also annoying how it resets the civilization back to Athenians when switching between civilization overview and structure tree. It used to keep the civ you selected before. Has anyone else noticed this?
  2. I haven't seen this mentioned but to encourage people to attack to destroy a building instead of weaken/capture/delete make deleting a building take time proportional to build time. Seems more realistic. Why should you just instantly be able to demolish a building just because you control it? One could argue that like building, you use workers to destroy a building and the more workers the faster it's destroyed but that sounds tedious. Instead just make it take time to demolish a building. So if someone is trying to get an enemy building out of the way, attacking it is more beneficial since it's destroyed quicker. But if they want to use it then obviously capturing is beneficial.
  3. So are BoonGUI and autociv okay? You completely ignored my point.
  4. Cool. Where's that definition at then? All I see is vague wording.
  5. But what counts as an "unfair advantage"? Who determines what's "unfair"? I think the BoonGUI stuff in ModernGUI gives me an advantage. But who's to say whether it's unfair. That's why I was trying to create an explicit distinction between mods that handle production and move units automatically vs. ones that don't.
  6. 0AD allows mods. Mods allow moving units and queueing research/units automatically. So if you don't want people doing that then don't make that moddable. Instead of calling people cheaters I think it would be better to distinguish between mods that display information that's already available, add maps, etc. vs mods that effectively are AI and actually do things for you. Hosts could have an option like "disable AI mods" and if a function call is made in the mod that's not allowed the user is kicked from the game and needs to disable the mod.
  7. I've never done it that way before. I press "O" then click and drag to select. That still works.
  8. Can't tell if you're just trying be a jerk, but obviously it's not that simple. You download the source, then what? You have to download and set up a bunch of dependencies. That's entire point of the nix package. It does for you and in isolation so it doesn't interfere with your existing system packages. I posted a link to the source which apparently you didn't look at. It downloads the source and compiles it for you. You can think of it like a bash script that handles the dependencies and compilation for you.
  9. That's weird. Why is zsh giving an error? That error isn't from the nix command. Can you try it in bash?
  10. @zzshahzzPretty sure you just need to rename proGUI-modernGUIA27 to ModernGUI. Needs to be same name as in mod.json
  11. I've noticed that whenever there's an upgrade, it's the Linux users who are left in the old lobby because they are unable to install the new version immediately. This is due to the way package management is done on Linux. So for those of you on Linux who can't run the latest 0ad because it hasn't been packaged yet or won't be packaged for your OS, I have a solution that I hope works for you. It involves using the Nix package manager which in theory runs on every version of Linux and you only need to run 2 commands: one to install the package manager and one to download/compile/run 0ad. First install the Nix package manager by running: sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon Further directions here: https://nixos.org/download/ After the package manager is installed you should be able to run: nix run github:nixos/nixpkgs/master#zeroad This will download and compile the latest nix packaged version of 0ad (27 as of yesterday) if it hasn't done so already, then run 0ad. Since it has to download/compile it takes some time the first time you run it; about 12 minutes the first time on my mediocre PC. But after that it opens normally. To see what version of the code it's pulling down and compiling (as well as the build steps) you can look at this file: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/a19f7dcff880e1e6e82ea1b0f9155572b72385b2/pkgs/games/0ad/game.nix#L50 I'm curious if this works for you. Please let me know.
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