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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. Oh wow, a rep up for doing nothing Thanks mate!
  2. Finally, 500 posts, and I'm telling everyone on my actual 500th post
  3. How did you do on the paralell parking game?
  4. Lorian


    *Is utterly confused on PHP coding* Um, whatever you say Tim
  5. Lol, yeah, I could use some more rep, I've been stuck on 2 for ages l:P
  6. Aah that's difficult, it took me 00:01:49:06 EDIT: Ok I've worked out how to do it now 00:00:12:46 Lol
  7. Yeah it's 51, and yeah that's a good idea, although this thread will probably have died by that time.
  8. 1) 2) 3) And here's my fantacy one: Lol, jk Mustn't forget the one important one though: EDIT: I havn't used too many smilies have I? Just checking
  9. You'll probably have another boring English teacher, I've only ever had one year where I enjoyed a language because we had a teacher who was in her twenties and young teacher like that are always cool, we didn't get much work done though
  10. Why is gaining posts so slow? I want to be high, like 5000 or something, stick another 0 on the end of what I've got at the moment and I'm almost there
  11. Yeah it would be useful to have an option to see who voted for what. Guess we'll just have to wait.
  12. Lorian


    Lol, well it's easier than trying to work it out, maybe Tim's just being lazy?
  13. I don't really get mcuh homework which can be posted on it like what's (5*6)/(7*98) or whatever, I just get things like write an essay on Macbeth or, write about your holiday in French or something like that. Besides, I always leave my homework to the last minute so there wouldn't be enough time to allow for replies
  14. Bad liar eh? Me too lol What do I have liar printed on my face or something?
  15. I voted undecided, I leave loads of crap on the desk and never bother doing anything with it, when I do tidy it up most of it goes in the bin so I sort of do both.
  16. I think you mean: Physics Chemistry Economics Mathematics (Maths)
  17. I used to have that problem on my old 15" at 1024x768 but now we've got a new 17" at 1280x1024 and it doesn't stretch it anymore . Lol, yeah it was very annoying, you sure there's nothing you can do about it?
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