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Posts posted by LetswaveaBook

  1. 5 hours ago, BeTe said:

    I watched some RTS games on Youtube like AOE 2 and 3, WC 2, SC 2... In none of them you can produce 100+ units in 10 minutes, it's rather 3-4x less. I am wondering why 0AD is made like that? 

    I don't think it is a conscious decision, but rather it seems a result of the game lacking content in phase 2.

    For the current meta: In the first 6 minutes you can rush someone. After that most players after some extra infantry which should help for defending. At this point executing any attack is more detrimental for your own development than for your opponents development. There are some factions (with mercenary cavalry) that do not follow this logic.

    From say minute 6 to 12, the game is misbalanced in the sense that spamming more infantry is better than going to phase 2 early.

    Once you reach phase 3 as the first player, you can get your siege, upgrades and hero's before your opponent does. If you attack your opponent in the time zone that he does not have the advantages of phase 3 while you have, there is a reason to expect victory and decide to attack.

    From minute 6 to 12, there is some dead content during which it is better to stay at home rather than attacking (&strategic decisions). For me the reasoning (indirectly) seems that by developing and training units so quickly, the dead content passes by faster.



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  2. Seems like there is has been an 3 week silence on this topic.

    Lately I played a game against @vinme that I wanted to share. Originally I aimed to upload videos at least biweekly, but I realized that I lack the amount of interesting replays of high level strategical 1v1 games.


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  3. 3 hours ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    now i think it would be OP for the civ, considering recent changes.

    I think most factions need a considerable buff to be on par with Ptolemies, so I think that balance wouldn't be a problem. The Ptolemies get a food tickle from the start and the Persians only after they spent time and resources for building the ice house.

    Also, I think it would be nice for a change if the best faction for a change wouldn't be the one with the best eco.

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    3 hours ago, alre said:

    every now and then someone cames up with this concern

    I tend to think that this is because rams can still be very annoying to deal with.

    For my taste rams should be a little slower. Infantry swordsmen can deal with them if the rams are stationary. But when the rams retreat, they of can get to a safe position before taking to much damage.

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  5. On 18/06/2022 at 11:09 AM, Alar1k said:

    Just an idea inspired by the hill removal - what if the new map named "plainland" would have little ponds of water instead of cliffs - mainly so that one could use fishing advantage and also make Athene civ more balanced since they could finally get their full potential since they have mercs and champions locked to only maps with bodies of water present


  6. 12 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    I like the idea a lot except for one catch: There is inconsistency when you only allow it to be built in your territory (p1) and anywhere in p2. This seems like an inconsistency that should be justified, adjusted or otherwise resolved.

    I would allow it only in owned territory in p1 because I wouldn't want people to place it right next to the opposing base and be super annoying with that.

    @Stan` Maybe it is better to split this. I hope that would invite other people to discuss any proposals for Seleucids.

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  7. 16 hours ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    @LetswaveaBook the main thing to consider is how useful that is in p1. It can be a source to train women, consoldiate forward wood control, defensive qualities, or extend to berries. It also only costs 160 of each non-food resource, so with decent timing it might help you boom too.  Does the colony have a smaller territory footprint in p1 like the standard cc? 

    It sounds nice and is probably my favorite so far, but maybe we should let a few more ideas for civ bonus in before we start narrowing them down.

    Not only it provides all the advantages that you mentioned, but it also provides 20 population space and building it in p1 means that you can start mercenary production directly after reaching p2.

    I think it would be a bonus that provides a strong start, though not as strong as the Ptolemaic start. When other factions build a barracks, the Seleucids would be able to build the colony instead. It would be a differentiation that changes the start for the Seleucids considerably.

    I would think it is a good thing if factions feel unique from the very first minutes of the game.

    • Like 2
  8. 34 minutes ago, borg- said:

    i will continue to sparta civilization.

    I think that for act of differentiating factions, Sparta has the art disadvantage. Sparta has the least amount of different units neither does it have many special buildings.

    While I think we should make the most of the art currently available to us, we need to accept more art is particularly useful for making Sparta feel more unique.

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  9. On 24/06/2022 at 1:19 AM, borg- said:

    I think that's enough for now. The intention is just to start differentiating in all civilizations, so that it can be deepened in the next patches.

    It is nice to see a patch that creates an unique identity for Persians.

    However what about Persian Architecture? Is it supposed to be as useless as in A25?

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  10. On 17/06/2022 at 11:41 AM, hyperion said:

    4310: the tech still doesn't look stellar but no longer outright useless -> +1

    Not every strategy needs to look stellar, so I consider that as a positive.

    On 17/06/2022 at 11:41 AM, hyperion said:

    4704: removing p2 champs (a24) from some civs to add later to others -> I'd prefer deciding this for all civs instead of a case to case basis. There is a certain risk otherwise that over time all civs have the same special or worse the special wandering from civ to civ.

    There is some virtue in trying to solve all design problems in one single go. I would welcome a general discussion about which advantages become available in which phase. As long as that discussion is not  conclusive, we are limited to considering things case to case.

  11. 6 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    my javelin cav --->    <---enemy spear cav

    oops, my jav cav must now turn 180 degrees, while the spear cav do not need to accelerate at all.

    This is exactly one situations I tested.

    Okay, the javelin cavalry need to turn and accelerate.  So it is more difficult to avoid the first hit. The spear cavalry get 1 hit and then stop. But this is only the first hit. After that, the javelin cavalry have moved and it is the turn for the spear cavalry to accelerate. So it works in both ways.

    8 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    n a25, actively chasing enemy cavalry doesn't usually get you very many kills anyway (often the retreating cav find reinforcments, allies, or buildings, etc)

    My assumption is that in A26 it will get you even less kills.

  12. 8 hours ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    It's not a massive difference to be honest.

    I thought in this example the difference in units lost is a factor 2.


    8 hours ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    Like I said earlier, there are also instances where acceleration improves the spearcav's effectiveness.

    I don't want to be sarcastic, but do these situations really exist or is it wishful thinking?

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