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Posts posted by Radiotraining

  1. @ChronA@Stan`well guys.. thanks to both of you for the super useful feedbacks!! :) It was really a basic attempt just to move the waters, and at least for this case, it's kinda working! :D

    Yes to both of you, you have all solid points.

    To answer ChronA, yeah absolutely! I went for the super-safe route since it wasn't exactly clear what were the expectations or a consensus on visual aspects. But but I'm actually more than happy to experiment further and move away from Starcraft! Glad to hear this! :D

    Consider this only as an experiment (and also an exercise on 3d for me), but I'm also studying Homeworld concept designs and I find those much, much interesting! They're mostly inspired from actual industrial and mechanical buildings/machines and those are something we could possibly learn from in terms of shapes, functionality etc..

    Again, that was something only improvised to experiment a bit the possibilities, but I'm glad it opens up this sort of discussion, because it gives more clarity over style, boundaries etc.. other than this, no need to explain further, I'm with you on that! :)


    Also big thanks Stan for taking the time to give off some feedback. Those are quite useful universally also for other models, so I'm taking note on that!

    - If I would study an alternative CC (or other buildings) would you consider them into the mod? Because in that case I can definitely put more effort studying some alternatives that can be effectively used. I'm not really very experienced with 3D, so my only worry is that I can't go much far. But if, as initial model, is not completely horrendous, and if there are people that may want to check/supervise in this area, then I can def try something. 

    Also, since you've mentioned normal and spec map, what do you think of this flat style for textures? Might be a viable/alternative choice from the hyperrealism of vanilla 0ad?  Would it be worth to try in this direction?



  2. Oh well.. I had no idea where to even begin and what I was doing, it was more like an experimentation to get to some quick result. Also the unwrap is very random just to get a general idea. 

    So a lot can be criticized! ehehe but feel free if you have some feedback  on the fly.

    Anyway if you think something like this can be used into the game, I can try to refine it further, cleaning up extra faces ecc..

    i just don't know how I could help effectively to make at least some attempts for this mod 

  3. okay, random attempt (I don't even have idea of what I'm doing):

    - I wanted to try out the concept I made yesterday + a flat texture to simulate that cel-shading effect.

    Maybe next time I'll try to unwrap on a simpler surface to manage it better

    I don't know.. this is a very poor, improvised version. I'm sure things can be improved further, but it's just to try things out 

    - Stan, what can be done to help out a bit more practically? Should I participate on github?

    I think one of the main elements is to define the resources before adding further templates, what do you think? Would you need icons for that?




    Schermata 2021-12-10 alle 08.21.36.png



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  4. I know it's a bit too early to even consider this.. but since I'm still blown away by that freaking good art in Homeworld, I was wondering @Stan` what would you think of "painting" the textures to give this sort of cel-shading effect? Could it be an interesting artistic experimentation for 0ad engine?

    Maybe it could open to a whole new visual result that can show the alternative styles possible within this engine?

    Just ideas, of course.. as I said, it's also probably too early for this



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  5. Okay so, I was trying to figure out what I could do to make the project move. I learned a bit of the basics of actors and templates while working on updating Millenium AD, so I thought I could take some steps. But, to be honest this is a bit of another story.. I'm still not that confident with Blender and 3D to tackle something completely new as this. What I can probably do, at the moment, is provide support in the art department, such as concepts textures and graphic elements that may be useful (icons, portraits etc.. ) 

    So here I made a concept for a Terran CC.. the general shapes are those of Starcraft, since I think that was the general direction (at least to start). I hope this could help to develop a 3d model. Anyone who is interested to pick from this and try something..?

    Meanwhile I hope I can get better with modeling to be more useful in this area.




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  6. 4 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    thanks for the edit, I'm from the cell phone.

    I was looking for concepts.

    We already have two races. With its basic unit.

    I love the spirit of initiative! This is what is needed to flow ideas and push the work on this mod. 

    I think a good way to organize the work could be to find some visual languages for each civ. The names haven't been sorted out 100%, but there's a consensus on the elements of them :

    - Terran are represented by an international organization that can be colonialist and exploitative. (I think the mecha references you have posted are quite useful for planes, tanks and all the technical vehicles)

    -  Ants (zergs) are the organic aliens with characteristics of insects 

    - SHA (protoss) are ancient aliens. They may look like the "greys" and I thought they may combine elements of Egypt, Nubia or old mesoamerican civilizations to give them some archaic and mysterious flavour 


    these are just ideas, of course. But I think is important to define some core visual elements of each to develop the rest. Stan had a good idea to use "pureref". Maybe we could use that app to come up with a reference moodboard for each faction. What do you think? :)

  7. Seriously I'm in love 

    - Okay I'll stop spamming Homeworld stuff now. But this is only a reference on the very detailed sound design. I could perceive some of the depth from the gameplay, but this voice-over is just .. wow! 


    Anyway I hope this can be a good inspiration also to think a bit outside the box even for Stella Artis. I was thinking merely how to replicate the StarCraft formula, but maybe some additional care for details could really make the difference! Just a casual thought :)

  8. Nice! Thanks for the answer! :) Yeah, I said "laser" just generically, I don't have specific ideas either what we could precisely need.. but looking a bit on those gameplays there're quite a lot of lines and trajectories that create the effect of a battle with different types of weapons, so it was just to check out the limits or potentials of the engine ;)

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  9. A couple of considerations from Homeworld gameplay

    @Lion.Kanzen sound design will be extremely decisive! From what I see it really creates some 40% of game immersion 

    - also there're quite a lot of visual effects (laser, explosion, missile trajectories..) that would be cool to simulate. But I have no idea if it's technically possible on pyrogenesis. @Stan` what do you think? 

    I'm not that much into flashy effects, but they surely have quite an importance for a futuristic timeline

    - really, really love the style!! It perfectly combines realism with future elements. Maybe something that would fit well also with 0AD general style. I was initially thinking about the exaggerate proportions of StarCraft, but maybe a more realistic approach may be more the correct way

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, maroder said:

    would like to help out more, cause I like the idea of a space themed mod, but since I have never played Star Craft it's hard to suggest something close to it

    yeah, as Stan has said it's pretty straightforward. "Starcraft" is just a general reference, but since it's all work of imagination, anything can be useful to create a believable "universe" of aliens and humans.

    What is needed right now is probably inspirations, references and materials that can be used to create new concepts and models.

    The core elements of Starcraft are very simple: less economic management and more fast paced action. Three asymmetrical races perfectly balanced together: Terrans, Zerg (insect-like organic aliens) and Protoss (highly developed aliens)

    Here you can get an idea : https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_StarCraft_II_units

    But any other game can be similarly useful as reference: C&C Tiberian wars, warhammer etc..  

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  11. 4 hours ago, andy5995 said:

    Feel free to add it to the doc under the backstory section. My intention wasn't to add everything already mentioned in this thread, but just throw something up quick and dirty-like to provide some vague idea of what I had in mind.

    Sounds good! :) Is not a problem really! It was just to understand where to start from. But as I said, anything can do! 

    I appreciate the initiative because it keeps everything more clear and organized. 

  12. Well, the story itself is not a big deal. Everything could work :) It's just to reach some clarity because if everyone think something different then is very difficult to develop something. And having yet another version adds confusion. Just that. But anything is good for me.

    Anyway we can follow along with Andy document and try to shape the rest of buildings/units which are also important as a guideline for the project 


  13. Okay, feedback: to be really honest I tried to write some backstory for the mod just a few posts ago, that sparked a bit of discussion and ideas very recently. I thought you could have picked from there, since is the most "fresh" development. Anyway any story/idea is good. We just have to pick one and stick with it. Otherwise we risk to not move forward ;)

    Anyway I gotta say that the document manages to keep everything more tidy and organized! Especially the selection of names and the building list. It helps to have everything there at first glance 


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  14. Awesome stuff!! It's great to see all ideas and contributions coming together! ^^ 

    Thanks for creating it, Andy and great spirit of initiative! :) I'm going to read the proposals and come back if I have feedbacks

    I encourage anyone who is interested in making this mod to take a look too, so more ideas can be welcomed 


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  15. A question to the experts in the forum:

    I was having fun making a fortress for the arabs, adding some details like arcades and such. When I got satisfied by the model, I uploaded it into the game, but it creates this weird artifacts, cutting the arcs in a strange way and leaving a big void.

    Now, it may be something about the way I created the arcs in the first place (still learning the best method..), but I've seen this happening more than once, so I'm wondering if it's also a game engine limit with some shapes, or what the cause could be..?

    Anyway no problem, I can create the same structure again. But just curious to understand the reasons.




    Schermata 2021-12-03 alle 13.42.31.png

    Schermata 2021-12-03 alle 13.44.56.png

  16. okay, now the difficult part :

    @Lion.Kanzenis there a Nahuatl name we could borrow for an ancient civilization? That would be cool for our "protoss"!

    For the zergs I have no idea honestly.. I'm looking around some terms for insects, bacteria and organic stuff

    Anyway guys! Let's keep it easy eh! If we find a good one let's stick with it, otherwise we can spend days for just names


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  17. 3 minutes ago, Lopess said:

    If we use an existing name, it makes us believe that in the future it is related to this movement, which I don't think would be the best point, if it were better, it would be the acronym UN. In that future we could create something like the Human United Nations (encompassing the colonies and new nations created on the moon, mars, ceres and on the satellites of jupiter, saturn.

    WOW I do like something like HUN as acronym for terrans! :)

    It's the UN but launched in the future. And also it has reminescence of "huns", and how they depredated Europe. So it could be quite a cool parallel thrown into space :)

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