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Everything posted by SciGuy42

  1. I have now updated Mission 26 to a25. Here, you get to witness the assassination of Darius and subsequently, avenge his death.
  2. Perhaps? I don't know exactly. If you want to edit the terrain, to make it more realistic, let me know, always looking for collaborators!
  3. I have now updated up to mission 24, the battle of Gaugamela. The link to download those missions is here: https://github.com/SciGuy42/Macedonia_0ad/tree/a25 Here is a video of the Macedonia 24 - Gaugamela:
  4. Mission 18 is now up and ready for a25. You get to sack the city of Tyre. Note that I had to modify the template for the lighthouse to enable the trigger of revealing all shores. Actually, before in a23, when the lighthouse was captured, the shores became explore but not revealed. Now, they become revealed as in, no fog of war. But that's fine. Enjoy!
  5. Sogdiana would be awesome, there are a few scenarios where Alexander is fighting them and currently I am just using Persians as a substitute. The Dahae would be good too, their horsemen rode alongside Alexander, currently I am using the Persian Horse archers to represent them. Capadocians appear in mission 11, any units unique to them would be great.
  6. Awesome! Feel free to DM me with details on how it went and any recommendations, thanks!
  7. Thanks for trying, by mistake I had uploaded the files in the wrong folder, they are now where they're supposed to be in the a25 branch: https://github.com/SciGuy42/Macedonia_0ad/tree/a25 Ignore the mission files in the root of the folder, I need to get rid of those. The correct files (up to 16) are in: https://github.com/SciGuy42/Macedonia_0ad/tree/a25/maps/scenarios Can you let me know if those work for you?
  8. Some of the missions definitely deal with tribes that are not in the game, like Thracians, the Gatae, Illyrians, various tribes throughout the Persian empire, etc. Probably not worth investing that much work though. A small step would be to add some units that cannot be built by anyone but I could still script to spawn or place initially that represent non-playable civilizations in the region.
  9. Up to 16 are now converted to a25 and tested. Some extra coding was needed as now siege weapons are no longer capturable. Therefore, in cases where you're supposed to capture one, just kill it and an identical type will spawn under your control Following at scenes from "Macedonia 16 - A Bridge Too Far", chronicling Alexander's (failed) attempt to conquer Tyre by building a bridge and marching his army over.
  10. By all means, someone please make the city of Thebes better, just need to keep the same number of defense towers and fortresses to maintain difficulty. There is also the city of Magnesia in Scenario 5 which could be a lot better. Finally Tyre, but I don't think I have converted that one to a25 yet so perhaps later. Generally, my main contribution with this campaign is the code and scripting. I could use help making the maps beautiful.
  11. Mission 12 is now converted and re-vamped for a25. Thanks all for the help and of course, thanks to the original creator of the city that Alexander conquers in this scenario.
  12. Thanks, yeah, I figured I was just exploiting a bug The code example helped, I now know how to use modifiers directly from code, it's pretty cool.
  13. I am still working on converting the missions -- so far, up to mission #11 are converted. However, I ran into an issue in terms of backwards compatibility. In many of the scenarios, the starting technologies are predefined. In the previous version, if I add a technology twice, I get twice the effects. So for example, the following code would add 30% to the international trade bonus as the tech itself adds 10%: for (let k = 0; k < 3; k ++) cmpTechnologyManager.ResearchTechnology("trade_commercial_treaty"); Now, this no longer works -- only the first time does the effect take hold. Would it be possible for me to edit some code to make sure that each time the ResearchTechnology function is called, the effects of the tech are triggered even if the tech has already been researched? Does anyone know where that code would be? Thanks.
  14. Mission 10 is now converted to a25 as well -- The Sacking of Thebes. You get to sack the city of Thebes which rebelled against Macedonian rule. But first, you must destroy its farms and storehouses, secure the blessing of the nearby temples and ideally, find siege equipment to help break through the city's defenses. As you make progress, reinforcements will arrive to help you with the task. If anyone wants to contribute to the design of the city itself, please let me know. There is definitely room for improvement (you'd just need to keep roughly the same number of towers and fortresses).
  15. So I take it that the change was intended, thanks I'd still wish it worked as it did before, there is one other mission where I think this dynamic is important. If anyone can point me to the code of how that was implemented before, please do, for this mission it was intended.
  16. Missions 8 and 9 have now been converted and remastered for a25. Following are some screen shots from Mission 9, which is largely a naval/coastal adventure of battle and exploration. By the way, it used to be that when you capture a Gaia lighthouse, all coastal areas become revealed. Now that trigger doesn't seem to work, nothing happens when capturing the lighthouse. Was that change intentional?
  17. Good to know it's fixed! But is there really no way I can install the very latest build without building it myself? If you do have instructions on how to build from source, do share, thanks!
  18. With the help of nwtour, I have now converted the first 6 missions to a25. It went a bit slow initially as I was figuring out what has changed, hopefully it will go faster from now on.
  19. Great, it now works! Now back to the conversion, will report any other bugs if I encounter them.
  20. I assume I had to replace with the file on the right. After I did that, I am now getting the following error when a unit gets close to the trigger point, tested with both my scenario and the Trigger Demo: ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/Trigger.js line 346 this.triggers.triggers is undefined Trigger.prototype.CallTrigger@simulation/components/Trigger.js:346:6 TriggerPoint.prototype.OnRangeUpdate@simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js:75:13
  21. Do you mean remove the word Action when registering the trigger but still keep the function as RangeAction? Or remove Action from both the name when registering the trigger as well as from the function name?
  22. I also tested the trigger demo scenario. Before I replaced the Trigger.js file, I was getting errors, now the errors are gone except for the OnRange trigger in that example scenario.
  23. Thanks, the interval action now seems to be working as expected. However, the OnRange trigger is still giving me the same error once the unit gets close to the trigger point: WARNING: Trigger.js: called a trigger 'RangeAction' for event 'OnRange' that wasn't found!!! I added the !!! at the end just to verify that it is using the new file.
  24. Unfortunately I am also having trouble with the simple IntervalAction trigger. I register the trigger as per the tutorial with no issues: cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnInterval", "IntervalAction", { "enabled": true, "delay": 10 * 1000, "interval": 5 * 1000, }); The action is defined as: Trigger.prototype.IntervalAction = function(data) { warn("The OnInterval event happened with the following data:"); warn(uneval(data)); }; Then 10 seconds in the game, I get this error: WARNING: Trigger.js: called a trigger action 'undefined' that wasn't found I think I followed everything from the trigger_demo.js example to the tee as before.
  25. I am trying to upgrade my campaign to a25 and have found that OnRange triggers must have changed somehow. I first defined the trigger using the following code: cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnRange", "RangeAction", { "entities": cmpTrigger.GetTriggerPoints("A"), // central points to calculate the range circles "players": [1], // only count entities of player 1 "maxRange": 40, "requiredComponent": IID_UnitAI, // only count units in range "enabled": true, }); I have a simple RangeAction defined as: Trigger.prototype.RangeAction = function(data) { warn("The OnRange event happened with the following data:"); warn(uneval(data)); }; When I load the scenario I get no errors upon loading but then when I move the unit close to the trigger point, I get the following error: WARNING: Trigger.js: called a trigger 'RangeAction' for event 'OnRange' that wasn't found Note that I am following the example in: /maps/scenarios/trigger_demo.js I cannot spot any difference between how the trigger_demo.js uses the OnRange trigger and mine. Any clues? I am also including the .js file here. Macedonia_2.js
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