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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. Okay, what are your real names ? Oh and you cannot drink a beer without me. Cheers.
  2. Nice forum there, Elv. Quite ab usy place. How old are you by the way ?
  3. Ah, alrighty, sounds good. What forum is that ?
  4. Ugh, I don't quite understand you sexond sentence. Nevertheless, welcome to WFG.
  5. You should have attached a poll to them threads to make them more interesting, Mikey. Good job !
  6. *pops in* [voice of Diablo2-Butcher] Yumm...FRESH MEAT ![/] *rolls a nuclear bomb into the scene* *falls on knees* Oops....>
  7. Where exactly, Daniel ? My bro's name is Daniel, too. Wow, you are popular Dan, already 24 replies.
  8. Right. Go ask Jason, always wondered why you are not red.
  9. 2 fellas. A third one would be nice, if I'd still stand the crying.
  10. Well, you probably want to show us some examples of what you are looking for.
  11. Well I can do some WebDesign Art and graffiti, but not much more.
  12. Nice car, Jason indeed. I hope to write a Mercedes sometime in the near future. Costs a lot though.
  13. Well I like many. Mostly meieval struff with battles, action and the like, but I also like love stories at times and others.
  14. Well, getting us back on topic: I met one of my ex-GF's at a bus station. She asked for the way and I told her gladly.
  15. Hey I hope to be rich, too. I want to get my own WebDesign Business, but that would mean I'd need to hunt down propspects, which can be very hard at times.
  16. Nope, not old enough. I wonder who will vote "Not sure". :P
  17. LOL: Yeah, back when I posted at HeavenGames people had siggies there I would not read. I'd fall right down the chair a couple of times a day.
  18. LoL, nice story, kor. I will seek some super markets running a coffee presentation.
  19. Woot oivi, woot. Nice job indeed. Yeah, I guess I will raise Randy's post count to motivate him..
  20. Hya, Adder, long time no see. Okay, then I'll be the first one to ask you to tell us more about yourself, your design career and all that.
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