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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. I doubt the Proud Couples CLub would have many members.
  2. *shivers* Let me stay at 2nd place please. = I don't mind. Go go!
  3. Yeah, who will (be able to) do that ? Randy, please tell us your adress.
  4. @Matt: http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....php?act=Members I think I just build another sort method into that list.
  5. I know someone who has a lot of files to share.... Brian...
  6. Sorry guys, I have to close this. This truly does not belong to here. Please post that over at the General Chat Forum. Thanks.
  7. Yep, saw it Randy. I will see what I can do. I like Curu's postcard idea.
  8. Well of course it would cost a lot, there would be a limit for amount of stickies at the same time and it would only be for one month. We could of course do it so that the time scales down with the money the forumer uses, but then that would occur one whole guardian to pin and unpin topics all day long.
  9. I agree, Bobbo. Randy, you should use fast reply...man you could be at 10.000 posts now. :)
  10. Nope there isn't, but it's certainly a good idea. Amy, please go in the suggestions forum and reply in the threadt hat I jus started.
  11. Man, this scares me to death. When it is on my screen and I scroll up or down that it is on the page that I have open, but it isn't really on the screen the noise can't be heard. When I scroll so that I can see it, the noise comes back. It really is the avatar. I am not kidding.... *scared*
  12. I recently thought about a "Quick Topic" feature. That means that the "New Topic" button shows up on the Board Index next to each forum. What do you think of that ? Have any other ideas ? (
  13. Why ? Why not ? Have no files to share with us ?
  14. But what if it is something that you cannot change or don't want to change ? Like your parfum.
  15. I was bored, and decided to go to www.peta.com, a site I've known about for a while, but never found the time to visit. The articles I found there were hilarious! Post funny stuff that you find on the website! I can't believe these people are actually serious! I weep for them... I'll start: Kentucky Fried Cruelty Convicted Dog Rapist to Go Before Judge Again
  16. It makes them smile and feel comfortable, so I feel everyone should do it. Do you do it ? Why ? Why not ?
  17. Apart from being able to type "blindly" what methods are there to post as much as possible in as little time as possible ? The only thing that I am doing is having 3 browser windows open placed next to each other. Then I can quickly load/post/open new forums/threads/posts. I can do 4 actions at the same time. Also quite useful when there are postathons... always good to have one of the "Spammy" threads open in one windows and then you simply hit F5 all the time to refresh the window and then use Fast Reply to reply quickly.
  18. Well the forum shop won't be here anytime soon, but maybe we get this feature rolling already...should stickies be able to be bough with forum currency ?
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