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Everything posted by feneur

  1. The name just has to be related to the ancient world, it doesn't have to be an ancient word It would just be confusing to skip a letter.
  2. You can trade with your own markets as well, so no need for team games to take advantage of trade (The AI doesn't know how to use trade yet though as trade was added late in the Alpha 9 release cycle.)
  3. AIs don't yet work on Island maps, so that's a part of the explanation. I think it is for the errors, but I know it is for the lag =) The error might be fixed in Alpha 9 (though the AIs still don't support Island maps), but either way, for now it's really not recommended to play against more than one AI or to play multiplayer games.
  4. Walls are very likely to get an overhaul in the next couple of months for implementing a wall building system for the user. It's good that you offer your input from the RMS point of view though, so all things are taken into consideration
  5. Because this is the wrong forum =) I've moved the topic to the correct place though, so now you should be able to if you want to
  6. On a more serious note it should be out before the end of this week if nothing unexpected shows up
  7. That's something else That's just that in the Alphas we use pre-converted textures (many textures are created as PNGs, but for performance reasons etc the game uses the DDS format), but when using SVN the textures are converted when you first see them on screen. While they are being converted they show up as grey squares. The next time you see them they're already converted and thus loads faster
  8. So what you are saying is that when you give them a "get into formation" order they no longer follow a previous order? Not sure that's necessarily something to "fix" as it could be confusing. On the other hand if you're just changing from one formation to another you could still want them to continue walking to the destination.
  9. Please don't post the exact same message in several topics. We do intend to implement a translation system, however as mentioned in other places we want to wait until the English text is closer to being finished. Otherwise the translation work would need to be redone as soon as the English text changes and would risk being outdated quickly - and it would be worse having incorrect translations than no translation at all. Also, it's a higher priority to get the gameplay features done. We do intend to have about a year of beta releases as we test the game and balance things. And implement non-gameplay things, and optimize the engine, so there should be plenty of time for translation work.
  10. You're welcome. Good that it was something that was solved that easily
  11. That does sound like a driver issue, are you sure you have the latest version of the drivers for your graphics card?
  12. No worries. Though apart from just adding a quick model to the game you're likely to need quite a bit of time to get something useful done. Just so you're prepared
  13. I'd say it's up to you whether you want to put the latest version of e.g. a new random map script in the first post or in a reply, it's definitely recommended that you write a new reply to mention it if you've added/changed something in the first post. If something is changed in the first post but you don't let people know, then no one will know. Adding a new reply, regardless of whether you put the new version there or in the first post, will let people know there's an update. Among other things it will show up on the "View New Content" page. About getting replies: first, remember that the forums are visited by people from all over the world, so I'd say you should allow for at least 24 hours before expecting a reply. Second,it's far more likely for you to get replies if you post a direct question than if you just list some thoughts you've had and ask for people's opinion. Another thing, while we certainly aren't as aggressive against people posting twice or more in a row you seem to be a bit more likely to post a new reply rather than editing your last reply if no one has posted anything in between. It definitely depends a lot on the circumstances, and as said above, editing an existing post doesn't make the topic show up as changed on e.g. the "View New Content" page, just something to keep in mind.
  14. Yeah, the Celtic walls will be remodeled
  15. Well, then that's an issue with the models. I wouldn't say it's a good idea to work around issues with the models by changing the code, better to do it right in code the first time and fix the models (They might need tweaks anyway once the player wall building system is implemented.) That said I don't see the issue when manually placing walls and wall towers: Perhaps it's harder to do in code though There are issues in other angles than 90° though, so perhaps that's what you meant?
  16. Hmm, you would have found quite a lot of an answer in the topic just below yours: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15693 , you can find a lot of useful information in the relevant part of the Artist Design Document: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument#Blender as well as in this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15742 . It's best to look through those resources and then try looking through the games resources and work through things yourself. Then if you run into issues post direct questions here. It's hard for us to help more than pointing to existing resources in a general sense, we don't know what skills you have already etc
  17. Hmm, the Iberians do have a wall tower like all the other civilizations. So I'm not sure what you mean by that (Also, if you're using SVN there are Roman walls and wall towers as well =) But that's up to you, it is definitely recommended to use the SVN version for any kind of development though )
  18. It's not going to be released in 16 hours, however the feature freeze (i.e. no new features added, and generally only bug fixes and non-risky additions should be made) is tomorrow as you say, so it's probably still a good choice to put it up here rather than adding it to the SVN for now. Great work as far as I can tell though You and wraiti are really pushing the quality of the RMSs to come nearer and nearer to handmade quality
  19. That's basically how it's done now. Just that you don't click twice but rather click-and-hold and rotate the mouse until you get the building the way you want it.
  20. Well, the project most definitely does qualify, however, we don't have developers with enough time to devote to mentoring. (If they'd have that much time we'd see more progress even without the GSoC )
  21. You can also use the Control key together with the middle mouse button(/scroll wheel).
  22. feneur

    New Error!

    Assuming you mean saved games Philip wrote this in the post above yours: "(assuming the game had some UI to delete saves, which it doesn't yet)".
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