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Everything posted by feneur

  1. Wow I don't think I've realized before how big difference it actually makes with AO until I saw those comparison screenshots you've just posted. Really great work
  2. Cool, and thanks Paul and Dominik for posting here so we know something is going on so to speak
  3. I think ribez way might be the way to go, maybe as tabs to make it possible to discover? Also, for non-citizen soldiers there should be no reason to display the build panel at all, so for them the stats could be displayed at all times, or am I missing something. The main thing is that all functionality is easily available, the stats are less important to be able to access quickly. If one wants to be drastic one can say that if you haven't got enough knowledge about the static stats beforehand you won't benefit much from being able to access them quickly in the middle of the battle, then it's too late. (Though of course techs complicate things.) Seriously though, I do think we should try and have the stats easily accessible, I just don't think it's necessarily worth having them always visible. Pity we can't count on people to have large monitors Then it wouldn't be much of an issue as we could have displayed it all =) Apart from the portrait sticking out of the central panel I've got to say I'm overall in favor of the new layout of the GUI though
  4. Cool And if you're already used to getting things into another game engine you're probably better prepared than someone who isn't (Unless you'd expect things to be exactly the same of course, but I don't think you do )
  5. It would be good if you would be able to prove that you are able to get an object into the game, and we're thinking about making it required for Art applications, so please help us review the process by mentioning anything unclear in the instructions All the textures used in the game are available in the SVN - see below - (though not necessarily all source textures, that's a more complicated issue and some might be personal files from some of the artists etc). Please read through: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument and http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide and to make things easier for you probably http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TortoiseSVN_Guide as well (if you're just using a release version you will have to extract the public.zip to be able to edit/add things, and if you join the team you will have to learn using SVN in any case, so just as well to start now ). Then take say the well model and export it to COLLADA, include it in the game following the instructions in the documents linked above (ask if anything is unclear), and take a screenshot of it in game (or in Atlas is fine as well, just as long as it's obvious it is in the game ) and attach that screenshot to a post in this topic
  6. For programming, please see: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers for how to get started Any questions you have feel free to post in this thread, in the technical discussion forum, in specific tickets or in the IRC channel For design, do you have any existing work you can show us? For the Mauryan civ, please join in the discussion in this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16056
  7. I'm not sure what you mean, but perhaps you're asking for a higher maximum height for the terrain? A workaround for now might be to lower the sea level as some of the height is locked up down there so to speak.
  8. Just as a general comment: In my experience the important thing (unless you deliberately want to confuse the reader) is to make it clear that it's at an earlier point in time and another character (especially if it's a relatively close POV). Point in time isn't all that important to clear up immediately imho, as long as it doesn't e.g. feature a character that has died before or some other inconsistency (though that in and of itself is of course a way to tell that it's earlier in time, though I personally prefer a clearer notice ). That it's from another characters POV though, that should be obvious from the start for me to feel comfortable (Again, your intention might not be to make the reader comfortable, so it depends a bit on what you do with it as well ) That said, if you're just going to be telling the story from that other POV for these chapters you'd better have a good reason, otherwise at least I would be disappointed as a reader if you didn't come back to that POV later.
  9. I'd say it should vary (i.e. if your units are part of the battle, the music plays, if not it doesn't), you should have to scout to know that other players are fighting a battle if you're not part of it. I don't think anyone is prioritising this above attack warning sounds. Attack warning sounds shouldn't need a whole discussion thread about when they should occur since the requirements for playing the sound are straightforward. Battles are a much more subjective idea and are more complicated to define. Agreed, it should be fairly straight-forward. And most of the questions, like how often should the sound play, what should the visual indication look like, are things which are best finalized when testing the game. I.e. make a quick mockup version, include it in the game and test it, does the sound play too often/often enough, is the visual indicator obvious enough/too distracting etc
  10. When it's done It's hard to tell how much time the web developers will have, and even harder to tell when =) Hopefully within a couple of months at most, but summer could either be a good or a bad thing depending on what other things they will be doing
  11. It sounds very much like an issue with either the drivers for your graphics card or the graphics card itself. Could you please look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths to find the log files and attach the system_info.txt to a post in this topic? Also, is it just the ground that is black? Does buildings/units/water look as it should? Perhaps you could take a screenshot? (Press F2 and it will tell you on the screen where it is saved, then attach that to a post here as well )
  12. Just press Ctrl then right-click on a building and you will garrison the unit/units No need to click icons
  13. As a general rule I don't think we want to complicate it more than peace/war music. That said I do think there should be audio/visual signs that other things happen, I just don't think it's worth creating new tracks for (And most definitely not complicating the programming even further )
  14. Another thing we need to consider is "when not to stop" the battle. After all, the conditions for battle may be met, and then some units retreat or are killed etc and they are not, only to be met a couple of seconds later when new units join the battle. To make the risk of "bouncing" back and forth between peace and battle tracks lesser, something should be done. Perhaps just have the battle music continue for a couple of seconds after the conditions are no longer met, or have it fade out over a couple of seconds, followed by some seconds of silence before the peace tracks continue again. Something like the latter is probably what I would prefer, then it could be seen as the rising tides of war or something Might still be a bit annoying if it happens too much (perhaps an opponent withdrawing his troops often or something, would probably be more prevalent in part 2 though with e.g. the Huns).
  15. Zoot, you have to remember that it works well for non-programmers as well For programmers it's one thing to "just" do svn up this or that, but for artists etc it's really helpful to just be able to use a GUI tool and just one at that Complicating the process is probably the biggest concern. I'm not too concerned with what system we use as long as it isn't more complicated than today, if anything it ought to be simpler if we should move to something else, to outweigh the costs of having to learn a new system.
  16. Just using the Google Translator and translating I want you to Latin gives "Volo", so that may indeed be the inspiration
  17. I would guess you haven't played Age of Empires? It's the sound the priests make when they convert units from one player to another (shown by the change of colors on their clothes, and that's the explanation for the joke above btw ).
  18. Commented on the ticket, in short I didn't find a setting to change it. I did change it so you now can search for words in only two letters as well, have been a bit annoyed by that in the past, when there has been perfectly good reasons to search for e.g. an acronym or something, but one couldn't since it was only two letters. (I have obviously not been annoyed enough to try and find the setting before though )
  19. Can't find a way to enable such settings. (You can "ignore" signatures if you go to your settings, ignore settings and check the "Ignore all signatures when reading topics" checkbox though, but that's not what you asked for ) I did however enable the custom user title for members with more than 1000 posts, it wasn't enabled before.
  20. Agreed And we should definitely include the option to turn it (and the other things as well) off at will. Both for performance and so people who don't like it can turn it off (I'm not a fan of bloom myself, at least not that overdone as it was in AoE3 )
  21. Cavalry should be used to take out ranged units. I'm not saying it works perfectly yet, but just that using melee infantry to take out ranged units never should work well.
  22. Well, since the turning radius should only be relevant for siege/cavalry (and naval units, but they're a different issue altogether) I don't think it's that much of a problem. They really shouldn't move very well in tight spaces in any case, so if they end up moving less than perfectly in those situations that is almost a feature It's only realistic for cavalry to be truly useful in plain open spaces, and I doubt siege engines fared all that well in forests either =) (Iirc most siege engines, at least the bigger ones, were built on the spot rather than moved with the army.) And that actually is a good thing, because that means that siege engines can be made more powerful. If they're hard to move and easy to destroy it's easier to justify that they can deal a lot of damage.
  23. I think implementing spies well is one of the harder things in an RTS, either they're too powerful and you will have to focus on using spies a lot (and thus not spend as much time/effort on economy/war) or too weak and you will rarely use them at all. To some extent I think most of the espionage can be implemented as "technologies". Similar to AoKs spies technology, but maybe not as overpowered. Something like click the spy button in the fortress, click an area of the map where you want to spy and you get LOS there for a couple of seconds, then a cooldown period before you can use it again. The same with most of the other things. The only things I think are hard to do well as "technologies" are sabotage/assassination as they preferably should be possible to stop/avert.
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