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Intellect last won the day on October 27 2020

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  1. This mod was one of the best mods I've ever seen on a game. i tried it out in October and I was very disappointed with the game-play from it's predecessaor in 2019. I recall the designer being by the name @UndyingNephalim, and I wanted to know if he had a discord. I'd love to continue working on the mod although I think 0 AD needs a complete UI overhaul in order to really make it a snappy experience, like Project Celeste.
  2. Greetings Everyone. I am trying to recollect how to add animations to the game and I was wondering how I can do that. If I have an animation for a unit on blender, how can I have it set so I can actually put that animation to be played in game? Any links for further reading would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Merci! Danke!
  3. Are you familiar with the Age of Empires online Celeste Project? Basically, I'd like to change the game function so that it no longer requires "territory" space to build. This is a major hindrance to aggressive gameplay because buildings cannot be built forward outside of territorial spaces. However, there are a few game elements that would need to be changed as well.
  4. Ah, I see. Have any recent mods been made that make deep changes to the c++ state of the game? I'd be interested in poking around in those!
  5. Hi all! I have been working in C++ for a while now and was wondering if I could contribute to engine development. I was wondering if the game logic/engine was written in C++, and if so, if there is a way to work to develop a certain mod/style of UI for a game design that I have, or if I could contribute directly to the game development directly! Thanks
  6. Any interest in continuing the Mutant Wars Idea?
  7. Thanks! Im still a bit confused as far as the specifics go. Could I pm you for more elaboration? Thanks!
  8. Hey all. Can anyone help me design a piece of code to allow units to detect the distance between themselves and an enemy unit and queue a specific animation. Check these units, they are animating through the wall, but I just want them to trigger at the contact point.
  9. Im working on a mod the gets rid of the whole territory restriction. Honestly, its terrible in gameplay to have this territory rule. If you've ever played age of empires, you know how fun it can be to hide right outside your opponents base and stream in spearman from the barracks. HMU if you want to know more
  10. Have you guys thought over making a campaign and adding things like weapons and/or armor/ boost that players can earn through the campaign and use them later? Would it even be feasible with the game setup as it currently is?
  11. Thanks m7600! Just got back on my laptop. I actually restarted my computer and everything clicked together. I guess that a quirk of Linux is that it has a mind of its own and chooses when its going to work and when it doesn't. Zoinks! More questions to come!
  12. Thanks for the advice, Stan! Can a vertex be rigged to two bones simultaneously?
  13. Hey guys. There is an issue with the game. The skeleton-mesh combo will work perfectly if ONLY two bones are connected, like this: However, if MORE THAN two bones are connected, as shown below, you get an error message: In the images I posted, the FIRST one, with only two bones, exports into the game just fine. However, the one with 3 bones doesn't work (Yes, I know what you're thinking. I CHANGED the skeleton files each time I exported the skeleton-meshes) . Everything else is the same. Does the game not support multi-bone chains or something?
  14. It's almost as if the game doesn't allow for connected armature....hmmm
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