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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. I know this guy who works at the movie theater, and he said there were people lined up two weeks before waiting. I know other places people were waiting for up to 6 weeks!!

    He also had a light saber duel with some punk who was being cocky and he said he owned him. hahaha.

  2. Yea, that is very annoying. I had it do that too for a while.

    Try picking you image, and then closing messenger. Then open it again. That is what seemed to help for me, because normally I don't close it, it just closes when I shutdown.

  3. Wow, that's very impressive Michael. (y)

    I guess then that the tests are a states kind of thing. Basically it is a bunch of multiple choice tests on different subjects that the state gives you, and it ranks you, it can determine your classes for next year, lets the school know how well or bad you did, compare schools, earn extra money for schools, ect. It's a test to see what you've learned.

  4. It's the weak of Standarized Testing with week. You know, the ones where you do a zillion questions that are all opinionated. :P

    So far at school we've done the Language Arts section, the Math section, and the sciences and the NCLB sciences (no child left behind). Tomorrow will be the social sciences and that will be it!

    As a little idea the school had, they will be giving away 3 ipods to students that get a raffle ticket for doing "hard, good work" on the tests. Basically that means not drawing little designs with the bubbles.

    Anyone else had the pleasure to partake in these? B)

  5. I have a SATA as my boot drive, and it did take a little while to get working right. I had to find the correct drivers for it from my motherboard and put onto a floppy disc. Then when you see the blue screen saying the loading files for windows, you press F6 or something to use third party drivers.

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