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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. Does anyone have SETI on their computer? I heard about it, and it sounds interesting.

    It'd be interesting if we could have contact with other beings. :)

    (Let's hope they don't probe us or impregant us like in x-files :P )

  2. It might just be the time of the year when more of them come out. They are usually more quite in winter and colder times but are more active during the summer.

    (I like taking pictures of spiders, it can be fun. But I'd rather have them be outside of the house. :P)

    Here's a pic I took of one: http://n00098.myspace.com/00098/19/23/98633291_l.jpg

    I looked it up and it is known as a Habbronattraus Americanus or something like that.

    Good luck with your spider problem. :)

  3. If anyone has AIM add a person called "smarterchild" to your contacts. It is much more advanced than the other one and has a personality.

    Also "zola" is another interesting one to add. Both of them are interesting.

  4. Haha, that's the greatest! :axeman:

    Received aiResponse - My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.

    [qute]Received aiResponse - Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human. That's after telling her to die.

    Also when you insult her it is funny. :torch:

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