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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. Oh, there is one thing that I did change earlier before I started noticing these problems.

    I changed my pagefile (virtual memory) down lower to 512 MB, as opposed to about 1500. I did this because tech support said to try that to get this CD I got from them to work. And their idea fixed the problem. Could this be something that is cauing my troubles?

    When the folder directory crashes it also had the memory error, you know what that looks like. 'the memory could not be read blah blah blah'.

  2. In the folder are about 15 video files totaling up 7.2 gb. I have much bigger folders that have even more files in them and they don't crash.

    I'll try copying out the files into another folder now....

    edit: I tired using the dos commands and it was being weird. or maybe I typed them in wrongly.

  3. I have this problem with explorere.exe. Whenever I am in the file explorer and I navigate to C:\programfiles\fraps and click on a folder inside called movies, it crashes! This happens everytime you go in there. The standard explorer.exe crash message.

    I've rebooted and it still has the problem when you navigate by clicking the folder or opening up the whole folder.

    Do any of you know what might cause this? Could my registry be funky? Any ideas why it is specific to that directory?

    (running Win XP, with SP2 1024 mb memory)

    Thanks. :)

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