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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. I was wondering what kind of science classes will you guys (who are still in school) be taking next year?

    I'll be in Chemistry AP next year, so I hope it will be "fun".

    That reminds me, I'm supposed to be reading this chem book over the summer for next year. :D

  2. I doubt with that card you could max out the settings in BF2. That card would best be at med-low for BF2. It's a system resources intensive game.

    Here's a little article on BF2: http://www.tomshardware.com/game/20050716/index.html

    It also helps if you have a lot of ram for BF2. Atleast 1GB is what I would sugest and so does Tom's Hardware.

    You can check out some of the benchmark tests that Tom's Hardware does for graphics. They give good comparisons on video cards.

  3. Me gusta.....

    Actor: Arnold or Bruce Willis

    Actress: humm, I don't know at the moment

    Movie: Terminator 2, Scarface, Indiana Jones (I love tons of movies, but Terminator 2 is one of the best. :D )

    Color: red, green, blue

    Band: Run DMC, Jay-Z, Led Zep, Ludacris, Red Hot Chile Peppers (and lots more of different types)

    Book: Deception Point, Prey, Digital Fortress

    Food: pasta, pizza, sushi :D

    Hobby: build electronic kits, watch tv, watch movies, play games, ect.

  4. "The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) hosted the first Grand Challenge Project last year, offering a reward of $1 million. This year, the prize money has been doubled, making the competition all the more interesting. We looked at how two teams are working towards the challenge, one in California called Team Cyberrider and one in Germany. The German team is composed of a partnership between Volkswagen and Stanford University. Stanford Professor Sebastian Thrun, an internationally accredited expert in artificial intelligence, has assembled an extremely competent development and research team spanning nine different time zones."

    Tom's Hardware had a nice article about the robotic cars today and they talked about the DARPA challenge.

    Tom's Hardware Article on the DARPA Challenge

    "The Grand Challenge pits autonomous vehicles against each other in a race across the Southern California desert. With no driver, these robotic cars use the latest technology in following GPS waypoints and avoiding obstacles. Last year, none of the vehicles finished the race, which proved that the Grand Challenge really was "grand". The winding 150 mile course from Barstow, California to Primm, Nevada knocked out vehicle after vehicle. Most of the vehicles were eliminated just miles of the starting gate, with Carnegie Mellon's Sandstorm reaching the farthest distance of 7.4 miles, before clipping a fencepost and then slamming into a three-foot boulder."

    The race will be in October of this year in Southern California. Might be something interesting to watch out for. :D



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