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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. LOS ANGELES -- It's icy, rocky and bigger than Pluto. And according to scientists who found it orbiting the sun, it's the newest planet on our solar system's block. The planet _ the farthest-known object in the solar system _ is currently 9 billion miles away from the sun, or about three times Pluto's current distance from the sun.

    "This is the first object to be confirmed to be larger than Pluto in the outer solar system," Michael Brown, a planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology, said Friday in a telephone briefing announcing the discovery.

    Brown labeled the object as a 10th planet, but there are scientists who dispute the classification of Pluto as such.

    Astronomers do not know the new planet's exact size, but its brightness shows that it is at least as large as Pluto and could be up to 1 1/2 times bigger. The research was funded by NASA.

    Brown has submitted a name for the new planet to the International Astronomical Union, which has yet to act on the proposal, but he did not release the proposed name Friday.

    The briefing was hastily arranged after Brown received word that a secure Web site containing the discovery was hacked and the hacker threatened to release the information.

    Brown and colleagues Chad Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory and David Rabinowitz of Yale University first photographed the object in 2003 using a 48-inch telescope at the Palomar Observatory.

    But it was so far away that its motion was not detected until data was analyzed again this past January. It will take at least six months before astronomers can determine its exact size.

    It has taken scientists this long to find the planet because its orbit is at an angle compared to the orbits of most planets. The new planet is rocky and icy, similar to Pluto, Brown said.

    Alan Stern of the Southwestern Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., said he was not surprised by the discovery since other objects around the size of Pluto have been found in the Kuiper belt, a disc of icy debris beyond the orbit of Neptune.

    What's unique about the latest finding is that the object appears to be bigger than Pluto, he said.

    "Unless they've made a grave mistake, this is for real," said Stern, who had no role in the discovery.

    Picture of the new planet: (circled)


    Official NASA: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solars...905-images.html

    Neat, eah? :)

  2. WFG Game Matches

    This thread is to organize matches and games with other people. Some possible games are listed below, feel free to post more and I will edit the list.

    Upcoming Matches: (game, date, time, server)

    • Battlefield 2, ongoing,, password: 'posse'
    • AOM, TT weekend of Sept 6 with Argalius

    Possible Games:

    • Half Life 1, 2 DeathMatch
    • Counter Strike (Source)
    • Unreal Tournament 2004
    • Age of Empire II
    • Age of Mythology
    • Battlefield 1942
    • Medal of Honor
    • Call Of Duty
    • Halo (2)
    • Battlefield 2
    • Enemy Territory
    • America's Army
    • LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth
    • Cube

    Now for a time standard. It will probably be the best to use the GMT standards. So we can use that to set up game match times easily.

    This website has more info on timezones.


    If you come upon a good server that you would like to share, you can post the name of the game, and the IP address or the server name.

    Half Life 2

    [TWC] The Wrecking Crew

    CounterStrike Source

    Omega Clan - Gods of War


    Now for the matches. We can use this thread to suggest an upcoming match, tell others about fun servers, and organize large matches, ect. Tell what games you would like to play in your posts and perhaps suggest a good time that you can play. Then it will be put into the upcoming matches section at the top. Then we can get some good WFG gaming matches up and running. :D

    (As always, if you have suggestions or comments please say them. ;) )

  3. Now I remember where I heard this!

    It was in this book, called Digital Fortress! The decode this secret message to stop the virus from destroying the supercomputer. And it was exactly what this question is. :D

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