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King Tutankhamun

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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. KELLOGG’S bosses have named a new breakfast product after a slang expression for COCAINE.

    Company chiefs were on a high when they launched chocolatey Coco Rocks earlier this year.

    But they were left red-faced last night after discovering the term is already a street word for dark-brown crack cocaine, made by adding chocolate pudding during its production.

    It is clearly listed in Buzzed, a glossary of drug terms — but marketing gurus never bothered to check.

    Charity Drugscope said: “You’d think firms like Kellogg’s would have teams of people checking new brand names.

    “Coco rocks means brown crack made by adding chocolate pud. God knows why anyone would want to do that, but they do.”

    Bosses are now understood to be deciding whether to rebrand the cereal.

    A spokeswoman said: “We gave it that name as it contains rock-shaped pillows filled with chocolate.”


    Hahahahahahhaha. :D

  2. It sorta followed along with the events in the play Julius Caesar, but with some changes of course.

    Caesar was killed, Tyrranus wants to keep his word to protect Caesar's heir, Octavius, and they these other gladiators go after them to kill him. They found Caesar's will.

    Much more happened in it though, that was just a real brief summary from what I remember.

    Empire, the epic six-hour summer drama series, filmed entirely in Rome and South Central Italy, focuses on Julius Caesar's nephew, Octavius, who is forced into exile after Caesar's murder, and a fictional disgraced gladiator, Tyrannus, who has sworn to protect him.

    The time is 44 B.C. and the Conqueror Julius Caesar returns from triumphs in Spain to a neglected Republic and a corrupt Senate drunk with power. Though he's hailed as a hero by the masses, the Senate is wary of Caesar's plans that might place him in a position of ultimate power. Brutus and Cassius try to enlist the help of Marc Antony in overthrowing Caesar, but Antony is loyal to Caesar and refuses. A terrible conflict looms and the fate of an empire will fall to one man - a gladiator named Tyrannus.

    Tyrannus , Rome's finest warrior, is undefeated in the arena and considered a champion among men. A slave since he was a young man, Tyrannus impresses Caesar with his fighting prowess and his popularity, and with his dedication to Rome. Caesar offers him freedom in return for his service and friendship. However the Senate puts up a vicious fight for power and manages to separate Caesar from Tyrannus' protective grasp by sending the gladiator to one last match to the death. Cassius and Brutus have Tyrannus' son, Piso, kidnapped. Tyrannus rushes to his son's rescue and kills the kidnappers, only to realize that the abduction is a diversion. He hurries to Caesar's side, but it is too late. His absence results in Brutus successfully leading a group of conspirators in assassinating the great conqueror. As he is drawing his last breath, Caesar swears Tyrannus to an oath to protect his successor, Octavius, his 18-year-old nephew.

    Tyrannus and Octavius are forced into exile to protect the young man from those who want to sever Caesar's bloodline once and for all. They are joined by Agrippa, a young soldier, and by Camane, a Vestal Virgin from the powerful religious Order whose members are being hunted down for trying to save Octavius. Together they will help Octavius fulfill his destiny. He leaves Rome an impetuous boy, but will Octavius return as Emperor?

  3. The new generation of ipods were relased a few days ago. Now the $299.99 dollar 20GB ipod includes a color screen! And there is also the 60GB for $399.99.

    Or the Creative Zen Touch are good as well. Brian recently bought one and he says he loves it. And they are less money than an ipod too.

  4. "Max Payne is coming to the big screen. According to today's Hollywood Reporter, 20th Century Fox is hooking up with Collision Entertainment to make a film based on the gritty third-person shooter which was released back in 2001.

    The story, as THR reminds us, centers around a New York cop, Max Payne, whose wife and baby are murdered by criminals high on a new drug called Valkyr. Without much left to live for, Payne joins the DEA and goes undercover with the mob to discover the source of the drug. Framed by the murder of his partner, Max is hunted down by both the mob and the cops in his one-man war on crime.

    A videogame sequel to Payne, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, was released in 2003.

    Producer Scott Faye told the trade that the film will tell the origin story of the character. He says it'll have a Dirty Harry-like tone and that the lead role calls for an actor with some chops. "I think this is a real actor's part because although the story will have action and intrigue, at its core it's a story about a man who loses everything in life that's dear to him," Faye said."


  5. Yea, the files are encrytped with DRM tech I believe.

    There was something on a certain website somewhere in the wonderous web that used winamp and an output plugin to resave the files.

    Then that plugin was soon banned because napster found out about it.

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