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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. I saw an article on this new camcorder that gets a million frames per second! That's neat. :)


    " It may only shoot in monochrome at a size of 312 x 260 pixels and take up to 100 frames at a time, but Shimadzu’s HyperVision HPV-1 camera can record at a million frames a second (you can step down through a range of slower rates to a crawling 30 fps should you wish), enabling you to capture those precious split seconds of blindingly fast motion in all the loving detail you need. The rest of the package consists of a Windows-XP powered control unit with a 20GB hard drive and Ethernet/USB2.0 connections; images are stored as either AVI, TIFF or BMP. The whole thing will set you back a stinging Y22 mn ($205,000). We hear the Wachowski brothers will be using this in their next film to capture up close the subtle vibration of Agent Smith’s nostril hair as he takes a punch to the head."

    Full Article: http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000547038068/

  2. For the family email we use Outlook that came with Office.

    For mail we have this nice cast iron metal box. We had a brick one but the garbage company ran it over so they bought us a fancy new metal one. :)

  3. hey, that'c cool. :) I like it very much.

    One thing, maybe a different color for the railing that goes around. The pink/red I think is too 'bright' and brings attention to the railing and not to the rest of the nice modeling job.

  4. I see what you mean David. :)

    I was reading somewhere that in the future there will be software that can analyze each picture for specific things and rename them accordingly. (looking for people, flowers, mountains, deserts, houses, ect.) That sounds neat. ;) But it will require a massive ammount of 'puting power to work, which isn't around really yet for consumers. :(

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