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Posts posted by Curufinwe

  1. (:P

    exactly my point, Yiuel :P ...

    The US f-cked up the world, the same way the Europeans did it ... maybe later in time, but in the same way ...

    And France agreed there were WMD in Iraq in 1991 ... hence the first war in Iraq ... however, in 2002, it was clearly shown that Iraq had nothing left ... and France with many other countries agreed with this statement.

    It's really funny to see that when somebody talks about the countries who were against a war in Iraq in 2002, it seems there was only France ... but come on, Germany was the same ... and Russia was even more reluctant to any kind of war there. You could also cite Belgium, Canada, etc ... not to speak of European peoples. Italians, British, Spanish, etc ... most of them were opposed to it! Even in countries which have very close links with the US, the people were opposed: Filipinos, Japanese people, etc ...

    But the Bush admiinstration had a clear policy: ignore Germany, forgive Russia, punish France ... :)

    sorry, I am going Off-Topic :)

  2. (:P

    Were not there for oil, or for money or to beat up a nation. Were there to keep our rights and people free.

    agreed there, but why did Bush say that he only wanted to get rid of Saddam WMD? that was a mistake. It was a hypocritical move ... IMHO, of course :)

  3. (:)

    in France as well, you can have areas unpopulated for miles and miles ... my grand-mother was born in a place, where the nearest neighbour was 2 miles (3km) away ... and I live in a populated area ...

    that doesn't make France a country where a lot of people are killed by gunshot (in proportion of course) ... same can be said of Spain for instance ...

  4. (:P

    Oh, in Canada, there was that time when there was indeed wars with the Aboriginal people. Defenses were built, there was some training. Those wars involved the infamous Mohawks, the last of them is quite recent (1990, The Oka Crisis). In 1701, a peace treaty was agreed with dozens of nations around the Great Lakes in Montreal, it had little effect, but it protected the French from any native attack.

    I really didn't know about that ... thanks for the information. :)

  5. (:P

    1.) The U.S. was founded because citizens owned guns. Without citizen-ownership of firearms, there would never have been the battles around Boston in 1775 to start the Revolution. Early state militias were manned by citizen-soldiers who carried their own weapons (not unlike the Greek hoplites of old, methinks!).

    there is some truth here ... but as Matteo stated, this reason does not explain it all. There are many countries which gained independence via the use of guns, but are not gun-addicts.

    Besides, had the English really wanted to keep the 13 colonies, I am sure they would have done it, but there were other factors, as pointed out by Matteo (and threatening wars against France, Spain ...). Same as Napoleon and Louisiana.

    2.) The only major war to actually decimate parts of the U.S. was the Civil War - and it was never about guns. Since then, the American nation has never had to deal with the horrors of modern warfare, as the Europeans have.

    1898, the Philippines became an American colony and there were thousands of dead there (over 4,000 in 2 years) ... therefore, Americans died on American territory.

    Although I agree there was never a major war within the US, there were several conflicts where American troops were involved and killed.

    Eventually, although the Civil War was not about guns, they used guns ... no war is ever about gun ownership; it's about power ... it's just that you can kill more people with a gun than with a spear ... :)

    3.) During the early years of America, the only way to defend one's family from hostile natives was to "pack heat."

    is that a reason of gun ownership or a consequence? the Canadians were faced to the same problems ... the French in Polynesia as well ... the English too ... back to 1898 and the Philippines, the Americans overthrew a killed between 200,000 and 500,000 civilians there in 2 years ... I guess that, after doing so, Americans living there must have been compelled from owning a gun in case of revenge ... Had the settlers not stolen the land of the aboriginal inhabitants of those lands, they would have never had problems with the "hostile natives" ...

  6. (:)

    There: I did it very quickly, so the language may not be the best ever, but the meaning is there :)

    Èze is a municipality of the French department, Alpes-Amritimes. Its inhabitants are called Ezasques.

    The village extends on to a steep area, from the sea side - where a few houses compose Eze-sur-mer (which is actually the name of the train station, whereas the sign post by the side of the road says Eze-Bord-de-Mer) - to the steep peak where picturesque medieval old houses compose Eze-Village. the latter offers, amongst its maze-like streets, a number of crafsmanship shops. Tourism is the main resource of the village.

    A decrepit castle is nowadays the shelter of an exotic garden with an extraordinary view. It overhangs a graveyard, where a few celebrities are buried.

    A must-see: the Nietzsche path, starting from the sea shore and snaking up on to a steep slope until the perched village. It is said that Nietzsche, living at the end of his life around Nice, being sick, decided to climb the path and, confronting the difficulty of this task, was isnpired to write Thus spoke Zarathustra.

    Another literary story can be found there: the three cornices (the lower, he midle one and the higher) may have inspired Dante Alighieri for the description of the landscapes in his Divine Comedy trilogy.

    The motto of the city is: Isia Moriendo Renascor. the Emblem: A phoenix standing on a bone.

    Already in ancient times, the rich patrician families

    took there the waters and the roman sailors found there

    a salutary shelter as states the mention of Eze-Bord-de-Mer

    under the name of Avisionis Portus in Antonin's itinerary.

    Later, during the Renaissance, the Genoans

    will come there to take on new supplies of salt in the salt marshes

    engraving old schooner

    Eze, sea side resort

    Lost in the myst of history, Eze-Bord-de-mer would have a second birth

    as a sea side resort as soon as the end of the last century.

    Gravure Goelettes anciennes

    Eze attracts and becomes the favorite stopping off place for walkers in Nice.

    former sea side resort

    Eze-sur-Mer would become internationally known when it sheltered a Russian community

    who wanted to escape the massacres of the 1917 Revolution.

    One of the most important remnant of their settlement

    was without any doubt Cape Estel, which was the romantic house of a Russian prince.

    Former house of Prince Stroganov of Russia

    Nietzsche lived in one of the oldes houses and found

    inspiration to write Thus spoke Zarathustra during one of his walks to the village.

    President Poincarré discovered Eze on an official visit; he was to come back a few months later.

    Famous painter Zakarof, Princess Antoinette (Prince Rainier of Monaco's sister) and Bono of rock band U2 also left their mark.

    President Poincarré, visiting Eze in April 1914, was welcomed by Mayor Albert Figuiera (first on the left).


    Nowadays, with its villas with enhanced façades with painted friezes,

    Eze-Bord-de-Mer was able to preserve the charm of the early 20th century.

    the "Platanes" residential house, where dwells one of the mayor's offices, with its small porch ornated of low relief roses and its mandarin tree alley, recalls the time when people from Nice

    arrived in great numbers by streetcar or by cart to enjoy the beach that was shadowed by the maritime pine trees.

    5 rep points are on offer. :P

    is it like an auction or something ? :P

  7. (:)

    Well, if peopel calmly expose their arguments, I don't see why the discussion should end ... it's very interesting to see how different the European and American views are on guns ... and why such difference? that's what interesting to know ...

  8. (:P

    here is my correction:

    Menton – "Toute la ville est un jardin"

    1) Informations générales

    • Menton est situé (->climat)

    • Types de plantes qu’on peut trouver ici (comparaison avec l’Allemagne) naturellement / dans les parcs et jardins

    • Quelques chiffres intéressants (no "e" ... chiffres is masculine) (statistiques)

    2) Jardin Botanique Exotique de Val Rameh

    • informations générales

    • histoire

    • beaucoup de photos des plantes et de la villa (villa ou ville? villa is a Roman House, ville is a town :P ... maybe that's just a typo)

    3) Le jardin d’agrumes du palais Carnolès

    • beaucoup de photos

    • informations générales

    • informations sur le musée et la galerie d’art

    4) La ville fleurie

    • impressions de la ville et des espaces verts (espace is masculin ... un espace. hence, no "e") : mairie, grands boulevards, etc.

    5) Interviews avec des gens de Menton et des touristes

    • opinions différentes

    • 1) aiment et visitent les jardins

    • 2) en ont entendu parler, mais ne les ont jamais visités

    1) Informations générales

    La ville dans (à refers to a destination. dans refers to where you  were ... it depends what you want to say. you can say la ville où nous sommes allés - the town where we went - or la ville dans laquelle nous avons voyagé - the town in which we travelled) laquelle on a voyagé s'appelle (often, the French uses pronominal verbs instead of using the passive voice ...) Menton et elle se trouve au bord de la frontière franco-italienne sur la Côte d’Azur en France.

    Cette ville est très célèbre (sorry to say that, but that's a typical mistake ... famous is not fameux, -euse :P ) pour ses plantes, ses jardins botaniques et exotiques et pour tous (once again, espace is masculine) ses espaces verts (same ... espace, masculine) en général (no "e").

    Après avoir joui de toutes les vues magnifiques pour lesquelles Menton est célèbre, on peut vraiment dire, que toute la ville de Menton est un jardin – une expression qu’on utilise pour notre sujet aussi.

    A cause de la situation de Menton en Europe, sa végétation et la végétation de l’entourage sont influencées (la végétation et la végétation aux alentours) par un climat subtropical. En conséquence, sa végétation est très différente (no"s" ... sa végétation is singular) de celle de Berlin.

    En suivant (I don't really like that transition expression ...  :) ) on va parler de quelques types de plantes qu’on peut trouver à Menton, spécialement dans ses parcs et ses nombreux jardins.

    Le climat de Menton est bien différent de celui de Berlin : On y trouve des étés assez chauds et secs et des hivers avec peu de précipations et des températures presque jamais inférieures à 0°C. C’est pour cela que les plantes ont (there is a verb missing here ... :) ) des feuilles de petites grandeur qui les protègent contre la sécheresse (drought). Ce sont par exemple les oliviers, les laurier-roses, et les genêts.

    Dans les endroits où il y a assez d’eau, on trouve aussi des gommiers (never heard of that tree ... are you sure of that word? if so, can you tell me what it is?  :P ) et des figuiers.

    A part ces plantes domestiques, on peut aussi trouver quelques upes (what the hell is that? I am learning new words in my own language :D ) qui ont été plantées par l’homme comme des palmiers (1), des cactées (2) et des géraniums (3). On les trouve (verb missing) particulièrement dans les parcs et jardin publics.

    (1) originalement d’Afrique

    (2) (2) d’Amérique Centrale et Latine

    (3) d’Afrique du Sud

    Comme arbres on trouve surtout des agrumes et des pins, tous adaptés au climat, eux aussi.

    La plupart des ces informations a été tirée (verb missing) d’un entretien avec Dr. Peter Seidel, StD, qui s'est déroulé en langue allemande (en allemand is enough,in my opinion). On espère que le résumé (no "e" ... masculine noun) était satisfaisant (no "e" ... same) et qu’aucune faute concernant les termes et faits biologiques ne (nicer, for style :P ) s’est developée.

    Voila ... I hope you will have a good mark ... B)

  9. (:P

    Where you replying to Klaas or to Yiuel? if you were replying to Yiuel, he is not European, but Canadian (maybe that's even worse actually!!!! je plaisante Yiuel :)) ...

    My post is blank? ah, maybe because I was editing it ... I was correcting your spelling mistake that I highlighted in red ... :)

  10. (:)

    You are misreplying again ... you are avoiding all I said ... I wonder where the arrogance stands ... and for your consideration, I was just playing ... not arrogant.

    Now, about the pursuit of happiness, I never said guns should be outlawed !!!!!!!! where did you see that in my post??????? In France, and the whole of the EU, people can possess guns ... but the law is very strict, and you are being filed upon gun ownership ... however, once you have it, you can use it ... as long as you don't shoot anybody !

    Answer our questions first ... you are being so aggressive ... we just want explanations ... not fights ... be calm and explain us ...

  11. (:D

    Yes we lack critisium (criticism), we arn't (aren't) bashed everyday by people like you who don't like our nation.

    neither are we in Europe ...

    And as always you Europeans are right and every one else is wrong.


    You're perfict (perfect), you can do no wrong.


    You are God's gift to the world!

    at last you are being reasonable ... see ... when you think a little, you see the obvious truth right in front of your eyes B)

    You take advice from such heavenly places as France who dropes Neuclier (nuclear) and Chemical waste on inhabited islands in the Pacific

    Well, I agree that this is not very good, but do you really think the US is doing it in a nicer way? and what chemical waste? sources please? I am interested ... I have never heard of French chemical waste in the Pacific ... :)

    And although you'r nations force Arab girls to not whear (wear) head-scarves, IT'S OK YOU'R EUROPEAN!

    really? in what country? you must speak of France, I assume ... well, let me tell you that this is not true ... First of all, a very small minority of Arabs live in France ... most of them are from North Africa ... therefore I would call them North Africans ... Now, very few girls wear head-scarves. I will not go deeply into this topic, but I work in a school in France, and 99% of the girls don't want to wear the scarves. However, a tiny small minority wants to wear it, but among this tiny small minority, 50-60% are forced by their parents to wear it ... the thing is that French schools are public ... they are owned by the State. The State must not involve religion (it is written in the Constitution that State and Church are separated, just like in the US Constitution). Therefore, schooling must not be a place where a child expresses his religion. Religion must not be practiced within a place where hundreds of children are. What if suddenly, a Muslim girl started converting her fellow schoolmates in the playground ... that is not acceptable ... ALL religions stay out of school ... Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, etc ... Christian teachers who wear a little cross around their neck must hide it under their shirts or remove it ... religion is not acceptable at school.

    Anyway ... that's another topic.

    Do you think it is better in the US where some schools have prayers at the beginning of class, although State and Church are separated?

    So lets all give a big round of applause for Europe and it's spotless record

    yes, exactly ... we are the perfect people ! The world should worship us !

    **starts a new religion** ...

    Sory for the rant, but it bugs me how you claim Guns do no good so they should be banned. It would be like me saying that theaters or dances did no good and so they should be banned.

    maybe because I have never seen a theater which killed people ! AHHHHHHHHHHH !!! be careful !!! there is a theatre behind you !!! it's going to kill you ... :)

    You may tell me ... but cars kill people as well! Well, it's true, but at least, there are police on the road checking if you don't outpass the law ... and it's very expensive ... had a gun been $10,000, maybe lesser would be sold ...

    Our question was not arrogant or dismissive. We just compared Europe and the US (it could have been Japan and the US, or whatever developed country) ... how come so many people are killed by gunshot in the US comapred to the European Union (a.k.a. Heaven on Earth ... :P )? That's all ... no need to start ranting ...

    You should be thankful !!!!!! had the French not been to America to help you fight the British, you would still be in the British Empire, like those Canadians :P

  12. (:)

    Were the drafters of the American Constitution experts? I don't think so ... and the American Constitution is a great example of a successful one ... but of course, it is very different ...

    I don't think you need be an expert to draft a Constitution ... I read the TEC through, and the language cannot be understood by everybody, as if the European leaders didn't want the people to understand it ... weird ...

    anyway, I am sure that if you gathered people from all over Europe, there could be good things out of it ... The problem is : do we really want to have a Federal Europe?

  13. ((y)

    Well, there is a clear contrast in France betwenn urban and rural France ... urban France voted YES (52-48), but rural France voted massively NO (60-40).

    In towns, you can easily find jobs ... there are not as many problems as in rural areas, where jobs are hard to obtain ...

    People are scared that the Czech, Polish or Romanian workers will come and "steal" their jobs ...

    Besides, as I said previously, the French voted in great numbers against their government, not against the Constitution ...

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