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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Brynn, thanks for reminding me, please see the task thread for discussion. :)

    And I don't think it's exclusively manual OR video OR interactive tutorial.

    Me neither, a written manual must exist no matter what, either online or bundled with the game.

    But I'd love to have triggers (and with trigger based random map generation access to all the entity attributes for that ^^).

    To be sure, so would I and many other contributors, but we should be realistic and focus on goals that can be accomplished quickly and easily.

  2. He seemed to have not fully understood the market (apparently he didn't notice you can click on other resources to trade with something else than food.)

    For beginners, I suggest a chat message pop up upon trading explaining what happened. "You have just traded 100 Food for 90 Wood."

    This should be easily turned off whenever the user wants to.

    • Like 1
  3. I would appreciate help writing brief (~70 words), yet representative and flattering bios for the following civilizations:

    • Britons
    • Gauls
    • Iberians
    • Macedonians
    • Spartans

    Here are some examples I wrote:



    "History":"As the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Athens was famed as a center for the arts, learning and philosophy. The Athenians were also powerful warriors, particularly at sea. At its peak, Athens dominated a large part of the Hellenic world for several decades.",

    "Name": "Carthaginians",


    "History": "Carthage, a city-state in modern-day Tunisia, was a formidable force in the western Mediterranean, eventually taking over much of North Africa and modern-day Spain in the third century B.C. The sailors of Carthage were among the fiercest contenders on the high seas, and masters of naval trade. They deployed towered War Elephants on the battlefield to fearsome effect, and had defensive walls so strong, they were never breached.",

    "Name": "Romans",


    "History": "The Romans controlled the largest empire of the ancient world, stretching at its peak from southern Scotland to the Sahara Desert, and containing over 60 million inhabitants, one quarter of the Earth's population at that time. Rome also remained one of the strongest nations on earth for almost 800 years. The Romans were the supreme builders of the ancient world, excelled at siege warfare and had an exquisite infantry and navy.",

    "Name": "Persians",


    "History": "The Persian Empire, when ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty, was one of the greatest empires of antiquity, stretching at its zenith from the Indus Valley in the east to Greece in the west. The Persians were the pioneers of empire-building of the ancient world, successfully imposing a centralized rule over various peoples with different customs, laws, religions and languages, and building a cosmopolitan army made up of contingents from each of these nations.",

  4. In athen.json:

                   	 "Name":"Long Walls",
    "History":"The Long Walls of Athens extended 6 kilometers, from the city to the port of Piraeus. This secured the city's sea supply routes and prevented an enemy from starving out the city during a siege.",
    "Description":"The Athenians can build their stone walls in neutral territory. Construction time for walls is reduced by 50%."

    I tried building Athenian walls on neutral territory and failed. Is the documentation wrong or has the rule not been implemented yet?

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