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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. We are looking for some way to gently decorate the Music page on the new website.


    You can draw ancient instruments, you can borrow ideas from ancient ornamentation, you can work off screenshots of the game, whatever you like, so long as:

    1. It remains on either side of the Bandcamp music player,
    2. It doesn't steal the focus from the Bandcamp music player, and
    3. It corresponds nicely with the rest of the design.

    Proposals welcome!

  2. Wildfire Games proudly presents the new 0 A.D. website, a new showcase for the game and FOSS project we have all grown to love.

    You'll notice that the content has been redone, the design better reflects the interface within the game 0 A.D., and it is easier to get to download the version of 0 A.D. that is right for you.

    New Address

    The new website is available on http://play0ad.com.

    Please point your RSS readers to the new website if needed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/0AdNews

    (The old website will remain at http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad for posterity and so as not to break any links to old pages. We'll put up a notice soon.)

    New Features

    A new game manual, with video tutorials, is available on the new website, to help newbies negotiate the complexities of an RTS game. (Thanks, BrynnOfCastlegate!)

    Also, the global navigation on the top right corner will help surfers navigate between the main website, intended for a broad audience, and the forums and development wiki, which are usually for hardcore fans and developers.

    For the more technically inclined readers, the current website runs on Wordpress and conforms to modern web standards, which is important and a big step forward from our older website.


    A huge round of applause goes to the team members who made this thing happen:

    • Geek377
    • Brian Stempin (bstempi)
    • GerbilOFDoom
    • Ludovic Celle (Ludo38)
    • Michael Hafer (Mythos_Ruler), and
    • Pureon

    Please enjoy and give feedback on the new website here!

    • Like 2
  3. Cool video! Very dramatic and it shows off some of the nice graphical details in the game.

    For future videos, I recommend you stick strictly to shots taken from the player's normal point of view. Using shots from ground level may mislead people into thinking 0 A.D. is some kind of game other than an RTS.

    Thanks for your enthusiasm!

  4. This thread is meant for discussing the following controversial questions, both pertaining the visual portrayal of the Mauryan civ in 0 A.D.:

    • Will we use Hindu swastikas in 0 A.D.?
    • Will we portray Mauryan women with exposed breasts or with covered breasts?
    • How will we decide on these topics?

    I will be moving posts pertaining these question from another thread to this thread.

    These are very emotionally charged topics and opinions differ strongly. Still, let's do our best to keep this discussion civil, as it has been so far.

  5. I don't know how to submit a patch so I will just copy-paste to the forum and ask for someone to commit:


    	"History":"As the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Athens was famed as a center for the arts, learning and philosophy. The Athenians were also powerful warriors, particularly at sea. At its peak, Athens dominated a large part of the Hellenic world for several decades.",


    "History": "The Britons were the Celtic tribes of the British Isles. Using chariots, longswordsmen and powerful melee soldiers, they staged fearesome revolts against Rome to protect their customs and interests. Also, they built thousands of unique structures such as hill forts, crannogs and brochs.",


    	"History": "Carthage, a city-state in modern-day Tunisia, was a formidable force in the western Mediterranean, eventually taking over much of North Africa and modern-day Spain in the third century B.C. The sailors of Carthage were among the fiercest contenders on the high seas, and masters of naval trade. They deployed towered War Elephants on the battlefield to fearsome effect, and had defensive walls so strong, they were never breached.",


    	"History": "The Gauls were the Celtic tribes of continental Europe. Dominated by a priestly class of Druids, they featured a sophisticated culture of advanced metalworking, agriculture, trade and even road engineering. With heavy infantry and cavalry, Gallic warriors valiantly resisted Caesar's campaign of conquest and Rome's authoritarian rule.",


    	"History": "The Iberians were a people of mysterious origins and language, with a strong tradition of horsemanship and metalworking. A relatively peaceful culture, they usually fought in other's battles only as mercenaries. However, they proved tenacious when Rome sought to take their land and freedom from them, and employed pioneering guerrilla tactics and flaming javelins as they fought back.",


    	"History":"Macedonia was an ancient Greek kingdom, centered in the northeastern part of the Greek peninsula. Under the leadership of Alexander the Great, Macedonian forces and allies took over most of the world they knew, including Egypt, Persia and parts of the Indian subcontinent, allowing a diffusion of Hellenic and eastern cultures for years to come.",


    "History": "Founded in 322 B.C., the Mauryan Empire was the first to rule most of the Indian subcontinent, and one of the largest and most populous empires of its time. Its military featured longbowmen, female warriors and war elephants. Under the rule of Ashoka the Great, the empire saw 40 years of peace, harmony and prosperity.",


    	"History": "The Persian Empire, when ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty, was one of the greatest empires of antiquity, stretching at its zenith from the Indus Valley in the east to Greece in the west. The Persians were the pioneers of empire-building of the ancient world, successfully imposing a centralized rule over various peoples with different customs, laws, religions and languages, and building a cosmopolitan army made up of contingents from each of these nations.",


    	"History": "The Romans controlled the largest empire of the ancient world, stretching at its peak from southern Scotland to the Sahara Desert, and containing over 60 million inhabitants, one quarter of the Earth's population at that time. Rome also remained one of the strongest nations on earth for almost 800 years. The Romans were the supreme builders of the ancient world, excelled at siege warfare and had an exquisite infantry and navy.",


    	"History":"Sparta was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, and its dominant military power on land from circa 650 B.C. Spartan culture was obsessed with military training and excellence, with rigorous training for boys beginning at age seven. Thanks to its military might, Sparta led a coalition of Greek forces during the Greco-Persian Wars, and won over Athens in the Peloponnesian Wars, though at great cost.",

  6. Gen. Kemobi, sorry but I must take issue with your opinion.

    I think there should be a non-controversial default.

    We don't want to risk becoming famous as the "free strategy game with topless women", losing distribution venues such as magazines etc.

    Historical purists and exposed breast aficionados should develop and use 3rd-party mods if they care so much about it.

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks for your concern about 0 A.D.

    Raising money for 0 A.D. development is a really important topic, and we talk about a lot within the team.

    (Thankfully, we have raised quite a nice sum in the recent past, and we are concerned with spending existing money no less than with raising new money.)

    What you suggest is a good idea, but in any case we will make payment optional. 0 A.D. is free and always will be. This is our pledge.

    Thanks to your suggestion, however, we might make the donation more prominent on the download page. (y)

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