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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. The guy in #190 never figured out soldiers can build things too, nor did he figure out that they gathered resources. I am wondering if we can't force users to explore uses for citizen-soldiers by making the starting units be only citizen-soldiers, with no women.

    Perhaps a kinder, gentler way of doing this is by having a tooltip pop up at the beginning of the every match whenever the user selects a citizen-soldier, saying something like "This hoplite is a citizen-soldier. He can fight enemies, but also gather resources and construct buildings. [OK]" and have a checkbox saying something like "Don't show me this again".

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  2. Citizen-Soldiers are the male citizens; men are already represented in economic roles. So, while I think it's fine to have "male" citizens for scenarios and screenshots and whatnot, I don't think skirmish/random maps should have them by default.

    Sounds like a fair compromise. Maybe someone will make a feminist mod of 0 A.D. someday.

  3. Erm, but in ancient times men were made for war. Are you really disturbed by this or?

    Even in cultures that went to war often, men could spend a whole lifetime not going to war and just doing economic tasks, raising a family and doing other generally good things.

  4. Nothing new, but an interesting sighting nonetheless:

    WikiProject Computer Games is part of the Computer Games Portal. How do the German Wikipedia's projects and portals differ from those on the English Wikipedia? Have you collaborated or shared any material with the English WikiProject Video Games or with similar projects for any other languages? How can communication between the different languages of Wikipedia be improved?

    It's said portals are for the readers and projects for the editors, but IMHO there is no obvious difference. Many projects without portals tend to design their project pages close to portals and vice versa. For collaborations, I can't remember any.

    I think the first problem for collaboration is language skill. Reading a foreign language is one thing, corresponding is a different beast. The second problem from my perspective are the strict criteria of the German Wikipedia regarding relevance, references, and proofs that do not translate to any other project. For example, for us it's nearly impossible to save an article from being deleted if the game hasn't already been released. The majority simply does not accept products that do not already exist and the argument for games is "they often get cancelled." Stubs are not accepted easily as well. Also, if we can not give proof from neutral sources for innovation, wide reception (critics, awards) or significant sales, the article often gets a deletion request. For games, the criteria seem even harder than for the rest. My personal opinion: Sometimes you get the impression German Wikipedians are representative for the more conservative part of the German population that still thinks games are childish and pulp fiction (compared to Goethe and Schiller). These problems are difficult to explain and I think it results from our cultural background and different understanding of an encyclopedia. We have a very strong exclusionist faction.

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  5. I think it would be fun and somewhat more egalitarian if a male citizen popped up like 10-20% of the time.

    Also the person who started the post referred to the Atlas editor - I agree a male citizen should be available for scenario designers to place on the map, if not in regular conquest games.

  6. Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of "0 A.D. Alpha 12 Loucetios", the twelfth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. This alpha features diplomacy, packing siege engines, super fancy water and more!

    Easy Download and Install

    Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free of charge and always will be. Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers.


    Moreover, you can redistribute the game and modify it freely as long as you abide by the GPL. You can even use parts of the art and sound for your own projects as long as you abide by CC BY-SA. No "freemium" model, no in-game advertising, no catch.

    Please Vote for Us in the Indie of the Year 2012 Contest!


    If you care about 0 A.D., please vote for us in the second round of the Indie of the Year 2012 contest.

    Under “Upcoming games of 2012″, under “Real Time Strategy”, you need to click the word “VOTE” on the left of “0 A.D.”

    Voting continues until December 21st. Thanks in advance, from all of us in Wildfire Games.

    Top New Gameplay Features in This Release:

    • Diplomacy: Determine if you and another human player are allies, enemies or neutral to each other, and change this relationship in mid-game as you see fit. If you downgrade the relationship, the change is automatically mutual (i.e., by turning someone into your enemy, you automatically become their enemy); But if you try to upgrade relations, as in forging an alliance, you need the other side to explicitly agree. (As of Alpha 12, AI players will not react to diplomacy changes at all. We hope to add this in the future.) (See screenshot below.)
    • Packing Siege Engines: Certain siege engines need to be in a "packed" state to be moved from place to place, and in a stationary "unpacked" state to be able to fire. Moving a siege engine between these states is called "packing" and "unpacking", and takes time, during which the siege engine can neither move nor fire. (This is important for both realism and balance, as siege engines can inflict lots of damage.)
    • Formation Order Queueing: Allows giving units several tasks to carry out in order, e.g.: (1) Build a house here, then (2) move near to the other player's territory, (3) build a army camp there and then (4) attack the fortress first and then (5) go straight for the civic center. All these orders can be given in one sequence by pressing "shift" and right-clicking the relevant parts of the map in order.
    • Heroes are back, but now each player can have only up to one living hero at any time.
    • Slaughter Attack: All domestic animals are killed with melee weapons, even by otherwise ranged units. This speeds up meat harvesting.
    • Unit Training Hotkeys: If you select a building that can train units, and then hit "Z", it is as if you clicked the first unit training button on the left on the GUI; "X" for the second button from the left, "C" for the third, etc., up to the letter "M".
    • New Match Setup Options: Choose the population cap and the amount of resources players will start out with.
    • Five New Random Maps: Nomad, Syria, Corinthian Isthmus, Belgian Uplands, and English Channel.


    Graphics and User Interface Improvements:

    • Improved Water Rendering: The new, "super-fancy" water includes the white foam of waves crashing onto the shore, it can be much wavier, and it casts surface and underwater shadows.
    • Post-Processing Manager: Recent changes enable features such as distance fog, bloom and more. (See screenshots below. Top left is default. Effects on bottom right exaggerated for demonstration purposes.) No less importantly, the post-processing manager is extremely moddable, so from now on, developers can very easily add new visual effects to 0 A.D. using existing code from other projects. For an example, see the Bokeh Depth of Field effect shown below.
    • Rubble appears when you destroy a building (see screenshots below).
    • We have also added icons to the tooltips, instead of names of resources like "Food" and "Wood" and time units like "seconds" (see screenshot below).


    Music and Sound:

    • New song: "Calm Before the Storm", meant to be played in menu screens.
    • Recent changes to the audio improve the way music sounds, and ensure it is heard in stereo.

    Getting Support

    Please see the "Get Support" page on our website to find ways to get help from the active and friendly 0 A.D. community.

    We are well aware there is some room for improvement in 0 A.D. Some known issues are: Lag, visual glitches or textures not loaded, missing animations and more. When you provide feedback, we would ask you to focus on some of the other points that could be improved. Thanks.

    Please Contribute!

    We are seeking volunteer contributors in programming, art, sound, documentation and more. Programmers are especially welcome and can get started immediately.

    Interested? Log onto #0ad-dev on QuakeNet on IRC and meet the developers. Also, you are invited to register on our forums and start participating!

    Why "Loucetios"?

    We name our releases according to development status ("Alpha" or "Beta"), successive release number (1, 2, 3, ...) and a word relating to the ancient world, in alphabetical order ("Argonaut" for A, "Bellerophon" for B, ...).

    Loucetios was a Gallic god related to storms and lightning, that was identified with the Roman god of war, Mars. He is often found accompanied by the goddess Nemetona, as part of a divine couple.

    For the next alpha, we welcome fan suggestions for words relating to the ancient world beginning with the letter M. Keep it original and related to the time frame portrayed in 0 A.D. (appx. 500 BC - 1 BC)!

    Happy Holiday Season!

    Just for fun, we've made up this character, who is like Santa Claus, except he is skinnier, he wears thick glasses and has a penchant for hiding in large crowds.


    Can you find him in this winter-themed screenshot?


    Long Time, No Siege

    Wildfire Games will keep releasing new versions of 0 A.D. from time to time. Watch our news feed to get updates, or follow us by e-mail, RSS, Facebook or Twitter. And you're always welcome to join the 0 A.D. community on our forums.


    Contact info for press, bloggers, etc.: aviv@wildfireODYSSEYgames.com without the name of Homer's ancient Greek epic written in all caps.

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  7. Just a few days ago, we made it once more to the top 100 indie games on Indie DB!

    Thanks for your support, but we need your help to vote for us one more time to win a top prize.

    Please vote for us in the second round of the Indie of the Year contest.

    Under "Upcoming games of 2012", under "Real Time Strategy", you need to click the word "VOTE" on the left of "0 A.D."

    Thanks in advance, and may the odds be ever in 0 A.D.'s favor.

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