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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Very pretty and well done! Way to go!

    I would like some more shots that are further away from the ground, because that is the usual POV of the player in 0 A.D.

    I would also cut the video shorter, and try to time the transitions between shots to the music.

    Also, I suggest using pure music tracks, without sound effects.

  2. Too much choice overwhelms the user. There should be more warnings and guides to help the user make these choices.

    For maps, I suggest a notice like "This is an island map. Computer opponents cannot play very well on island maps, and you may experience increased lag on these maps as well".

    For AI's, I'm thinking we should reconsider bundling AI's that aren't being maintained, like JuBot.

    • Like 2
  3. All the medieval/modern/Christian phrases should go, e.g.:

    • Ad lucem -- "Towards the light" - the motto of the University of Lisbon.
    • Christus Rex -- "Christ the King."
    • Citius altius fortius -- "Faster, higher, stronger" - Motto of the modern Olympics.
    • Claves Sancti Petri -- "The keys of St. Peter" - symbol of the Papacy.
    • Confoederatio Helvetica (C.H.) -- "Helvetian Confederation" - the official name of Switzerland, which explains the use of "ch" for its ISO country code and Internet domain.
    • Consummatum est -- "It is completed" - In the Latin translation of John 19:30, the last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
    • Contemptus saeculi -- "Contempt of the secular (world)" - the monk's or philosopher's rejection of mundane life and values.
    • Corpus Christi -- "Body of Christ."
    • Habemus papam -- "We have a pope" - used in a Catholic Church conclave to announce a successful ballot to elect a new pope.
    • Imago dei -- "In the image of God" - a religious concept.
    • Imprimatur -- "(It) may be printed" - an authorization to publish, granted by some censoring authority (originally a Catholic Bishop).
    • Index librorum prohibitorum -- "List of prohibited books" - a list of books considered heretic by the Catholic Church.
    • Inter caetera -- "Among others". Title of a papal bull.

  4. Hi Pedro, so far you have: (1) recommended to add the Celts into the game, when they actually are in the game, and (2) pointed out that there is lag, when this is a known bug and advertised in a notice saying "IMPORTANT! Read before posting!".

    We understand that lag is annoying, but your attitude in this post is not helpful ("Follow this post!!" and an angry emoticon). We are working on this game entirely on a volunteer basis and this is not a nice way to treat people.

    From now on, please make your posts more informed and more polite (and, if possible, clearer to read and understand).

    If you keep posting annoying nonsense we will have to consider banning you.


    • Like 2
  5. Also it would be nice to see military terms from other languages which factions featured in the game, if available. Like Indian terms when you load the screen and play Mauryan, etc.

    In general we should strive to have a good representation of all the cultures in the game and not just have a boring, Eurocentric Greco-Roman bias.

  6. I took the liberty to rearrange the issues, add some details and omit this:

    Alpha 9 issues

    Out of Memory

    There is a known bug in qBot (sorry) in Alpha 9 which means that if you have any qBot's with no units in the game you will probably get some out of memory errors eventually. This is common when testing with a blank map in Atlas (map editor) since by default Atlas has 8 players. If you are playing against multiple qBot's then a workaround is to leave something harmless like a house or tower standing. This is fixed in svn.

    I am assuming this was fixed in Alpha 10 and onwards.

  7. Good idea, we have thought of the academic part before, and I have personally made some contacts in my university that went nowhere.

    The video game company part is unlikely to work, because the company wants employees to work on their own games so they can make money. Professional game developers are overworked and in short supply anyhow.

    I have also presented 0 A.D. in open source software and game development conferences and while it does help raise awareness, I don't know of any contributors who joined the team after my presentations.

    Most importantly, though:

    (note: I won't do it because I don't have time and means sorry xD)

    This is not helpful. It is very easy to tell other people what to do, but cop out of personally helping with the effort. You probably have a university nearby and can find a few professors to e-mail. Maybe you can even write a template e-mail, or design a poster for other people to print out and use. We can help improve it as a community together.

    But the "somebody ought to do it" approach must go, none of what we've accomplished so far would have happened if people just sat back and said "somebody ought to do it". :)

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks, Egbert! Your advice will definitely come in handy.

    I am coming with a friend. We'd love to meet up and talk!

    I didn't realize Utrecht was so close to Amsterdam. I have an Israeli friend in Utrecht, maybe I can arrange to meet you guys on the same day. I will e-mail you for further details.

    Bastijn, thanks! I will try to work out a plan that incorporates a stop in Antwerp and let you know.

  9. Afaik it's pretty much impossible to get these perfect though, especially before the game is done.

    prematurely setting this in stone may not be the best option.

    Don't worry about getting it perfect and never having to change it. We'll just put up a notice that this is just a very rough estimate and we'll change it later as needed.

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