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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Could the community please help write some updated system requirements for 0 A.D.?

    The current website says: "1 GHz CPU, modern graphics card (GeForce 3 at minimum), 512 MB RAM".

    I am collecting this for the new website.

    Important: Please split this up to two categories:

    1. Minimum requirements
    2. Recommended requirements - The ideal situation in which to run 0 A.D., allowing for a fully usable and enjoyable experience.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. 0 A.D. Weekly Report #1

    by plumo, 0 A.D. Community Liaison

    The wait between consequent alpha releases can be hard, we realize that. To ease the pain we -- the international bunch of volunteers that is Wildfire Games -- will start showing what’s being worked on behind the scenes by our dozens of contributors.

    Starting this week, we commence with publishing a weekly report. If you want to find out more about the development of this open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game or if you are interested in game development in general, it is a must-read.

    If you want to be part of this project, we urge you to post your application in our forums. We are currently looking for Gameplay, AI, Sound and Graphics Programmers along with Animators and 3D & texture artists. No wizard when it comes to programming or drawing? Luckily for your portfolio we are also looking for a Sound Lead, Video Editors, a Documentation Manager and Scenario Designers. Still no luck? Head to our forums and join our active community!

    Feature spotlight!

    Badmadblacksad, historicbruno, and Pureon have been working on implementing gates to work with the existing click-drag wall system. Expect this feature in the next alpha release! Pureon also uploaded a teaser video.

    Art & Programming

    After his work on the gates, Badmadblacksad, departed on a well-deserved holiday. When he gets back, we’ll urge him to continue working on the new multiplayer lobby.

    One of our more reclusive contributors, Eggbird, has been modeling buildings for the Mauryan Indians, the recently-announced new civilization that will make a partial debut in alpha XI (for the complete implementation of this civilization you will have to wait until the release of alpha XII). Last week Eggbird has been putting the final touches on the civilization centre.

    Gen.Kenobi has been busy revising the Hellenic buildings. Last week he remodeled and retextured the market building. This week he has been working on the Greek fortress.

    Historicbruno has mainly been reviewing and implementing patches, submitted by other contributors like F00/Deiz, who personally whips programmers to greater productivity! This week saw the implementation of 'always visible hero selection rings'. This screenshot will explain.

    Myconid has been working ‘round the clock to add modern post-processing effects like Bloom, HDR and SSAO to 0 A.D. Making everything work on various systems and video cards is a long and tedious process but the results are well worth the trouble.

    Art department veteran (12,390 forum posts and counting!) Mythos_Ruler has been working on modeling and texturing units for the Mauryan Indians. He has also been editing the massive design document in our wiki.

    Pureon has been working mainly on gate animations (last week he finished all gate animations!) and on new icons for opened gate/closed gate.

    Spahbod has created autumn textures for the temperate biome. He has also been working on a new GUI for the match setup. On top of being considerably more user-friendly the match setup now features map previews! Thanks also to luziferius for these.


    Wijitmaker, an old timer who has been around far longer than any current team member can remember, is currently reworking some of the building and clothing textures to make good use of the new possibilities introduced by myconid (Parallax) and Philip (Specular Lighting).

    Wraitii has been working on a new and improved water shader. He is currently implementing more realistic shore waves.

    Zaggy1024 is facing the massive task to have all animals in 0 A.D. fully animated. Lately there have been rumors of walking (not gliding!) elephants.


    Our talented composer Omri Lahav has been recording new tracks for both the Athenian and the Macedonian civilizations. He insists on recording the performance of a real flutist instead of just using a flute sample… once again we realize how fortunate we are to have him.


    You find 0 A.D.’s website slightly (we stay polite) outdated? We too! That’s why bstempi, Geek377 and gerbilOFdoom are working hard on a brand new web portal for your favorite open-source game.

    Project leader Feneur and PR guy Jeru are responsible for the promotion of the game among many other things. They keep the information on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and on portals like moddb up to date, whilst spreading the word (and the love).

    Last but not least is K776, our open source development manager who sets the deadlines and targets for every alpha. His catchphrase ‘Will this make it into next alpha?’ is becoming legendary.

    Next Monday: our second Weekly Report!


    • Like 1
  3. Sounds great!

    We are always looking for more contributors, and recruiting them is a higher priority.

    Generally speaking, we are seeking artists (3d modelers, texturers, animators, 2d graphic artists/illustrators) and programmers (gameplay, AI, graphics) as a first priority. Other contributors, such as a sound lead, and documentation and video contributors, are less important at the moment.

    How would you go about recruiting new contributors in these fields?

  4. Hi Camber, I really enjoyed reading your application. You seem to be a very determined, caring person and I think you would make an asset to the team. (y)

    For videos, we had several ideas.

    Over time, we might be needing:

    • an intro scene for 0 A.D. (long-term goal),
    • a general promotional trailer about the basic features of the game (long-term goal),
    • an ad targeted to OS developers to join the project (short-term goal, discussed in this thread, Here's the post with the last version of the script. We had voice-overs but they seem to be lost.)
    • and videos that document the development as new releases come out, perhaps explaining how certain parts of the game mechanics work, like the Wolfire Games YouTube channel (definitely short-term goal).

    I had an idea for a video from the last category. Recently we have had some awesome progress in the graphics area, documented in this thread. I was wondering if you could do a short (30 second) video about some of the changes with before/after shots.

    Can you get 0 A.D. running on your machine with all the extra bells and whistles contributed by myconid, wraithii etc.? If you are running into issues, try our documentation on Trac, the IRC channel (#0ad-dev) or just post in this thread and someone more technical than me will surely help you.

    I am here (and so is the rest of the community) for help writing the script, designing scenes etc. (Once we tried to crowdsource this effort, but with no success.)

    I am looking forward to your contributions!

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