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Posts posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Could you check that against this patch?


    Here is the aura I have:

      <Auras>    <AuraFood>      <Type>range</Type>      <Radius>50</Radius>      <Affects>Gatherer</Affects>      <Modifications>        <ResourceGatherer.Rates.food.grain>	  <Multiply>1.20</Multiply>	</ResourceGatherer.Rates.food.grain>      </Modifications>      <AuraName>"Rotary Mill" Aura</AuraName>      <AuraDescription>Gatherers +20% Food Gather Rate within 50 meters.</AuraDescription>    </AuraFood>  </Auras>

    If I replace the Modification with something else it works. (I've set the multiply number to 3 just to test and make sure I can tell the difference, but it still doesn't work)

  2. Thanks Prod.

    Here are a few things that are planned, but currently cannot work because the core game does not have the ability yet:

    Technology Effects
    - Technology Cost (I have a blacksmith tech planned for this)

    - Technology Research Time (I have a blacksmith tech planned for this)

    - Player/Ally/Enemy

    - Somehow "unlock" buildings for certain units (thinking unlocking palisades and towers for Spartan females, but there can also be other uses, but maybe there can be some workarounds for this instead?)

    - Market bartering rates (have 1 or 2 market techs planned for this)

    - Trader profit

    - Unlock allied vision

    - Unlock ability to drop resources at Allies' dropsites

    - Unlock enemy vision, with variable cost (10 Metal for each enemy unit alive) - "Treason"


    - Technology Cost (player, ally), for Library

    - Technology Research Time (player, ally), for Library

    - Cost.BuildTime does not currently work even though the wiki says it should(?), for Themistocles' aura and for Delian League team bonus (I think this can be done with an aura if it was working correctly)

    - ResourceGatherer.Rates.food.grain does not work for some reason. Need this for the Celtic rotary mill aura.


    Hi guys. I am looking for some beta testers for my mod that overhauls a lot of the game. It's not a super open beta because I use some placeholder icons for techs from the Age series and other source. I also use some interesting music just for fun. :) Anyway, the important thing is the rebalance and almost completely new technology tree with ideas from this forum. Also, it is not yet complete to the plan because the game itself is incomplete, but it is mostly complete and playable and is a lot different from the basic version of the game. Post here or PM me for the git download.

    DELENDA EST: An overhaul mod for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant


    This is an overhaul mod for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant. Its goal is to introduce a new balance scheme, a revamped and greatly expanded technology tree, and other customizations to the game. The mod endeavors to push the game's modding capability to the fullest and to make the gameplay as enjoyable and as rich as possible.

    Keep in mind:
    - This mod is incomplete. Not every new planned technology or gameplay change has been implemented yet.
    - Many of the planned changes rely upon new features being implemented into the core game or engine.
    - This mod can be used to encourage those new features being implemented either by modders, open-source contributors, or official WFG team.

    Major unimplemented Features that this document assumes will eventually be implemented:

    - Formations: This mod re-enables the old formations from Alpha 16 and before. Once these are reimplemented by the official WFG team, it is planned to revamp them completely for this mod.
    - Trample: Some cavalry are planned to be better tramplers than others, so their stats would be adjusted accordingly. So, until Trample is implemented by the team or by modders some Cavalry stats may be wonky.
    - Charging/Charge Bonus: Like Trample, this would affect Cavalry stats immensely, and it is hoped that this is eventually implemented in the game.
    - Mercenary Camps: This mod starts the process of making Mercenaries a unique class of soldier for the game. It is hoped that either the official team or modders will implement the capturable Mercenary Camp idea talked about on the forum.
    - Building Capturing and Unit Conversion using a "Loyalty" mechanic: Some techs in this mod cannot be implemented yet (or are implemented in a different way) because capturing and loyalty are not implemented. Hopefully this feature is implemented so this mod can add another layer of richness to the gameplay.
    - Tech and Aura Modifications: These new modifications need to be implemented for this mod to reach its full potential: Altering Market Bartering recovery rates, Altering technology costs and speeds, (+ others here).


    - Completely new unit balance and countering.
    - A new 4th Phase: Imperial Phase, which unlocks major technologies and abilities. Requires 1000 Metal and 1 Wonder.
    - Civic Centers are now buildable in the 3rd Phase (City Phase). This allows the players time to build up home defenses in Town Phase, or use the stone for a push to City Phase for expansion.

    - Now only Civic Centers and Wonders cast territory effects. Outposts and Economic stuff like Storehouses, Farmsteads, and Fields can be built outside territory, but buildings like Houses, Barracks, etc. can only be built within the player's territory. This creates strong cores of cities and makes the countryside weak and hard to defend. Also encourages building walls.
    - A completely redesigned technology tree, customized for each civilization. Blacksmith and Fortress trees are especially new.
    - Naval gameplay revamped with a Shipyard for the non-barbarian civs. Docks are for naval economy and Shipyard for naval warfare.
    - New special buildings, such as the Temple of Vesta for the Romans, with new auras and features.

    - Wooden defense towers available in Phase I can be upgraded to stone defense towers in Phase II, complete with visual change in appearance.
    - Corral is much more useful.

    What is Broken

    - Celtic Rotary Mill aura for Britons and Gauls. For some reason I cannot make the aura work, even though the code is visually correct.
    - Units trained in batches and rally-pointed to a resource or foundation will go to the rally point and will not begin gathering or building. They will just stand there instead. This is an old bug reintroduced somehow.
    - Some Fortresses cannot have enough space for garrisoned units to show up on the walls. Some Fortress models may need redesigned for this purpose.

    - Units show up on the Fortress battlements, regardless of type (female citizens and cavalry units how up on top of Fortresses when they garrison inside). There needs to be a way in the templates to dictate what types of units show up on the VisibleGarrison points ("Infantry Ranged" for example).
    - Cost.BuildTime effect for auras is broken. This specifically neuters the "Delian League" team bonus for Athenians and the "Naval Architect" aura for Themistocles.
    - I'll add more things here as I come across them.


    Units on Fortresses (Currently only Carthaginians and Mauryans)


    Units on Warships (Currently only a test ship in the Ptolemies sandbox scenario because pathfinding for garrisoned ships is bad)





    The unit balance has been changed. The following list gives the basic changes, including features like charging that are not yet implemented in the full game.

    Melee Citizen-Infantry

    Sword Infantry
    - Cost: 60F 40M
    - Health: 100
    - Attack: Hack, High
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Infantry and Elephants
    - Charge Bonus: 2x
    - Hack Armor: High
    - Pierce Armor: Low
    - Speed: Medium

    Spear Infantry
    - Cost: 50F 50W
    - Health: 100
    - Attack: Hack, Medium
    - Bonus: 2x vs. Cavalry
    - Charge Bonus: 2.5x
    - Hack Armor: Medium
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: Medium

    Pike Infantry
    - Cost: 40F 60W
    - Health: 100
    - Attack: Hack, Low
    - Bonus: 4x vs. Cavalry
    - Charge Bonus: 2x
    - Hack Armor: High
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: Low

    Ranged Citizen-Infantry

    Archer Infantry
    - Cost: 40F 60W
    - Health: 80
    - Attack: Pierce, Low
    - Range: High
    - Accuracy: Low
    - Rate: Medium
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Melee Infantry
    - Hack Armor: Low
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: Medium

    Javelin Infantry
    - Cost: 40F 60W
    - Health: 80
    - Attack: Pierce, Medium
    - Range: Medium
    - Accuracy: Medium
    - Rate: Medium
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Ranged Cavalry, Spear Infantry, and Elephants
    - Hack Armor: Low
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: High

    Slinger Infantry
    - Cost: 50F 40S
    - Health: 80
    - Attack: Pierce, Low
    - Range: Medium
    - Accuracy: High
    - Rate: High
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Ranged Infantry and Sword Infantry
    - Hack Armor: Low
    - Pierce Armor: Low
    - Speed: High


    - Penalty: Horse Cavalry 0.5x vs. Elephants and Camels
    - Penalty: Camel .80x Speed
    - Bonus: Camel 1.5x vs. Horse Cavalry
    - Speed (walk/run/charge): 1.5x Infantry Counterparts

    Melee Citizen-Cavalry

    - Bonus: 2x vs. Siege
    - Special: Trample Aura/Ability

    Sword Cavalry
    - Cost: 80F 40M
    - Health: 150
    - Attack: Hack, High
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Ranged Infantry and Ranged Cavalry
    - Charge Bonus: 2.5x
    - Trample: Low
    - Hack Armor: Low
    - Pierce Armor: High
    - Speed: High

    Spear Cavalry:
    - Cost: 80F 50W
    - Health: 150
    - Attack: Hack, Medium
    - Bonus: 2x vs. Ranged Infantry
    - Charge Bonus: 4x
    - Trample: Medium
    - Hack Armor: Medium
    - Pierce Armor: High
    - Speed: Medium

    Ranged Citizen-Cavalry

    Archer Cavalry
    - Cost: 100F 50W
    - Health: 130
    - Attack: Pierce, Low
    - Range: High
    - Accuracy: Low
    - Rate: Medium
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Melee Infantry
    - Hack Armor: Low
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: High

    Javelin Cavalry
    - Cost: 100F 40W
    - Health: 130
    - Attack: Pierce, Medium
    - Range: Medium
    - Accuracy: Low
    - Rate: Medium
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Support
    - Hack Armor: Low
    - Pierce Armor: Low
    - Speed: High

    Other Melee Units

    Melee Elephant
    - Cost: 150F 100M
    - Health: 400
    - Attack: Hack, Medium; Crush, High
    - Bonus: 2x vs. Cavalry, 1.5x vs. Structures
    - Charge Bonus: 3x
    - Trample: High
    - Hack Armor: Medium
    - Pierce Armor: High
    - Speed: Low

    Other Ranged Units

    Archer Chariot
    - Cost: 100F 100W
    - Health: 200
    - Attack: Pierce, Low
    - Range: High
    - Accuracy: Low
    - Rate: Medium
    - Trample: High
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Melee Infantry
    - Hack Armor: Medium
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: Medium

    Javelin Chariot
    - Cost: 100F 100W
    - Health: 200
    - Attack: Pierce, Medium
    - Range: Medium
    - Accuracy: Medium
    - Rate: Medium
    - Trample: High
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Support
    - Hack Armor: Medium
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: Medium

    Archer Elephant
    - Cost: 150F 75W
    - Health: 300
    - Attack: Pierce, Low
    - Range: High
    - Accuracy: Medium
    - Rate: Medium
    - Trample: High
    - Bonus: 1.5x vs. Melee Infantry
    - Hack Armor: High
    - Pierce Armor: Medium
    - Speed: Low

    Citizen-Soldier Ranks/Promotions

    - Each new rank improves all stats by about +10% or 1.1x
    - Each new rank decreases economic usefulness by about -25%.


    - Most stats +50% or 1.5x over their Citizen-Soldier counterparts of Basic Rank
    - No economic abilities, though may have various kinds of inspiration auras affecting their citizen counterparts or other units
    - Some Champions may have training limits, due to their elite status
    - Champions are trained in Battalions/Formations by default (because they don't need to be broken up for fine-tuned economic tasks), except for the Persian Immortals who are trained extremely rapidly individually


    The following would be the ideal implementation of Mercenaries in the game. Some things this mod is in the process of implementing, but capturing Mercenary Camps and other features (like altering the Camp's ProductionQueue based on who owns it) cannot be implemented until these things are added to the core game.

    - Mercenary unit-types available to players based on map biome and the civilization of the owning player
    - Trained at Mercenary Camps dotted around the map, capturable by players. The number of camps determined by the number of players: 1 merc camp for 2 players, 2 merc camps for 3-4 players, 3 merc camps for 5-6 players
    - Mercenaries cost no population, but can only be trained in limited numbers or are otherwise limited in some way; this is normally the only way a player can train more units above the population cap
    - Metal is almost always one of their costs, usually replacing the Food cost
    - They do not perform economic tasks, but they can build structures
    - They do not contribute to gaining Loot, as they "keep booty for themselves"
    - The rest of their stats are comparable to their citizen-soldier counterparts at the Elite rank, and they do not promote to new ranks
    - Each mercenary soldier comes with 1-2 tech upgrades researchable at the merc camp when captured by the player. For instance, Balearic Slingers and Rhodian Slingers can have a "Lead Sling Bullets" technology at the Merc Camp, a tech not normally available to civs with those mercs

    So, for example:

    An "Egyptian Biome" map like Nile River
    - 4 Players
    - 2 Mercenary Camps on the map, capturable by any player
    - 2 "Egyptian Biome" Mercs available at the Camps: Libyan Skirmisher, Garamantine Camel Raider
    - Up to 3 Mercs available, based on the capturing player's civilization: Ptolemies (Mercenary Thureophoros, Nubian Archer, Galatian Swordsman); Seleucids (Mercenary Thureophoros, Thracian Swordsman, Tarantine Cavalry); Spartans (Cretan Mercenary Archer, Rhodian Slinger, Tegean Hoplite); Iberians (Balearic Slinger, Greek Settler Hoplite, Gaesatae).
    - None of the mercs cost population room, but all cost an amount of metal, and they are each limited to 20 alive at a time.


    The specific bonuses and changes for each civ. Changes from vanilla 0 A.D. or additions will have an asterisk (*).


    Team Bonuses:
    - "Delian League": Reduces Build Time for allied Warships by -20%.* THIS IS BUGGED FOR AN UNKNOWN REASON.
    Civ Bonuses:
    - "Silver Mines of Laureion": +10% Metal gathering for each passing phase.
    - "Hellenization": Building a Theatron special building increases territory effect for all buildings +20%.
    Special Buildings:
    - Gymnaseion: Train Epilektoi champion infantry. Research extra City Phase military upgrades.
    - Prytaneion: Train Heroes. Research Iphicratean Reforms, Periclean Strategem, and Athenian Long Walls.
    - Theatron: Build one to unleash the "Hellenization" bonus.
    Notable Technologies:
    - "Iphicratean Reform": Unlocks training Athenian Marines and Cretan Archers from the Trireme.
    - "Periclean Strategem": Walls and Warships +10% Health, Soldiers -5% Health.*
    - "Athenian Long Walls": Build Stone Walls in neutral territory.
    - "Phidean Workshop": Temples and Wonder -25% Build Time, but +10% Stone Cost.*
    - "Zea Ship Sheds": Warships build +25% faster.*
    - "Arsenal of Philon": Warships regenerate Health.*
    - "Oxybeles Towers": Defense Towers fire Oxybeles bolts, with greater attack and range, but slower firing rate.*


    Team Bonuses:
    - "Trade Alliances": Sea Trade +33% trade profit over ‘international’ routes between allies. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Civ Bonuses:
    - "Trademasters": Merchant Ships available at Village Phase.
    - "Double Harbor": The Carthaginian Shipyard is larger and has double the health of other shipyards, but costs 50% more.
    - "Mercenary Army": The Carthaginians have access to 3 different structures which can train mercenaries, who cost no population room.
    Special Buildings:
    - Celtic Embassy: Train Celtic mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.
    - Iberian Embassy: Train Iberian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.
    - Italiote Embassy: Train Italian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.
    Notable Technologies:
    - "Triple Walls of Carthage": Stone Walls 3x health, 2x build time, +50% cost.*
    - "Colonization": Civic Centers, Houses, and Temples -20% build time.
    - "Exploration": Ships and Traders +25% vision range.
    - "Numidian Mahouts": War Elephants +20% speed.*
    - "State-Issued Armor": Extra armor for temple champions.*
    - "Sacred Arsenal": Temple champions -20 metal cost.*

    Team Bonuses:
    - "Druides": Allies -10% technology research time. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Civ Bonuses:
    - "Deas Celtica": Druids boost the attack of nearby Gallic units.*
    - "Ardiosmanae": Bonus to corralling domestic animals. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Civ Penalties:
    - "Wattle and Post Construction": Gallic buildings -20% Health, but also -20% build time.
    Special Buildings:
    - Tavern: Recruit Gaesatae "Naked Fanatic" champions. Research Woad Warriors technology.*
    - Rotary Mill: "Aura": Gatherers +20% Food Gather Rate within 60 meters.*
    Notable Technologies:
    - "Woad Warriors": Infantry +10% health, +10% walk and run speed.*
    - "Vae Victis": Soldiers +10 metal loot for every enemy unit killed and building destroyed.*
    - "Trimarcisia": Champion Cavalry +33% health, +25% food cost.*
    - "Soap Production": Units +5 health.* NOT IMPLEMENTED.




    Team Bonuses:
    - "The Silk Road": Land Traders +25% speed for allies.* NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Civ Bonuses:
    - "A Hundred Nations": +10% Population Cap bonus (e.g., 330 instead of 300).
    - "Royal Road of Susa": Land Traders +25% Profitability per trip.
    Special Buildings:
    - Apadana: Train Persian heroes and Anusiya ("Immortals") champion infantry. Research additional special technologies.
    - Cavalry Stables: Train cavalry units and research cavalry upgrades.
    Notable Technologies:
    - "Hall of One Hundred Columns": All structures +25% health, but also +10% build time.*
    - "Nisean War Horses": Cavalry units +20% health, but also +10% train time.
    - "Immortals": Anusiya -50% train time, but also -10% health.
    - "Cyrus Cylinder" ("Human Rights"): Support Units -25% train time.* PLANNED: +50% Loyalty for support units and buildings.
    - "Equine Transports": Triremes unlock the ability to train cavalry units.
    - "Archery Tradition": Archer units +10% faster firing rate, train time reduced -25%, but health reduced -10%.
    - "Elephant Roundup": Unlocks training War Elephants at the Fortress.* PLANNED: Unlock ability to corral wild elephants.
    Future Wish List:
    - Toggle ability at the Apadana between Satrapy Tribute (a trickle of free resources) or Immortals (a stream of free Anusiya).

    Team Bonuses:
    - "Breadbasket of the Mediterranean": Allies gain a trickle of free food. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Civ Bonuses:
    - "Nile Delta": The Ptolemies player receives 2 additional farming technologies not available to any other civilization.*
    - "Roundup": Can garrison captured camels and elephants in the Corral to reduce the train time of these types of units by -5% per corralled animal. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Special Buildings:
    - Military Colony: This replaces the Civic Center as the primary expansion building for the Ptolemies. It is weaker than a Civic Center, but is cheaper and builds faster. Trains settler units and mercenaries.
    - Lighthouse: Build on the shoreline to see a large part of the map. TODO: Make this reveal the black map overall the water on the map.
    - Library: Reduce the research time for remaining technologies. Research special technologies.
    Notable Technologies:
    - "Pharaonic Cult": Heroes train nearly instantly.*
    - "Tessarakonterēs (Juggernaut)": Heavy warship +50% health and +2 projectiles.*
    - "Hellenistic Metropolises": Civic Centers 2x health and 2x default arrows.
    - "Katoikia": Upgrade Military Colonies to Civic Center status, with increased health and territory effect.* NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    - "Water Wheel": +20% farming rates.*
    - "Well Sweep": +20% farming rates.*



    Team Bonuses:
    - "Peloponnesian League": Allies can train Spartiate champion infantry. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
    Civ Bonuses:
    - "Othismos": Spartans can make use of the Phalanx formation without researching a technology. NOT IMPLEMENTED: TECHS UNLOCKING FORMATIONS.
    - "Laws of Lycurgus": Infantry rank promotion upgrades cost no resources, except time.*
    - "Spartan Womanhood": Spartan women cannot be captured (CAPTURING NOT IMPLEMENTED) and they can build Defense Towers and Palisades.
    - "Hellenization": Building a Theatron special building increases territory effect for all buildings +20%.
    Civ Penalties:
    - "A Wall of Men": Spartans cannot build Stone Walls for defense.
    - "Underdogs": The maximum population cap is reduced -10% for Sparta.
    Special Buildings:
    - Syssition: Train Spartan heroes and Spartiate champion infantry. Research additional military technologies.
    - Theatron: Build one to unleash the "Hellenization" bonus.
    Notable Technologies:
    - "Tyrtean Paeans": All units +10% walk speed.*
    - "The Agoge": Barracks +5 Population Cap and +1000 Health.
    - "Feminine Mystique": Female Citizens +50% Health, +2 Attack.*
    Future Wish List:
    - Needs some coding, but I would like to make the "Othismos"tech give Hoplites and Spartiates a minor "pushing" or "trample" effect.


    - Groves are a new type of tree resource I wish to replace most trees with.
    - I am experimenting trying to help pathfinding performance by allowing units to walk through trees. For the most part this looks okay and doesn't look bad. There are a few ways to make this better though, which can be discussed: Walls should be placeable over trees, removing the trees in the process; Groves could allow for ambush tactics by the 3 barbarian civs; Siege weapons should still path around groves at least.
    - Updated Neareastern Badlands (2) to be smaller. The original was too big for 2 players.
    - Updated a lot of the Sandbox demo maps for each civ.
    - Experimented with some of Enrique's new unit meshes. Use keyword "test" in Atlas to find those entities.

    - Gave Carthage 2 new units at the Barracks: Libyan Skirmisher and Punic Cavalry.

    • Like 9
  4. remember that chariots will be given trample and what usually counter tramples are spearmen and pikemen i believe so i think that they will automatically become less powerful at least vs spearmen and another solution would be if the chariots couldn't turn as sharply as they do know in my experience they coudnt do 360 standing in the same place :P

    This is not set in stone at all. It is unclear exactly what the programmers wish to cut from the planned features.

  5. In my local mod I have made chariots a some different than "normal" citizen cavalry. They do not upgrade ranks, you must purchase improvements called Medium Chariot (City Phase) and Heavy Chariot (Imperial Phase) in order to make them uber good. It is my hope that I can change them further when trample damage is implemented by developer and improvements to the visiblegarrison part of the xmls that can make the archers passive garrisoned units and the chariot itself is used like a ram to smash into enemey units (trample and charge, you do still plan these right?). Like someone else said, the chariots would almost be a suicide unit (think of Petards in AOE2, but used against units instead of buildings), and the archers are just passive guys shooting at nearby enemies. I wish to do the same with elephants (but obviously less suicide and just more chaotic and crazy, for a big price).

    • Like 1
  6. There is a Git branch for the new pathfinding. And the old ones were removed because they had issues, not because they were in the way of new ones. You could still revert to an old revision/use an old Alpha if you want to play with them though.

    Yes, they had issues, but not so much as the issues without them. I reenable them.

  7. oh man that is awsome you can post more even a video or upload the mod to get that, is this a new level to ship battle give boost to naval battle even I can imagine raft battle with archers.

    It is very interesting. Unfortunately the pathfinding for the ship with units on the deck is really weird.

    • Like 1
  8. 9fknPTS.png

    For my mod I will include a "test" ship with units garrisonable on the deck. The pathfinder hgets confused because I think it runs separate paths for the ship and the garrisoned units, so the ship stutters and acts weird when you move it. I will include this test ship in a modified Ptolemies sandbox scenario.

    • Like 5
  9. What is "very, very, very bad" about buggy, exploited formations taken out of an alpha version temporarely to get improved?

    Maybe think before you post?

    Cannot git branch have been made for new pathfinding and formations and left the old formations in svn branch? Maybe you not think of this? hm?

  10. Hi modders. Looking to add a '500' option between 300 and Unlimited.

    I do this in gamesetup.js:

    const POPULATION_CAP = ["50", "100", "150", "200", "250", "300", "500", translate("Unlimited")];const POPULATION_CAP_DATA = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, 10000];

    But the game interpret at unlimited. Is there seomething else that needs to be edited?

  11. i think that you misunderstood me what i said was that theoretically your opponent has more troops then you when he attacks yes? thus he outnumbers your units and defeats them after that you will only be able to train 5 at a time thus his troops will always outnumber yours :P

    Can't you train 5, 10, 15, 20 men at same time?

  12. Not sure if this discussion belongs to the techs thread, but tempted to ask: what is the (conceptual) difference between 1st and 2nd phases in this system?

    1st phase is all economics, setting up food production, hunting, berry pickings, setting up your farms, scouting, and all the rest. 2nd phase you get the military upgrades at the barracks and walls and towers are unlocked and you can start to make significant military research at the blacksmith. That's not to say you couldn't raid in the 1st phase (you get access to all citizesoldier types at the barracks, but you have to build it first and it is relatively expensive). I have also divided the Docks into a Docks (fishing, trading) and Shipyard (warships and warship research). Dock is 1st phase, Shipyard comes in 2nd phase.

    • Like 1
  13. Technology Web:

    my question is whether or not a tech web as opposed to a tech tree will reduce the amount of possible early game builds? it's a question that I think can only be answered when considering very precise elements.

    I do not see how this is an issue compared to a regular tree design.Ina regular tree it is very linear where one tech just unlocks another one (a->b-c). In a web each choice unlocks 2 more choice. I imagine this allows for bigger variety of builds not lesser. Players can figure out different paths for their different strategies and try to find optimal paths for their play style. Some paths may be used more than others but that is okay because the lesser traveled paths still give an option in case of an unusual situation or surprising move by the opponent. Overall it is way more powerful and responsive to the needs of the player than both the linear design being used now and the pair design.

    4th Phase:

    I also propose a 4th phase for the game (it is in my local mod and works great, I explain). What I have done is move civil centers to City phase and then have a 4th phase for uber stuff. Moving the civil centers to 3rd phase in a 4-phase game makes the player focus on his first town before building new towns. I know this makes everyone change their strategies they have developed with the alphas, but change can be good. Attacks are still possible though and military focus is now toward dominating the land militarilly instead of with civil centers. You also have more time to scout, more time to research techs, and strategies like "fast city" or "fast imperial" are now possible. Also, deciding whether to focus on defenses like walls in town or use that stone for City phase tech and civil centers is now made better. Imperial (4th phase) is where I put all the strongest techs and they are very expensive. I am also experimenting by making the Imperial tech require that a Wonder be built. This makes Wonder impoertant to the regular non-Wonder game. I am also going to experiment with giving the Fortress a low build limit (1 or 3 or 5-maybe 1 in city and Imperial unlocks to 5, just experimenting on ways to make the fortress more interesting). I have also made catapults require a tech (ballistika) to be built which lessens the fact that some civs (rightly) get catapults and some do not.

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