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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. @All Councilors In our recent talks with the management sector of CoM, we are taking aims to create a sub forum for CoM. If there is anything you would like added to this directory structure for any particular reason and purpose, please say so. On Monday the latest I'll forward the appropriate structure to be implemented. Council of Modders /Projects -/1,000 A.D. -/Aristeia -/ROME /Announcements /General Topics: - general discussion and ideas - FAQ - recruitment /Game Dev Topics: - Bug reports - Programming tasks tracking - technical discussion /Art Dev Topics: - Art task tracking - Fan art /Tutorials & Guides /Project Managment Topics: - Recruitment - Signatures & Logos - repos _________________________________ @thamlett @Lion.Kanzen With regards to the tags/labels, we'll have to host talks to settle with what particular tags and where. I think for now, we should try and focus on setting up our dir tree in which to organize all these topics. As it is this thread is the busiest of the site lol So if councilors can add input on that current tree specified above, please do. __________________________________________ The second task for the management team is to provide a staff tree. Who is who and who does what, along with their email addresses for correspondence. We are still very much disorderly at the moment, so once the management peripherals have been taken care of, this Staff tree will be pinned for conveyance. __________________________________________ *Update Added a "/Tutorials & Guides" to the structure. Why? This will contain vital comprehensive information in which to help new members. Obviously, this will need devotion.
  2. @thamlett You don't need to install another distro. Puppy Linux in my opinion (this is just cuz I'm a slack guy ) will run on a 16 MHz 80386 lolz ... In other words, that's the only distro I know that runs optimally on notebooks. And the reason is because its extremely light, you'd have to manually configure that distro in order to support a variety of programs. In my opinion, don't use Mint or Ubuntu... Those Debian subs are immensely overrated and Ubuntu is sluggish and grossly unstable. You might as well be better off with Windows 8 lol....... You say that for some reason, you cannot get the game installed, the thing I want to know is what reason? Post the error messages, and screenshots if you want, I'll help you out
  3. Um, that donation page is also actually a PayPal page. But judging from your link, you asking WFG to use your service, basically bordering on spam. If your donation site were created specially for 0 A.D. I might see this in a different light though
  4. @niektb This: Main CoM forum project forums (in which everything project related is discussed) /1,000 A.D. /Aristeia /ROME (Or any final name) /Announcements /General Topics: - general discussion and ideas - FAQ - recruitment /Game Dev Topics: - Bug reports - Programming tasks tracking - technical discussion /Art Dev Topics: - Art task tracking - Fan art /Project Managment Topics: - Recruitment - Signatures & Logos - repos Looks alright. Except, that I'd added /Announcements as a main dir. I don't think it should be classified under a general listing, as this dir will harbor important/crucial notices for the whole CoM. Also it's just more visible. But if that's alright and we both agree, I will present it to feneur. For the Rome mod, the official name will have to wait. I think it will take a good amount of time to think it through, to choose a good name for it. Because that mod is quite special, remember, 0 A.D. started as Rome mod, this one I like to think of it becoming a sister to it, though the original Rome at war has not died, but retired into a full bloom of a total new game and that's where she is currently. This mod will be her "posh" sister in heels and in a beautiful silky red dress
  5. @Hephaestion I'll recap on your post later when I have time @niektb Let's decide on a sub forum directory structure, so I can go present it to feneur. That's mod subs, CoM folders everything. Have a look what I posted above, and let me know if I should add any dirs.
  6. I do believe that would be a good option.Essentially, we will need a directory structure, based, on our topics and projects. Like, /Council of Modders /1,000 A.D. /ROME /Project Management Recruitment Members Log (list of personal of whom and what skills?) Etc.. Etc. /Announcements /General Discussion & Ideas Signatures & logos /Art Dev /Gen Dev Mod launcher Git, repos Anything else I'm forgetting? See, the problem with an elaborate directory tree, is it becomes tedious to navigate through. The /*Dev directories are great to handle tasks for mods, temporally being generic in dev phase.
  7. @niektb That is neat. I'm actually starting to wonder if we need a sub forum for this Council, just for organizing sake. Because this is obviously going to increase in size, and logically speaking, clumping everything in one thread is really disorderly in my opinion. Share your thoughts on this. feneur has already given me the green light for a sub for my mod I started, but if it were up to me, I'd hold that thought, because A, that mod doesn't have an official name yet, and B, we'd better off as a Council with a space of our own in which to operate. I don't mind to put my mods sub on hold.
  8. LOL ..... http://youtube.com/watch?v=356V7HOsOr0
  9. Wololo... Boomshipti..boooooom....... LMFAO
  10. I don't see how we can lose overview from specifics. I will however agree that we need a topography/map to structure these ideas in order to better navigate through ideas. I believe this is what LordGood was referring too. What I think make dev, onlookers, newly members etc, irate, is that our ideas are here we discuss them and yet there's nothing tangible if you will, or no substance to it. My message to these individuals is simple: These things take time, and we are no rush and neither do we have deadlines. Sure we will listen to advice, as it's appreciated amongst the council's members, but at the same token, we engage in our discussions, in an amicably fashion in which we fuse our ideas together to form a foundational basis, where as a team we begin to slowly settle into the mindset, and collectively we are on the same footing in all of our understanding. Again I as a member of this council have this as a view: We don't have any deadlines. A and foremost. Therefore we can afford to toss ideas about, because we have the freedom too, not obligated to strict assignments. Further to this, I see ourselves as a council and as a team, slowly settling, gelling together mentally first, before we work together... Same state of mind,... Same expectations. Everything was thought first before it was created.
  11. If you have been that observant, you'll notice that a generic repo has been created for precisely this. And I disagree about the specifics statement. It's important to have specifics and then compile them later conceptually. Specifics are a foundation to work on, and right now we just "tossing" them as you say because this a method of logging them. Essentially, most of discussions hosted here, that are ideas, are pseudo methodology, and later will be converted into the games mechanics.
  12. Yes that's what I meant, the ships are treated like walls in this regard. But we'll do the walls first, that can wait.
  13. The cost would have to be significantly higher than the printing, material to generate any sort of profit. Then you run the risk of not selling any to all of them at all, which plays at a loss. My advice going the merchandise rout, is that this gets done via order first before stock is purchased. I think it's a fair idea though.
  14. We'd also have to design a smaller ship variant to the quinquireme. Ships used in the arena were much smaller than standard war vessels. And also something that might spice up naval warfare in this game, would be to allow infantry/archers to stand on ships to aid additional attack, plus, giving an option to potentially capture a vessel if your units board the ship and win a battle on it.
  15. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14092 A quote from fenure And Japan in those times were Yamatia (Yamato being the capitol) which a majority consisting mainly of Han dynasty people.
  16. You might want to consider joining our mod team. Speak to Niektb or Hephasteon for assistance.
  17. If I were you, I'd get a C++ book and learn it from scratch before delving into the games code. C is a very manual orientated language and if you don't know the syntax, best to learn the root basics first.
  18. Okay now I'm with you. Yeah the training bit I like and that is realistic, I totally forgot about training lol We'll also have to animate the flooding of the arena too. And the drainage, though the later is not necessary...
  19. That's cool. For the arena, I'll make the coliseum. It'll have to be done so that you can view the center where fighting will take place. The regular continuous fighting bit during whole game play animation, might be unrealistic, as fighting only takes place when you host games. Though certainly can be used in other buildings... For instance, vineyard, you can animate Roman woman crushing grapes for example. Dairy, Roman woman milking cattle. Markets, people walking, having talks, purchasing etc... These will certainly liven the city up and buildings.
  20. Staff we going to definitely need are animators. We could definitely also do with more 3D artists, to start modeling buildings etc. Also well versed in texturing. It'd be a good idea to target these guys during the recruitment phase. @thamlett Waiting on the date change. All our com signatures have the wrong established date. That said things are looking
  21. See I like that logo, despite it not having the table. For a little critique; I think it's creative. It also symbolizes our nature as a mod team. How? Because anything we create at the end of the day has our imaginative thought it in, that signature of our craftsmanship. Whether that be art, code, concept, and idea, they all apart of our imaginative power at work. So I think that logo symbolizes everything about us, who we are and what we represent. Something tangible produced by the mind. This is how I see it. I like the logo, and with a bit of colour, I think it will be great! @The competition bit, mention by Haphaesteon thamlett vs Lion.Kanzen in the logo That is one of your attributes that will greatly compliment this team That ability to produce a creative idea from no where. And that is mod members competing a task for the best output. But, this will have to be with some things, not everything, because you cannot have more than one members trying to create the same thing. Time waster. But that remains to be seen. You see, thamlett was assigned the task of creating a temporary signature for us in the interim of Lion.Kanzen's logo. But because thamlett has made a great signature here... I would use it as our primary sig. That said, Lion's logo is good and I bet if thamlett puts that in the current sig, we could use it in the sig @niektb Definitely, although for my Rome mod it will require a full download of the entire game. Atleast that's how it's looking at the time being. But at this very early stage, we'll deal with that when we get there
  22. @Lion.Kanzen Could you tell us the history of this logo? How you came about the design, and what made you choose that shape?
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