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thamlett last won the day on February 23 2015

thamlett had the most liked content!

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    Chicago, IL

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  1. @Rahman 535 The pick axe or the wood axe?
  2. Might be time to get a can of compressed air...
  3. From Sourceforge back in the day The dedication of the development team No, not really... I mean I'm just getting back to it, so I have no complaints xD You guys rock. Seriously.
  4. Hey everyone! Yeah, you saw that username right. I'm back. I haven't played in a while (over a year to be exact), real life stuff got in the way for quite a bit. Looking forward to getting back in the groove of things. TTYL, Timothy "Timmeh" Hamlett
  5. True, what is this alpha's focus? (not even sure why Rhodo-whatever was chosen)
  6. This always happens every release (the feature freeze until the release). What it just means though is that there will be a spike in commits after the release, thus quickly making SVN and A18 incompatible with each other (I find myself compiling the specific revision instead of using the released binary since a self-compiled binary gets me better performance imho).
  7. maybe we can have a hotkey for an alternate view (IE ranges, obstructions, etc) like some games have
  8. It has already been determined that some matches indeed have unbalanced teams (that's what the rating numbers are for). The cavalry discussion can go on forever (really, each type has a tactical advantage over the other, just like IRL).
  9. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743914/opengl-es-2-0-teximage2d-giving-error-1280 Apparently we're not the only ones to have the problem lol You got a GL_INVALID_ENUM error, which means you passed an unsupported enum value to a GL function. The 1280 is GL_INVALID_ENUM, but 1285 would be the GL OUT OF MEMORY error.
  10. more maneuverable than what? a ram? Currently, there is really no implementation of such, since unless the way is blocked with obstructions they turn at the same speed and go only a little bit slower: not really an advantage in close combat
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