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Mega Mania

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Everything posted by Mega Mania

  1. Tang-e Sarvak battle scene (Parthian period) Late Parthian or early Sassanid infantry from Dura Europos synagogue (possibly mercenaries)
  2. http://www.le.ac.uk/ar/stj/dura.htm Sassanid Horse Armor
  3. Check this out: They seems to forget that without joining the upper part of the armor and the lower part of the armor, the wearer can't even receive a proper armor protection. Plus do the Parthians need such armor where it can only provide 1 layer of protection instead of 2 layer of protection?
  4. Parthian units from EB: 1. Core Parthian unit, most of them belongs to the Parthian Army Shivatîr-î Pahlavânîg (Parthian Horse-Archers) Asavârân-î Dêhbêd (Parthian Noble Medium Cavalry) Shivatîr-î Zrêhbârân (Parthian Armoured Horse-Archers) Spâhbâdê Pahlavânig (Early Parthian Bodyguard) Asavârân-î Âzadân (Parthian Noble Cataphracts) Pahlavân-î Zrêhbârân (Parthian Cataphracts) Pahlavân-î Grîvpânvar (Parthian Late Elite Cataphracts) Pushtîghbânê Shâhigân-î Pahlavânîg (Parthian Late Bodyguard Cavalry) 2. Infantry Kôfyârên-î Verkhânâ (Hyrkanian Hillmen) Gund-î Nîzagân (Parthian Spearmen) Parthohellenikoi Thureophoroi (Parthian Hellenic Infantry) Shivatîr-î Mardâ (Mardian Archers) Thanvarê Pârsig (Heavy Persian Archers) IMHO, due to technical problems and EB team's objectives some unit was created as two or three kinds of cavalry unit for example: Asavârân-î Âzadân, Pahlavân-î Zrêhbârân and Shivatîr-î Zrêhbârân should merged togather as 1 unit.
  5. Well, do we need that? Some claims by the Romans sounds absurd.
  6. I have some doubts on Germanic warships especially on medium class warship, perhaps we should give the Germanic people some sort of boat instead of warship?
  7. Here's a website that could help: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2995/2995.txt
  8. Garamantes: http://www.livius.org/ga-gh/garamantes/garamantes.html
  9. Here's another one: http://phoenicia.org/index.shtml
  10. Focus on several important tribes would be better than any other minor tribes, some Nomads and Germanic Tribes like the Huns and Vandals should have lower priority in the lists.
  11. If we fit all these tribes into 0AD, there would be no space for other factions anymore. All we need to do was to identify what Germanic tribe have the most impact to Rome and how powerful a Germanic Tribe that could change the fate of the known world and also do not stray too far from 0AD time line.
  12. The trouble is there's a dozen of the so called "Germanic" tribes, are we going to make them all? IMHO it would be fine to concentrate on some important Germanic tribes like Suebi and the Goths would do while the others should become DLC factions.
  13. Maybe the Ethiopians, Garamantines and Maure could fit in the list? IMHO, Bantu could hardly made into the list although the Ancient Egyptian acknowledged their existence, here's an article from http://www.kaa-umati.co.uk/Bantu%20in%20Ancient%20Egypt.htm that may help.
  14. Ancient Germanic Warrior (Suebi or Cherusci?): Ancient Germanic Light Cavalry: Slinger: Javelinman: Spearmen:
  15. Here's some website: http://histclo.com/chron/ancient/ac-teut.html
  16. Well, they shouldn't be playable nor they will become any real mini faction because they have no real identity.
  17. O, AoE and RoR. One of the first RTS i played decades ago, when all RTS was a simple game of building infrastructure, resources gathering and arms conflict.
  18. Here's a link: http://bet-ilim.blogspot.com/2012/01/military-of-ancient-canaan.html
  19. The confusion which i mean that a Macedonian Hetairos was a Champion Cavalry while a Seleucid Hetairos was not, the former cannot perform food gathering task (meat gathering) while the latter was able to perform such task because they are no longer considered as Champion Cavalry. The another problem is will the Seleucid Hetairos who have become a Kataphraktos retains the ability to collect food or they lost their basic ability and become a dedicated soldier?
  20. Will there be any confusion between Macedonian Hetairos and the Seleucid Hetairos when the Seleucid was introduce in the game?
  21. Late Phoenician (Phoenician Marine) Late Phoenician army: Phoenician defending Tyre from Alexander's Army.
  22. The Phoenician (still in Bronze Age): Phoenician war vessel (Bronze Age)
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