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Everything posted by xan2622

  1. Hacknet - free until 07/14th (10 AM Pacific Time) https://store.steampowered.com/app/365450/Hacknet/
  2. ShadowRun Returns Deluxe - 1 day 12 hours left. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/shadowrun-returns-deluxe
  3. Quake Champions - Offer ends June 18th at 10AM Pacific Time
  4. Guns of Icarus Alliance - Offer ends Tuesday at 10AM PT Galactic Civilizations® II: Ultimate Edition - Free Giveaway until Saturday 5/27 at 10 Pacific!
  5. Hacknet Deluxe (1 day 12 hours left) - Steam https://www.humblebundle.com/store/hacknet-deluxe
  6. Unreal Gold - 2 days left https://store.steampowered.com/app/13250/Unreal_Gold/ Texture pack : http://www.unrealtexture.com/Unreal/Unreal.htm
  7. Satellite Reign : 1 day 2 hours left Eador. Masters of the Broken World
  8. The Red Solstice - free for 48 hours (less now)
  9. Where can we find the source code of this new engine that you are doing ?
  10. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - 23 hours left Game Studio Tycoon 3 (Android)
  11. Free: One DLC for Total War: ROME II among three choices
  12. MKD - afaik, there's no known deadline for this offer Brütal Legend - 1 day 1 hour left
  13. Hitman Sniper (Android) - no known deadline for this offer Air Tycoon 2 (iOS) - no known deadline for this offer The Descendant Episode 1 - no known deadline for this offer
  14. Watch Dogs (on Uplay) - Offer ends on November 13.
  15. SID MEIER'S CIVILIZATION® III: COMPLETE - Offer ends in 1 day, 2 hours.
  16. Substance Painter 2017.3 now supports gITF 2.0 : https://support.allegorithmic.com/documentation/display/SPDOC/Version+2017.3
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