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lilstewie last won the day on August 8 2020

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  1. Those survive, but no relief elements, no statues with such militaristic, etc. samples. Only image of a warrior dating to the Maurya is of very simple art work that looks like a soldier with a Greek/Mediterranean looking helmet. But this art work is very simple. Yeah, militaristic images are pretty rare. You basically have to source references and samples from 2nd Century BC to Century AD. Architectural, religious, court life, etc. elements there are several in comparison.
  2. Wood was mostly the method of construction for the Maurya reliefs, etc. So they do not survive from the Maurya's. What survives are the Ashokan edicts, pillars, pillar capitals, some statues, some gems, etc. So those type of samples dont survive. Actually to make the Maurya faction primary archaeological sources are from Maurya's political successors. Because the Buddhist stupa railings, gates, etc. start to be constructed in stone, etc. instead of wood.This isnt much of an issue because all the successors even if they were far apart share cultural similarities in their military doctrine, architecture, clothing, etc. So can assume it wasnt much different under the Maurya union. As with the other elements, the toe lope is found in all corners of India as well.
  3. Sanchi reliefs - Around first century BC - Deccan Satavahana empire Bhaja Caves - Around first century BC - Deccan Satavahana empire Chandraketugarh - Around 2nd-1st Century BC - East Sunga Empire Kulu vase - Around first century BC - Northern India
  4. This female guard looks like she's holding a two handed hilt too.
  5. Only two handed sword I've seen from ancient India is this. I have seen in relief images that look like two handed hilts though. You have to be careful referencing later Indian blades for this era. I made that mistake back then. This is a outlier of sort though. Most Indians swords had tight hilts made to use with one hand only. That doctrine was the same from the Maurya or pre Maurya era till the medieval era regardless of the shape of the blade. Outliers do exist of course.
  6. It seems a similar concept was made also in the Americas.
  7. This is something not mentioned in literature, or something that widely proliferated, but never the less it does show up enough times. What do you think about implementing such a utility for a Maurya horse upgrade or tech? It's not attached to the saddle like a modern stirrup, but a long rope, leather, etc. of sort with a loop on the two ends. It could be a rather unique upgrade to the Mauryas supported by evidence. Some examples I've found. References are Sanchi, chandraketugarh, kulu vase, bhaja caves. I should say though not widely used across the board in each and every horsemen like later stirrup. It shows up in various parts of the subcontinent, so it spread widely enough.
  8. Example of Parthian infantry from a Parthian relief. I would guess though that the best equipped soldiers were mounted.
  9. Amazing work Lord. Please continue!!
  10. Macedonian soldiers http://en.wikipedia....c_of_Palestrina Very large Macedonian star.
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