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Everything posted by zoot

  1. Welcome to the forum. I am not part of the team, but I believe some of the most wanted features are listed here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus
  2. I would love to see some kind of on-going AI tournament which could be circulated in the AI community. Properly would require a more well-documented API, though. [Oh, snap. Sorry for quadruple post. I thought the forum had some safeguard against that. Edit: Thanks, mods.]
  3. I'm getting errors of this type when hovering over or selecting an Spartan Temple: ERROR: Error calling component script function ScriptCall ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/selection.js line 316 TypeError: GetEntityState(added[0]) is undefined ([object Array])@gui/session/selection.js:316 handleInputAfterGui([object Object])@gui/session/input.js:1195 WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js line 73 reference to undefined property this.allTechs[tech] ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js line 106 TypeError: template is undefined ()@simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:106 (1,5077)@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:198 (1,"GetEntityState",5077)@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:1665 Edit: Changed Athenian to Spartan and marked invalid. Doesn't happen after I re-downloaded.
  4. Apparently, 'sprites' in the UI are basically immutable So no softly fading or pulsating UI elements
  5. Thanks for the feedback. I've updated the patch accordingly.
  6. Do try this if you're feeling adventurous and let us know if anything blows up.
  7. I've made it blink (shiny): Caveats: - I had to make a new GUI 'sprite' for the orange overlay because I couldn't find a way to alter the color of the existing overlay. - The blinking on the queue icon runs separately from the blinking of the population count in the top bar of the screen and seems slightly out of sync. queuecapacitytweak2.diff
  8. I'll use the forum for now I'll post patches and other reasonably cogent stuff on Trac.
  9. There's a certain obligation to not post completely bogus reports on Trac because there's limited manpower there to process them, whereas here chances are good that someone else will point out that the report is B.S. before it goes any further. E.g. this: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16475
  10. Trac feels so formal, and I can't be arsed to be formal, but if I document the bugs here, maybe one of the other 9,819 forum members can.
  11. Error messages are your friend, but only if you remember to implement them.
  12. When a fishing boat needs to drop off its catch, it will get stuck trying to get to a Civic Center or Farmstead (on land) if any of those are closer than a Dock.
  13. Hmm. I don't see too much need for selecting a healer that may be on the other side of the map at all, to be honest. Healing is usually something you want done instantly and reliably, so you'll strive to have healers in neighbourhood of where they are needed and keep their locations in mind. Building and gathering is more "fire-and-forget" - you pick a worker, any worker, put him on the task, and let him take his time to get there and do his thing.
  14. Why does the 'Find idle workers' button sometimes select healers? They can neither construct or gather anything, to my knowledge?
  15. What do you all think about adding an "auto-repair" feature on workers, perhaps toggled with a button, which causes the worker to automatically begin repairing things in its vicinity when idle, instead of having to be explicitly commanded to do so? - possibly returning to its original position once done. Especially when bringing siege engines into battle, it seems needlessly annoying that you can't also bring a group of workers to patch up the machines between fights without having to micromanage everything - particularly because siege engines clump together and it's difficult to pick the one most in need of repair in the midst of battle.
  16. Holding down Shift and garrisoning a unit does not result in the command being added properly to the command queue - the command queue is reset as if Shift was not held down.
  17. I've devised another little UI tweak: When you've added a training order to the production queue, and there aren't sufficient population capacity for the order to commence, hovering over the production icon in the queue will show the amount of capacity missing (so you can determine at a glance how many houses you need to build etc.) (Feel free to come up with a better wording than "Insufficient population capacity".) queuecapacitytweak.diff
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