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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. @elexis This is a 30 minute replay file, but it can't be connected to the previous 1 minutes replay file. I built the house in the last 1 minutes replay, but in the subsequent 30 minutes replay, we didn't see the completed housing.
  2. @elexisYes, I'm sure I used your patch, I tested it, I did the same test, but the two replay files didn't connect. D:\trunk\binaries\system>pyrogenesis.exe -load=C:\Users\lg2015\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23\2017-11-16_0003\metadata.json -visual-replay=C:\Users\lg2015\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23\2017-11-16_0003\commands.txt
  3. @elexis If I only use the patches you give, instead of using commands: can pyrogenesis.exe -load=, "C:\\folder\\simulation.dat", "-visual-replay=", "C:\\folder\\commands.txt" connect two replays together? To achieve the same effect as using commands? Ah, A bad news : I tested this patch, and two replay files were not connected. The first replay was 2 minutes, and the second one had six minutes. When I loaded second repeats, the first replay of the house wasn't built.
  4. @elexis I can solve this problem with this patch, good, my friend, can you upload a patch file directly? Oh, about you mentioned the command format I really not use it, if you can give me a test patch directly to solve this problem, I will help you to test it, thank you, my old friend.
  5. @elexis I have no way to connect them together, and whether the serialization has been implemented, do you have any other options? My friend, can you help me?
  6. @elexis I upload them, so please look at them. Can you make some changes, and can you connect with the last time? 0.0.23.zip
  7. @elexis Today, I sent replay a strange bug:, when I started a new single game, the game for more than a minute, I built the house in the game, and then I saved the game, quit the game. More than an hour later, I reloaded the game and continued the game until the end of the game, playing a total of 30 minutes and 59 seconds. When I replayed the game, and when I chose to replay the 30:59 replay file, I found that the house had not been built before, and the workers went directly to build other buildings. Why?
  8. gameboy


    @stanislas69 My friend, you can test I upload the archive file, when the end of a battle, I save the game, and then when I load the game again, this error message appears in the game. thank you
  9. gameboy


    @mimo Can you fix this mistake, my friend? Please take care of this problem. thank you
  10. gameboy


    NO, this is the latest save on SVN.
  11. gameboy


    OK,my friend, one file. savegame-0014.0adsave
  12. gameboy


    @mimo Because I am afraid that I cannot reproduce the error, so I have saved three, you can choose either one of them can reproduce this mistake, thank you, my old friend, please help me.
  13. gameboy


    @mimo, @elexis Three game archive files, please test them, thank you. Three_game_archive_files_.zip
  14. gameboy


    I can upload my saved game, please help me.
  15. gameboy


    This is the command.txt file. This error occurred when I exited the game after saving the game and then loaded it again. commands.txt
  16. gameboy


    @mimo Today, I tested the latest SVN20445, and when I save games in the game, the error message appears: ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js line 649 TypeError: route[key] is undefined m.TradeManager.prototype.routeEntToId@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:649:3 m.TradeManager.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:667:26 m.HQ.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2524:19 m.PetraBot.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:159:9 reallySaveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:74:3 saveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:57:3 __eventhandler429 (press)@__internal(4) press:0:1 ERROR: AI script Serialize call failed ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js line 649 TypeError: route[key] is undefined m.TradeManager.prototype.routeEntToId@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:649:3 m.TradeManager.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:667:26 m.HQ.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2524:19 m.PetraBot.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:159:9 reallySaveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:74:3 saveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:57:3 __eventhandler438 (press)@__internal(4) press:0:1 ERROR: AI script Serialize call failed ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js line 649 TypeError: route[key] is undefined m.TradeManager.prototype.routeEntToId@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:649:3 m.TradeManager.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:667:26 m.HQ.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2524:19 m.PetraBot.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:159:9 reallySaveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:74:3 saveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:57:3 __eventhandler443 (press)@__internal(4) press:0:1 ERROR: AI script Serialize call failed
  17. @wowgetoffyourcellphone This warning was created when I built ADDOLDY (temple).
  18. It is still in development, you can go to see, this does not seem to stop. Thank you, my friend.
  19. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Today, I tested the latest version of http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est, with warning messages: WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra: dock constructed without base index 0 WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1086 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 579.9622650146484,697.9734954833984 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1087 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 569.5,689.5 state INDIVIDUAL.IDLE WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1089 name Arab Javelineer pos 574.0641174316406,689.8177642822266 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 60 healthMax 60 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1168 name Arab Javelineer pos 578.1152801513672,696.4779663085938 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 60 healthMax 60 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1249 name Arab Javelineer pos 590.9310913085938,697.5 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 60 healthMax 60 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1266 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 582.7383575439453,709.5523071289062 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1268 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 582.3719940185547,702.0397796630859 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
  20. Hi, my friend @wraitii. This problem has been solved, and I am very grateful to my old friend wraitii's patch, and the patches he offered helped me solve this problem, thanks again.
  21. @fcxSanya @wowgetoffyourcellphone Look, what did I put in the hole in the wall? Hey guys, come on and see what's happening here
  22. This wooden fence is destroyed, why not leave vacancies can go up? My friend, @wraitii What do you think about this problem?
  23. @wraitii The disappearance of the wooden fence vacancy : I tried your patch, but I can't make a wooden fence repair damaged, please help me. thank you my friend.
  24. @Itms When can I do it? Thank you !
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