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Everything posted by dinosoep
sorry to dissapoint you http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=15502 last post
I experience the same lag and I get it rather early in a 3vs1.against the time I killed the first two the lag is too extreme. I hope this is going to improve because my pc is still able to handle all modern games coming out, I don't see why it would be impossible with 0ad
the game will change drastically with the introduction af aging/technology/walling system allowing you to more easily counter a rushing computer (walls/archers). I think it's to early to tweak difficulty before those changes are in the game. If you however need some advice/help, read my two strategies I posted on this forum "a noobs guide at beating...". It'll give you some ideas. Generally if a game is getting really long I recomend having a lot of hero units from a fort and building a lot of barracks. just set waypoint on enemy and start spamming. you'll usually win if you send some more siege.
darn I'm going to play romans. That looks awesome
No, I would really hate seeing my units randomly popping out of buildings. The only way to win battles is with more units, not a few fully healed units. I vote for letting citizen-soldiers go to the nearest building but not enter. That way they defend the female citizens who are trying to get to the nearest buildings and when they reach it they are ready to fight.
I don't really like infinite resources. In aoe3 you have those games where the enemy makes 4 walls, creates 2 forts and relies on his wood income (the only non-infinite resource through his 2 shipped factorys). Those games are definetly not my cup of tea and can take up to over 3 hours. he simply creates a lot of cannons and puts some ranged units behind his walls only to see your units beeing crushed on his defence. He has no reason whatsoever to attack you and keeps working on his economy. There should be a reason to expand and to come out your own little base. These games are much more interesting as one has to balance military and economy.
I was assuming that because this is were most potential players are at. if you release a game for the really high end devices nearly noone will be able to play it (but after some time it'll get better) I think you could start by installing debian on virtualbox and limiting that virtual machine's ram to the devices ram and do the same with your cpu. This won't cover for the most important part though, the gpu yet I think it'll give you an idea.
well, we could make this optional. There will always be players who are in it for the fun and want eye-candy. They'll enjoy this a lot. The more competetive players will have an option to turn it of. Would it really interfere with the gameplay that much? units will indeed be harded to spot but you have still your minimap/hotkeys where I am relying on anyway.
I never suggested someone should port it to android... I was against it and you were a supporter of that idea I was only pointing out that we should see if it will be able to run it fluently. and while performance on android is going up it is still low. This was the only point I made... So, have you actually checked if it's possible to do this on the galaxy nexus?
I didn't post anything because arguing with you is extremely pointless. Android is an operating system exclusively used on tablets and phones. The phones have generally a 1 ghz processor and around 512mb ram. The tablets are a bit better but don't expect much. If you were trying to port the game to the android platform yet targetting desktop users then I supose it could work but your audience would be extremely limited. If you disagree then please explain what you are really trying to target with a port to the android platform instead of beeing useless -.- Thank you...
The reason I proposed a building is because I hate having to explore the whole map just for that one unit. If you however made it visible for all players on the map it would be even better. These gameplay types would indeed be great for multiplayers as in other rts's I'm getting bored at the usual rush/attack/(win or lose)
I like regicide a lot because it could make for some great gameplay. But then again, where is the fun in having to find 1 player on a whole large map? nearly impossible. I would replace the unit with a building you start with. Wonders would not really be very useful because by the time you can afford it I don't think you want to wait another 25 minutes, the time could be way shorter with the health of the building also way lower. The relics idea doesn't really seem to fit in the time/game and hardcore mode could be a bit chaotic. Nice thinking though
it is indeed irrelevant to know if the devices your trying to port a game to are capable of running the game. you're a really strange guy.
great, the ai gets rather slow when you're playing on a 4 player ffa. I really miss the techno and aging systems at this point but I'm assuming those will be a lot of work. Is there somewhere documentation on how to create your own random maps? (I hate javascript and would prefer it done in another language, is this possible/smart?)
finding out if a medium android phone/tablet is capable of running this -.- are you even reading this thread? If you want to you can start and try to port it, I'm not going to stop you. I was simply trying to express why I think it's not that great of an idea
Because porting it will take an enormous amount of time while my solution is way faster. I think you will see that if you don't end your game in 20 minutes the battles/raids from qbot will become a bit too big and it will start lagging enormously. Not to mention playing with 3 bots. But if you think it's worth the effort, who am I to stop you?
well, here goes another strat which doesn't make use of a forward base setting up a fortgather all given treasures with only 2 citizens. you should immediatly have enough resources to start building a fort. built it in front of your city center. Make 5 archers, 10 womens and some spearmans. If population becomes a problem, create a house or two. when your fort is up, try to create as soon as possible 2 rams. attacktry to keep constant archer production while your 2 rams are building. when they are created attack with all your wood gatherers and the two rams. while you are attacking, keep on producing new archers/spearman and put maybe even some woman on wood. This is just in case your attack fails (unlikely) or if he raids you (you were too slow ) attack his town center with the two rams and use your arches to destroy his army/workers Enjoy your victory
I agree ads would make the game look cheap. Even those options like "donate to get rid of ads" will never get me to donate I like the ability to choose, not beeing forced to. I think if someone really likes the game he will donate anyway. If we want money, then we should create more "visibility". If it wasn't for youtube I'd never found this. If ads do make it in the forums/site (which I would understand) then please let them be non-intrusive to avoid scaring people away.
^^ I really laughed my @#$% of when I saw the time after my game
For the 10 minute challenge you get way better times without forward base but simply creating a fort immediatly and producing 2 rams asap and sending all your wood gatherers (my army) with them. It'll be so fast qbot hasn't even created an army to raid you (this is actually blatantly stolen from you mythos ) At least that's how I've got under 10 minutes. Yet I still prefer the forward base because I hope to ever play multiplayer and there you can not assume your first attack will be succesfull. therefore it is important to be able to keep having a pretty strong economy at the cost of a delayed rush. This will change however with the phases. I really want them
So you were also planning to look at the specs of a medium-ranged android phone and simulate the game under these circumstances? Please try to figure out if it's worth the HUGE effort. While I love android and rts gaming I don't think it'll be a good idea.
Ow, without barracks/fortresses/forward cc it really will be slowed down considerably. I will however try to beat the odds When will phases be added to the game?
yes, I was planning to create some more guides. This is the first one I did because it resembles my aoe3 play strategy in some sense. I'm going to do a variety of things I'm used to do in other rts games and see how it works out in this game. I'm just a bit afraid of the aging system going to mes up most of the things I do