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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. You can texturize it to test, I left a link with the model.
  2. @Stan`@Freagarach sounds like a good idea for a patch, and even for performance. --------- Related post.
  3. I don't know who wants to help me with this. I'm going to do small 3D designs. I'm seeing what's missing. The other thing is to try to make eyecandy material with these elements. For example: This can work in Greco-Roman civic spaces. And in eyecandy elements Variations of things that we already have so as not to make everything so repetitive and more cultural details. the most pro 3D artists in the game don't always like props, or make new ones. In other cases it is only changing the texture and style so that it does not look like a copy-paste of other elements. in other cases new cultural elements. all this related to the topic of the eyecandy list.
  4. You should prepare changes to diff: Horse archer from , Elephant archer and Chariots
  5. @Quetzalcoatl We are not going to change anything. we can optionally not show it.
  6. Good textures. Could you find us patterns and symbols for fabrics and textiles? You have to differentiate the yurts of these towns with those from Asia.
  7. you live in the same state as Wowgetoffyoucellphone.
  8. @Lopess hagamos la textura ambos, tu pones el "place holder" ( textura provisional y yo rediseño en Photoshop las partes feas.( Lo perfeccionó). Me cuesta texturizar(me aburre de hecho). Te puedo dar referencias.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metate
  10. They were made of stone, in fact they are currently made of stone, there is one in my mother-in-law's house.
  11. I extracted it I just need to fix it up a bit.
  12. Ironically you can but as a prop point and it is generated randomly.
  13. first the mercenaries easy and then the mechanics of the camps.
  14. I can do the design and Wacky can integrate it, the problem is that wacky isn't very active lately, we can forget about it.
  15. but there is no texture for a pyramidoid yurt? I'm going to have to design one with what's available.
  16. @Lopess que props puedo integrar?
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